Guess I'll Show Off A Little. Yeah?

Miya Quinn. Quirk, [Sfaírakinesis] The user of this quirk are able to manipulate bullets by using minor telekinesis.

She had pulled out a casing of sniper bullets and loaded them into the magazine of the sniper. 'She' age, right? Her techniques far surpass the normal standards of her age..' He watched as she slowly began circling him, keeping her eye on the scope.

[Jin Lore. Quirk, [Snake Physiology] The user of this quirk are able to control snakes and take on their characteristics.

The snakes on each of his shoulders had started traveling up his neck and around his face. Jin had then opened his mouth, and the snakes slithered inside, causing him to gag a bit. 'Interesting...' Orion had thought as he continues to stare at Jin.

The snakes traveled all throughout his body until they found his heart. It was then that they bit it, causing veins to emerge on Jins face. 'This'll ssshow you how far apart we are, Orion. You put this one yourself..'

He thought as his arms tucked into his body, a disgusting scene to see. His legs had then came together, his figure now growing larger and slimmer.

His hoodie turned tough and scale like as his legs began turning into a single point. His face had also went into his body, only to pop out a second later, revealing a snake like head, silver in color. 'This is just..' Looking at his final form, Orion stared up at the 8 meter snake.


"Nervous? Are you getting, nervous?" Miya asked with a smirk. She was just glad that she wasn't on the snakes bad side. "Nervous..?" Orion said, beginning to stretch. Seeing that he was still so calm angered the snake deeply, but it still waited to attack.

"Why would nervous? You guys...don't think you're intimidating me, right?" Miya scrunched her right point finger, the sound of a booming gun shot going off. The bullet spiraled out the barrel of the sniper, speeding towards Orion.

The snake had seemingly turned invisible from the loud boom, hissing at both Miya and Orion. 'Is she trying to kill me? Its heading right toward my heart..' Orion turned towards the bullet and watched as it spiralled, cutting through the air. 'And look at that..'

Miya had a triumphant smile on her face, one like she already won the battle. 'A shame... The battle had only just begun...' When in close enough range to him, he caught the bullet, turning it to powder in an instant.

'Wha-?' Miya had felt the connecting with the bullet diminish the moment Orion seemly caught the bullet.

'That...shouldn't be possible. He not only caught it,..but broke our connection?' Orion opened his bawled fist, and the powder flew out, mixing with the air. 'It must be his quirk... Molecule manipulation was it? If I can remember, that allows for him to bassically make reality as he sees fit..'

She gritted her teeth, Orion resting his hands in his pockets. "Told ya. You..." The snake revealed itself behind Orion and went down on him. It opened its mouth so wide that a car would easily fit inside of it.

Orion simply put his hand back, and a metal rod shot out, penetrating the back of its throat and making it fall limp onto the ground behind him. "Or him aren't a good enough match for me. I'm just that much stronger.."

Orion had vanished and appeared in front of the perplexed Miya. 'He easily defeated him? Are they,..dead?' She gritted her teeth and let out a war cry. She used the sniper as a sort of makeshift dagger and began stabbing at him.

Orion swiftly danced around her, saying things like, "Is that it? Surely you can do more than this.." She wasn't one to easily give into others ridiculeness, but something about him made her blood boil. Was it that she was getting mocked by him?

Or the fact that he could have been finished this battle a long time ago, and was only playing with her. 'He can create anything he wants. Do anything he wants. Why be a hero then? Why act weak when you know you could solve any problem....'

She jabbed at his chest and Orion moved to right, the barrel of the sniper hitting air. He then placed his right hand on the sniper, turning it into a lamp.

"Finally starting to get it, huh? Me and you aren't on the same level, Miya. You may think your special with all that military training, but compared to me, it's nothing..."

Adept in 10,000 forms of martial arts, hundreds of thousands of techniques in each art, Orion wasn't an ordinary opponent. Though he doesn't show it off in battle, his instincts come in handy, helping him move swiftly and think clearly in life or death situations.

Military training out of a hundred percent of what he could do could only be accounted for point 000000000000000000000001 percent of what he could actually do. He knew all the techniques and skills they used to take down opponents.

All the tactics he saw Miya use was already in his head, making him feel as if he was a prophet becuase he saw all of her moves before inside his dome. "Though..." She swung at his head with the lamp, but he only ducked under it, delivering a kick to her stomach.

She was sent flying back a few feet, landing perfectly on a bench, slumping down on it. 'He's too...' She held her stomach, realizing she was bleeding. "Come on. We aren't done here, right?" He walked up to the bench, constructed a sniper from thin air and laid it next to her.

""('He's just too strong...') Both their phones instanly vibrated, alloting Orion with 5 points and taking away 20 from her points. "Wow... You gave up so easily. Didn't you say I had something coming. What exactly was that again? Was it me taking your points?"

