Was There Any Doubt?

"Passed! I knew this test would be nothin' much for him!" Cathleen cheered while looking at Orion's profile, the values, (1/2), next to it, meaning he passed the written part and would be taking the second part in a while.

"How the hell...did he know all of those answers? His answers....are actually more accurate than ours. This is just..." Cathleen laughed at the teachers who were really starting to understand Orion's ability.

They even saw where he exposed everyone for how they cheated and said with full confidence that he's the smartest candidate there. "He can say he's smart and all, but what I really wanna see is him fight. He took down the slime villain, right?" Cathleen shrugged, reminding them all of his abilites and powers.

"Sorry, I shouldn't say this, but...no other student will come close to getting on his level of strength. Orion himself knows how overpowered he is, going as far as to hold back agaisnt the students to give them a chance and to just have fun..."

The teachers stared at his profile. They didn't talk and were all in their own personal thoughts. 'We shouldn't really complain. He can inspire students to become stronger versions of themself when presented with the opportunity..'

Orion already told them that he strives to be the next number one. All Orion had to do now was show them his powers and they'll see how far apart he is from the rest of them. This could either inspire a student or trample on their dreams of being a hero.

"The next test will show us the powers the students hold. Let's get this started already.." Cathleen said and the others nodded, readying themself to see the next generation of heroes.


"Man...I thought I was gonna fail.. Luckily, I happened to sit next to the person with the answers and what's even crazier is that I cooled them down earlier! They swapped our papers, making me pass just like that!"

Arthur had explained to him as they were eating in a cafeteria full of people. They had a 30 minute lunch break and after would be going into the free for all.

"Really? Well, congratulations on passing anyways. Just one more test and we'll finally be heroes in training!"

Orion took a sip of apple juice after saying that. "Speaking of that test, the free for all, you're...not gonna hold back more than usual, right?" Arthur thought that because they were friends, Orion would go extra easy on him. Though, he knew that wasn't the case..

"I'm gonna embarrass you, Arthur."

Arthur sighed, nodding in the process. 'I act like a sort of test dummy in Orion's eyes. He always uses me for his experiments and I have to take them without complaint...'

Like this one time where Orion turned Arthur into a girl for...research purposes. Or that time when he turned Arthur into tampon and put him in some random women's purse.

'April fools day... He went too far that time. Did enjoy it though..'

"Well, you can try, but your cockiness has been spread throughout the entire school. Before you get to me, you'll probably have to fight off an army of students.."

A lot of people wanted the title of number one for various reasons. Hearing that frail kid with a big ego wanted that title too angered some.

"Ah, you're right. Guess I'll embarrass those people as well, then come after you. Hey, you always wanted to be more manly, right? I could give you the muscles of a gorilla if you want. Shi..I could even make you a women again. Didn't you say that..."

Arthur blinked in a dramatic manner, ultimately ignoring his words and taking the vibrating card out his pocket.

Everyone in the lunch room had done this, checking the notification. "" It said on Orions. "" Was what Arthur's said.

Students had directions like these, some saying go west, east, northwest, southeast, etc. "Guess this mean we won't be fighting all together then. Got lucky this time, Arthur.."

They both got up with smiles, the other students in the cafeteria angered that they couldn't even get a full 30 minute break.

"Yeah, unlucky, Orion. Maybe next time though.." He laughed at Orion, beginning to walk away as a timer had been set for 5 minutes on everyone's card.

If you don't arrive in that amount of time, you'll have 10 points reducted from your current score. "Alright now, Arthur. You better be on top over there in your area! I'll certainly be in mine!"

He nodded, not looking back at Orion. 'Could never hide how nervous you were. We'll be fine though. I'd like to see how people will react to that steam wave of yours..'

Orion shaped the molecules in front of him into a huge oval. Walking through It allowed for teleportation, getting him to the northern district in an instant.

Getting there, he noticed it was a city. A fake one I mean. Perfectly replicated buildings, grey in color, made up of concrete and other materials. It was essentially like he was standing in a miniature city of miami.

"This might as well be a whole city! I wonder if the other districts are like this as well!" Orion heard the voices of people coming up behind him, full of excitement. The people seemed to come towards Orion as he was the only person there.

They floated around him, talking to other contestants though. 'Oh, would you look at that. Its Miya. Wonder how she cheated..' As he was going to walk over towards her, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking back, he had saw Jin.

"I ssseee that we're in the sssame testing zone.." He said to Orion who had turned around to face Jin. Jin wore clothes that consisted of black pants and shoes followed by a white baggy hoodie. He would usually have his hands rested in the hoodie provided pocket.

"We are, huh? Guess that means I'll have to fight you. Good luck.."

"You..and your jokes..." He was sort of quite, seemingly shy. Orion had then started walking away and to Miya but just as he was about to reach her, he was stopped.

'What the hell... Why is such a young girl here..?' There was a girl who looked 8 standing in front of him, wearing Egyptian Royal clothing, plated in gold.

She had long glossy purple hair, styled with bangs. Her eyes were light green as well with rosey cheeks and a cute little fang. "Uhm...do I...know you?" Orion asked, bending down to match her height.

She also had cat ears and a orange tail to match. "U-Uhm..." She had a voice that'd be annoying to hear for most people, but Orion just found it cute. 'Why does she seem familiar though? Have we actually met before..?'

"Thank you.. for not reporting me!" Was all she said before cutely running away with an embarrassed expression. Everyone watching this go down had been confused, Orion being no exception.

Confusion had soon made him stare, sand from the ground following close behind the kid as she ran away covering her face.

'The girl...who was getting robbed last night? No, that can't be, can it? The girl then was taller, more brutal and devil like. This kid...shes just a kid! There's no way..' Miya had then came up to him, standing over the confused Orion.

"Who was the kid?" He snapped out of it, shrugging and looking at the kid who was now hiding behind bushes, biting her nails anxiously. "Probably a test examine like us, duh. I don't know her personally however.." A horn had rung, grabbing the attention of the students.

"The rules and regulation of this FFA are quite simple. No killing is an obvious one. Anything else however is allowed. When a person defeats another candidate, 5 points will be rewarded to their over all score. If you are defeated, you lose twenty points from whatever your current score had been. 60 points is the bare minimum to enroll here at 'Hero'. Further complaints/questions can be asked after the time allotted, 10 minutes.

You may now,..BEGIN!"

A siren like the purge was happening sounded throughout all their ears. 'Starts now? Such a small heads up..' People screamed and began running away in all sorts of random directions. Orion, Miya, and Jin however stayed.

Jin and Miya seemed to stare at Orion though, looking at him like he was a bounty of sorts. "Uh, guys? Not likin' how you stare at me to be honest..." They had then looked at each other, then back at Orion. "You had this coming." Miya said and whipped put her sniper.

"Being overconfident was your downfall.." The snakes on Jin's shoulder had hissed aggressively. "Ah, I see. So I'll be the first person to be defeated, eh?" Orion sighed as they started stepping closer to him. "That's fine, that's fine. Just don't regret it later on.."

Miya, Jin, had frowned, having enough of his easy going attitude and...
