Written Portion.

The classrooms had been remolded after japanese classrooms. 4 columns, 5 desk in each row for a total of 20 students who could sit in this classroom. The classroom was bright, futuristic actually as even the desk were see through.

Orion sat down at his desk with his name on it, the location being...where the Mc would usually sit at in an anime. I ain't gonna be different on this one as it is lowkey the best seat. 'Seems that I'm..' Everyone was starring at him, 'The last person to arrive. Gah Dayum. Why they all starring so much..'

He took his seat and stared at the back of the person in front of him. What made him stare was the fact that the dude in front of him had white snakes on his back like a swordmans would a sword. They were also..whispering into his ears, the dude nodding at times.

'I forgot that this world had all sorts of weirdly designed people. I swear you could look like a Lego man in this world..' He looked around the room, admiring the characters. Some seemed irrelevant while others seemed involved with the plot.

As he judged who could be probably put up a good fight against him and who couldn't, the door of the classroom had opened, drawing the attention of everyone. With the smell of perfume hitting everyone's nose, the sound of clacking began.

"Good morning, future heroes.." Stern, yet playful. Wearing black heels and black see-through leggings, revealing her pale, yet white skin. She wore a black mini skirt with a black tucked in shirt. Her eyes were a darkish orange while her hair was a light purple.

Those features alone had made her an instant success with the guys of the room. Well, that and her huge assets. Her breast were atleast the size of a soccer ball, bouncing all around from the littlest of movements.

"My name is, Reiko. For some, I'll be one of your teachers here at 'Hero' while for others, we'll only have a few hours together.."

She arrived at a pedestal in front of the classroom, setting down the papers she had came in the room with. "Let's see...yep, everyones here. Great. I say we should begin, no?"

She nodded to the class who only stared back. 'Smh. She knows how alluring she looks. I say she wore that to distract us!'

She began passing the papers around, flipped over though to the white side of the paper. 'That means the test is single sided..' Reiko then started speaking as she went around, handing the tests out.

"The test is 10 questions long. You'll have approximately 2 hours to complete it. There will be no talking, no bathroom breaks, no none of that. Any questions..?"

When she stood next to Orion, she made sure to bend down far enough for him to get a glimpse of her cleavage in which he did. They were gleaming, shining so bright that Orion could see his reflection. 'They look...so soft.. I wanna touch 'em..'

She sat his paper down on the desk, but had missed it entirely, dropping it on the floor. "Oops.." She said with a giggled, turning around and completely bending over to get it. It was then when she started waging her behind, exciting Orion.

'Ah~... You can still smell the soap...and what's this? Purple panties..and you can see her camel toe as well!' To him, this entire sequence was slowed down, lasting forever essentially, but on the outside, she simply struggled to pick it up but then managed to do so, setting it down on his desk and apologizing.

"You good bru. You are perfect...ly fine.." Smiling, she walked away then back to the front of the classroom where she then pulled out her phone. "Remember class. No talking and most importantly, no cheating.

You should also keep in mind that each question answered will be worth 5 points while each missed question will be worth minus 10 points. Getting a negative 100 will result in an immediate disqualification from entering 'Hero'. You may now flip your page over.."

She started a timer on her phone. Some students were still lingering on her words, not knowing that's how the scoring system went for this test. Orion flipped his paper over, put his name and date on the sheet then read the first question in his head.

(What was the six thousandth, and seven hundred quirk brought into this world.)


He read it again.

'What? Is it asking...what the quirk was of the 6,700th person to ever have a quirk was? What the hell..?' He looked up and also saw people with the same confused expression as his. He then looked at the other questions.

(If X=2, what would Z be in <2x +5>)

'There.. is no Z. It's literally impossible to answer..'

(How many letters added up are in every word in the english dictionary.)

'Not impossible to answer, but useless to know.... Actually, I do know this one. 782,117. Yeah, when you're as smart as me, you tend to do the most randomness things with your knowledge.'

(Jake had 10 apples. He gives 3 to Haley. How many oranges does Richard have?)


(What is the exact number of cells in a human body.)

'I know this one as well..' The questions got odder and odder, none of them relating to heroes nor quirks at this point. 'Damn, this shit is hard... Whelp, feel bad for whoever isn't me. Questions confusing as hell, but then again, I have the powers of molecule man. I make the impossible, possible..'

And like that, he began answering the questions. Everyone heard him write as he was writing roughly on purpose to anger others. Even Reiko looked over from her chair, seeing how he was answering, then assuming he was writing random stuff, ultimately meaning he would fail.

Nobody had realized that someone in the room had the answer key, and Reiko knew no one realized this yet.

'And the kid was cute as well. A shame honestly..' She had even teased him a bit, hoping to motivate him, but in the end, it didn't work apparently.

'And...done..' Finishing, he turned his paper over, hiding his answers and making some snicker at him, looking back onto their own papers. 'The dude in the corner seat near the door...he has all the correct answers. I see now.