She didn't respond, only looking down. "Man... You're lucky I like your body so much. I'm gonna heal you alright? So get those twenty points back plus an extra 10, so we'll be able to see each other in the future, okay?"

She kept quiet as he started healing her. 'Is that dude just gonna keep starring at me? If he wants to fight, I'll give him one..' After he healed her, he gave her the sniper back, lying it on her thick laps. "You know, I can teach you some things that I know. You have the body for it and-"

"Hey, behind you!" In the air behind him, there had been a shadowy figure with domonic red eyes. It came down on him as he kept talking. "I have the necessary parts to teach you them.." Like a bomb had landed, smoke went up as well.

Miya groaned, putting her head up see a red eye starring into her soul. As the smoke cleared up, you could see Orion sitting on the persons back, not a care in the world. "I think we'll be really compatible, y'know. You ain't the dominant type of woman though, are you? I hate pain.."

The person, anger by such humiliation, quickly got up and so did Orion and in the same motion had screamed, throwing a punch towards his face. Orion caught the punch, locking their fingers in the process.

Orio jerked the arm off, causing the person to fall forward into a roll as Orion vanished and reappeared a bit away. The man then started attacking Orion no stop, kicking at his face, but Orion would just teleport a bit away.

Punching at Orion's chest, but he just teleported a bit away. One last time, he tried punching his face again, but Orion simply moved his head out the way, causing the person to hunch over a bit from the missed punch. Orion, now leaning on their back, had slowly started moving his head closer to his ear.

Mustering up the most playful yet condescending voice he could, he said,

"Since all these people are watching, I think I'll show off a little bit. Yeah?"

The person swung their left arm back, hoping to hit Orion, who had vanished, and reappeared in front of him. The person threw their left fist out, but Orion ducked under it, mounvering his way to their backside where he grabbed their right arm, twirled them around and then himself, used his right elbow and jabbed him in the face.

The person did a quick 360, floating up into the air with the previous momentum. 'Unbelievably fast..? he..?' The person thought as Orion whipped the air, sending a air current at the man, ultimately sending him flying into a distant metalic rail.

"So you are strong, huh..." The person laughed as he unhinged himself from the rail and started running at Orion again. "I know now not to underestimate you!" He jumped up and came back down, the sound of rubble being broke resounding throughout the area as smoke came back up.

Waving away the smoke, the person started speaking again. "Though, you're weak compared to me, so it doesn't matter-." His eyes had widen upon seeing Orion standing there with a huge grin, Miya sitting down next to him with her sniper in hand, looking around, wondering how she had gotten there.

"Man, that was fun! But, I feel as if someone's powers is coming to an end.."

The persons heart had thumped, followed by a sudden drowsiness. 'Damn it, kid! Why the hell do you wanna come' They closed their eyes, which had been 4 but changed to two, an entirely different expression now on their face as their eyes opened.

"Ah, sorry about that..." They had spoke to Orion in a casual, yet timid manner. Not like he just had his ass handed to him or nothin'. "Yeah, you cool. Thanks for the fight."

The person had short pink hair, brown eyes and a sort of muscular build. They were only wearing pants right now and a leather belt.

Looking at Miya, Orion could see that she was too stunned to speak. She's never seen someone fight like that before. Her nor the other kids watching and the teachers as well.

"Cathleen, picked a monster. Jeez.." She laughed it off, replaying the scene of the fight once again ona huge monitor.

"He didn't even use his quirk on them. Straight disrespectful if you ask me.."

Hiding behind some bushes, the little girl who approached Orion earlier had been starring with sparkles in her eyes. 'He could have easily... That's it, I've decided! He's the one!' She dried her wet nails and sat up, only to started running away.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for me right here and now, Miya. Go ahead, I won't stop you.." He extended his hand out to her, but she hit it away, getting up on her own. "Your jokes aren't funny. Excuse me.." She scoped into her sniper and started blastin'.

Her phone went off multiple times, meaning she had been taking down other examiness. 'I didn't get any points from our battle just then. Guess that means I didn't really defeat him...' Orion had then looked at Jin, seeing him emerge from the back of the snake in mucus.

'He's like a titan shifter in that snake. That why I wasn't so worried about what I did..' He got 5 points off Jin and now, he was able to pass. "You're...ssso strong, Orion. I've never been defeated ssso quickly and easily before.."

The metal rod also had ice elements in it, slowing his regeneration down. "Ah, well you might not expect it again if you don't get those 30 points. Though, I take it you don't want to experience that again, right..?"

Jin faintly smiled, shaking his head in the process. "It just means that I'll have to get ssstronger. I'm fine with that.." Orion smiled even wider upon hearing that answer, going as far as to put his thumb out and say, "I hope to be classmates with you in the future!"

And like that, the chapter had ended becuase the Author doesn't know what else to type.


(An: I'm alive. Hope you liked chapter.)