In a medieval type dungeon, there had been a old man in pajamas, a white rob and slippers. Chains had been wrapped around his torso, limiting his movements. Seeing the man and his style of clothing, you could guess that he was a mental patient.
His long, wise, white beard made him seem more entitled to this title.
"Hehehe. Seems like my time is up, huh?" The old man laughed as his bare toes played with themselves. "I'll finally be able to get out of these shackles and stretch my legs once again.." As he said that, he stood up, breaking the chains with no effort.
A blaring alarm went off and guards soon came in, not saying a word and repeatedly stabbing the man with spears which electrocuted him as well. "More..." The man moaned from the pain. "MORE!!" He had fully busted before falling to the ground and deciding to sleep.
The two men with stafs who were in grey hazmat uniforms stared at each other, one saying, "He hasn't moved an inch since world war 3. It must be time.." They sighed, the other guy saying, "Hundreds of years of isolation.. Let's get out of here. Don't want his vodou.."
"Agreed.." And like that, the men had left the dark and isolated room. The man sleeping on the floor, wet stain by his crotch, smiling as happy as one could be while he slept, had murmured something.
'What's coming
10 minute earlier...
Arthur arrived in the southern district, admiring how realistic the fake city had been. 'And they have these all over the island? Cool...' He thought, noticing that multiple people have arrived behind him. Some looked cool, others looked mysterious, there was only a select few who looked like a typical extra.
"Hey...isn't that him? The guy who's friends with the dude with the big ego?"
"It is, isn't it? Hey, maybe we should target him, beat him, so his friends pride will be hurt."
"Yeah, let's do that.."
He heard murmurs from these two people behind him. They had been people in Orion's testing room, jealous of him since he got to see their testing instructor bend over and be so close to their ass. They were twins, having no noticable features except for being nerdy and ugly.
Sorry if I offended anyone. If it makes you happier, I sort of described myself.
Anyways, back to actuall narration, upon hearing them speak like that, he sighed, remembering that cocky attitude Orion weirdly develops whenever a fight was about to go on which had most definitely influenced the two boys anger.
As Orion and Arthur entered the cafeteria to eat a little while before, Orion stopped everyone, stood on top of a table and said,
"Everyone, while I'm here, you'll never be ahead of me in any aspect. Thank you for your peace.."
And sat down at that very same table, Arthur joining behind him while hiding his face. It was everyones first day and yet, they some how made a common enemy.
'I was told he wasn't always like this. He used to bassically shy away from battles when he was a child, but obviously not anymore. I wonder why..' Arthur, like everyone else, had then heard a loud alarm go off, followed by someone speaking on a intercom.
"The rules and regulation of this FFA are quite simple. No killing is an obvious one. Anything else however is allowed. When a person defeats another candidate, 5 points will be rewarded to their over all score. If you are defeated, you lose twenty points from whatever your current score had been. 60 points is the bare minimum to enroll here at 'Hero'. Further complaints/questions can be asked after the time allotted, 10 minutes.
You may now,..BEGIN!"
Being so sudden, most had just stood there, looking like idiots, the purge like siren only creating more tension. "Get him!" One twin pointed at Arthur and the other quickly nodded. It was then that twin B, the one who wasn't pointing, right eye had fallen out of their socket.
It made a chill go down Arthur's spine as he began backing up, twin B's eye ball falling onto the ground with a handle at the end of the vein like core which connected the eye to its socket.
A flail had been made. A flail had been a weapon with a mace and handle connected by a chain. In this case however, the mace had been the eye, the handle being a bone and the chain being the string that was connected to the eye socket and eye.
Twin A, the one who was pointing had their left arm pop off and stiffen, acting as a makeshift staff. "You can't be defeated by us, right?! Right?! It'll ruin that big ass ego that friend of yours has!" Twin B had threw the eye out at fast speeds.
It was a little slower than a bullet, but still, fast. 'They can say he had a big ego and all, but well, he gloats all he wants to as no one will stop him. And now, in this moment, if I lose to people like this, it'll not be embarrassing to me, but disrespectful towards Orion..'