Was it a test that wanted us to cheat or something? Clever actually. Also, they put him in a position so looking back and at his paper would make it obvious that you're cheating, disqualifying you.'

Orion sat back, watching to see what some would do. It took a long while for some to develope a sense of cheating. One person had their right ear grow substantially large, allowing for him to hear how people wrote.

Another guy pulled out a mirror, checking himself out by putting the mirror up, fixing his hair to sell it. Wasn't agaiant the rules to have a mirror and what he was doing actually made it seem like he was just freshening up, but the reality of this was that he was angling the mirror to see answers.

'Oh? What's the snake guy doing..?' The snakes crawled through his clothes as he began putting his hands down to his side. The clothing area around his wrist ruffled but that's all. To others, maybe a small breeze had blown by.

Orion however could see that the snake were invisible, slithering towards the kid with the answer sheet. 'Interesting. How'd he know that the kid had the answer sheet though..' Reiko had then pointed a student, saying, "Joe Kids. You are eliminated for violating the rules.."

The class looked at him, causing him to cower and look all around while sweating. 'He was caught? Bro's hero career is deadass over..' Some guards had came in the room, escorting him out. "Cheating will no be permitted, class. Sorry for the interruption.."

She went back to smiling and the kids went back to cheating, this time however being more careful than ever. Orion then looked ahead at the white board. The board then became transparent, allowing him to look through walls.

What he saw were people in the other testing room, figuring out a way to cheat off the kid with the answer key. He also noticed that some kids, some in his own testing room as well, would try to take the test without actually cheating.

'Oh, I understand this twisted test now. Bassically, heroes have a image of being righteous and all that stuff. They'll put the people in this class into two categories. Those who represent such an ideal and those who don't.

We, the cheaters however, will be the ones to pass. We figured out the test was impossible to pass with standard means and cheating became our only option.

You have to know that everyone in this room thrives to be a hero. If we fail this test, that dream will diminish. We'd do anything, even going against the rules, to become heroes, showing the instructors our resolve even though there was a chance we'll be caught, meaning our careers would be over.

It's either we try, only to fail, or cheat, only to have a sliver of a chance to succeed.

I try sounding deep on this, but it really isn't. They just want us to bassically understand that nothing should stop us when wanting to do something such as accomplishing a dream or goal. Fight for it, grasp at it, take control of your idealism and run with it!'

Orion felt a little bad that all those kids who weren't cheating would fail for something that they were told not to do. 'Sigh... I'll help this one time. Hard watching others fail when you're succeeding. Makes you feel...off..' Time had went by and the 2 hours were eventually up.

"Pencils down. So, how was it? Easy, right?" She asked as she began walking around, collecting the papers. The students groaned, causing Reiko to giggle. "Well, just wait here and in a few minutes, you'll get a notification on that card of yours, saying whether or not you passed.."

The students nodded, some not worried about what they made while others felt like their career was over before it had even began. "Hey,.." The snake dude turned around. He had long black hair with white highlights on the ends of the strands of hair. His eyes had been slits, his left eye color being orange while his other being green.

"You...didn't cheat like the rest of, but you also didn't ssseem worried about what to answer on the test. Why..is that..?" The snakes had been on his back/shoulders, hissing at Orion a bit. "Not even gonna introduce yourself? Sort of rude bro.." Snake boy didn't expect this and so he had stared.

He kept starring and starring until he said, "Jin. Now tell me your sssecrets.." Like a generic snake character would, they exasurated words starting with S. "Jin. Okay then. My name is, Orion. Nice to meet you. It was all easy to me, that's all. I am the smartest person in the school after all.."

"Cocky,..huh? You called that easy? And to say you're the smartest person in the school is just stupid..." Orion shrugged while looking away. "Its true though. I even know about your little invisible friends and how they helped you cheat. Or how she switched around the letters on the test, making it so she could solve the questions.

He used that mirror which was secretly imported with technology, just allowing him to use Google instead of blatantly cheating..." As he began exposing how everyone cheated, he drew in the attention of everyone in the class. "I-Is he some spy or something..?"

They all murmured to themselves. "A teacher maybe? He outed all of us out just like that.." They then looked at Orion, waiting to see how he'll respond. "A teacher....nah.. I'm just someone who'll be number one that's all. Nothing something as small as this is nothing.." So casual and calm followed by his confusing words made them confused themself.

"Number one... As in, the next Stars and Stripes? Ha, what a joke!" They pointed and laughed at the frail looking boy. They thought that even a quirkless individual might have a better chance in becoming number one than he had.

"Yeah, well we'll see. We'll see.." Was all Orion said before a buzz went off in everyones pocket. Pulling out their I.D. cards, they looked at words next to their profile. 'It seems that I..' A smile had shown on his face followed by cheers from the class.

'It seems that I...'


(An: Ain't creative. D-Don't judge me!

Anyways, hope you had a good week and all. Mine was alright.)