Twin A stayed back as he was an analyst while Twin B laughed. 'With my eye being out of my socket like this, it allows for me to have a wide range of vision! With my brothers smarts and my ability to perceive things greater than the normal human eye, we are unstoppable!'
Time resumed normally and the eye socket was the only thing seen in Arthur's eye. Being 3 inches away from his face, his body reacted by his hand doing a swatting motion, causing the temperature to drop. Twin B had felt an icy chill go throughout his whole being, rendering him unconscious.
His body fell slump to the floor, making Twin A visibly gasp. From the cramp ice box surrounding Arthur to growing ice on the cord of eye socket which would sooner or later reach Twin B's body, freezing him completely.
"You... You hurt my brother! How dare you!" He pointed at the ice box, holding his brother in his arms. Inside the small ice box, Arthue looked at the froze eye. 'Ice Defense. This box of ice will appear around me if I ever get snuck, sneak attacked basically.
If attacks are faster than I am however, this passive defense won't be so...passive..' He grabbed the cord that connected the socket and the eye, yanking it. It easily came off as he then threw it onto the ground.
It shattered into pieces, the ice box melting down into a liquid state and watering his ankles and everything under that point.
"And...and you took away his eye! That's illegal!" If Twin B couldn't regrow his eye, Arhtur bassically just made a man quirkless. "You'll pay for this!" Twin A was crying as he sluggishly threw his staff of an arm. Arthur easily dodged by moving his head to the side.
"A world where only the strong can survive. This was...meant to be.." He placed his hands on the back of his head and turned around, only to see someone standing over him, showing a scrunched up face and carrying a frown.
The face could scare God himself and Arthur wasn't an expectation, falling onto his butt. 'A-A devil!' He thought as her face reverted back to normal, showing a small smile. "Yes, a world where only those who are strong can survive in. You're right.."
A beautiful young woman with light red hair that was tied up into a pony tail, her bangs just stopping above her eye brows. Single strands of hair that rested on the side of her perfectly shaped head. Yellow eyes with red halos in them.
"And that's why, I'll eradicate all of you from this competition because I...I only see weaklings.." She smiled deeper, making Arthur gulp and jump up into a backflip, landing softly on the ground, now a few feet away.
'She speaks like Orion. All playful yet calm without a care in the world. That being said though, she scares me!'
He gulped louder as sweat began appearing on his face. She then began raising her right hand. "There's another candidate who deserves to enter this school. When I meet him, I hope he'll put up a good fight.."
Wind began to circulate throughout the area and seemingly onto the top of her pointed index finger which she now had held up.
'She wants to fight...Orion? And just because we're seemingly weak, she wants to cut us off from the competition? That's bull..' The sleeve on his left shoulder began to burn away while the one on his right became as stiff as ice.
"Hm? It's useless to attack little boy..." As the wind flew around her finger, the transparent wind became red. "You seem a friend of mine. But even then, he has a weakness just like everyone. I wouldn't be so cocky lady..."
The inside of his body being half on fire and half in an icy hell had been merging. Merging together allows Arhtur an increase in all aspects such as strength, speed, durability and so on.
"Weakness..?" She started laughing. Her laughter became maniacal as she hunched over a bit, the faded red orb hovering over her finger tip turning bright red in an instant.
"I've...never known of the word..."
A red flash went off from the orb, encasing Arthur in it. The feeling of being expanded overwhelmed him, making him foam. 'S..' He couldn't think anymore as a massive gust of wind blew him backwards, decimating the ground and buildings he passed by.
A huge portion of the city was destroyed in seconds from a single attack, catching the attention of many teachers and students. "Uhm...who the hell is she?" The hippy asked, bringing up her profile.
[Rin Skies. Quirk,
"Not much is known about her or most other contestants besides the fact that they all applied here in one year earlier time. What we've seen from her so far is being able to condense space into an orb, and like a bottle of coke would when a mento is placed in it, explode into one large attack, capable of destroying cities if not controlled."
"Sheesh... So someone who can manipulate infinity and someone who could manipulate molecules. That's two people with the power over a universal substance. Scary.."
As Rin stood there, slowly putting her finger down, not a care in the world, Arthur had been healing his broken limbs. 'This is much more than what I've seen from Orion, attack wise. He's never shown me anything that could destroy half a city..'
Though since the city was small, that puts her at about town level.
'If I didn't strengthen my body, I would have broken way more than an arm...' Pillars of ice came up from off the ground, pushing the surrounding rubble up into the air. Twin A and B were lying unconscious, seemingly dead yet alive.
'Sort of want to seem them fight. A female version of Orion is scary, but cool.. Hot as well, though she's too much for me to handle..' As he though that, Rin had seemingly appeared in front of him, surprising him for a moment before he quickly regained his composure.
"Oh? You're conscious? How wonderful.." He jumped at her, pulling his right fist back only to sling it out a moment later. As his fist was coming at her face, it simply, stopped. 'Wha..?' Like there had been some sort of invisible barrier around her.
"The closer you get, the slower you become..." She explained with a chuckle. 'That's...crazy! What the hell is quirk?!' She had intertwined her fingers with his, raised him up into the air and with a calm and smoothing smile, planted her right fist into his stomach.
He coughed out blood which went towards her face but was stopped by the barrier. 'Fast.. Too fast...' He thought while being on the verge of passing out. "Don't go passing out just yet. You've proved to be a strong warrior. I like that.."
She shoved her palm into his stomach repeatedly, each time being more painful and stronger than the last. 'My insides feel like they're about to explode...' She undid their hands as he slowly drifted in the air.
She then went on to do a quick 360, and kicking him in the side of his stomach, sending him to fly back into the same rubble he got up from. 'No..' Passing out now with only 5 minutes left,...
He wouldn't have time to get any points to pass.
'I can't..' He tried healing himself, but the mental pain was still too much for him. 'All his efforts...' Black and reality began to flash in his eyes. ' efforts..' He saw a disappointed Orion looking at him, making his eyes brighten.
"Man...I wasn't really planning on showing up, but sheesh, you gettin' yo ass handed to you on a silver platter. Figured I'd step in and stuff..." Orion got him back up on his feet, healing Arthur in the process.
'It's him..' Rin smirked, wanting to introduce herself on the spot, but stopping as death's door came knocking in her ear. If she were to speak now, she fears that a hand might go through her stomach.
"O..rion? What the... What the hell are you doing here?"
"Hm? Didn't I just tell you? Well, I'll remind you again. I'm here to help you. Ain't finna have all my efforts go to waste. Do you know how much time I've put into you? Nights without my moms..." He stopped himself with a cough to not embarrassed himself.
'Smh. He came all the way here...jus to help me. I'm such a..'
"But hey,.." Orion placed his hand on Arthur's head, smiling. "You lead me to someone strong. I was getting bored collecting points in my testing zone. Got like 300, I think.."
Rin watched the weird encounter, asking herself why a guy would be doing that to another. 'He acknowledges me however. That's all that matters..' Orion, turning towards Rin had then started stretching.
"We got about 4 minutes lady. Sorry to say, but since you sort of embarrassed my friend, I'll have to do the same to you. No hard feelings, right?"
"No, not at all. In fact, please don't hold back. I like a challenge.." She crouched down a bit while putting her right leg out, her right arm as well and her left hand just by her face. Her hands had been straightened out like a blade.
Finishing his stretching, Orion looked up at a camera on a broken street light. 'I'll show you guys one more thing in my arsenal.' Though he didn't say it outloud, his look alone spoke for him.
"Show me what you've got,..Orion!" She darted at him.
"How do you know my name..?" He asked, standing there and admiring her awe inspiring boobs.
'Damn it, Arthur. Don't say my government name aloud like that..'
(An: 4 days, right? Jeez...
Anyways, imma be honest and say I had writers block over the last few days. Don't got it anymore, so uh...yeah!)