America's Trump Card.

"The second test is now complete. Students should report to the auditorium for their results."

The voice on the intercom had said. The exam was now finished. Some knew they had passed, judging by their fruitful expressions while others knew they failed, judging by their saddened expression. That being said however, they all couldn't help but stare at these certain two people.

Seeing the position they were in, Orion should have been in jail by now, but since it was from their fight, was fine. "I...submit..." Rin said, looking up at Orion.

She was belly down on the ground while he was sitting on her back facing forward, having his right hand on the front of her neck.

She had been beaten up badly as her clothes were ripped, blood came down from her head, ears and nose, her overall appearance looking like that of an abused woman in an abusive relationship.

"Bro, why didn't you use your quirk? You just let me hit you.." He saw how Arthur's punch stopped just before reaching her, but why didn't his? That's not fair... "I...did... You just overwhelmed it with raw strength.."

She spat out a bloody tooth, grinning towards Orion. "O... Whelp, my fault. Thought you'd be strong enough to take it. Why'd you have to be such a let down...." She had arched her back a bit, letting out a chuckle. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be sure to put up a better fight next time..."

Orion got up off her back, tucking his shirt down to hide his erection. 'So yeah, the closer you get to her, the slower you become You don't stop, but you do reach of state where it seems like your paused. Pretty cool ability. I personally never thought of manipulating infinity like this.'

He had to give her props and so, he pulled his phone out to take pictures of her plump, perfectly rounded butt. Watching from the side lines, Arthur sighed while others called him a freak and or weirdo.

"Please don't take pictures... I'm in such a shameless state. It's embarrassing.." Even though she said that, she started posing, even putting up peace signs. "Yeah, yeah. It's my reward for winning this little bout. Hey, spread them legs more. Keep on teasing me and shi.."

A loud alarm had then went off followed by the words, "Orion Jewels. Please report to the faculty room at once." The voice of Cathleen caught his attention, putting his phone away and keeping his hands in his pockets.

The crowd of candidates 'Ooed' like he was just called to the principles office. "They probably have the cops for you, Orion. Good luck.." Arthur sarcastically said as Orion subconsciously helped up Rin, wrapping a jacket around her.

"Speaking of luck, you just barely made it, didn't you? You were smart enough to go after the people who were watching out battle..."('Bro snuck about 10 people...)

"You're right. I did get lucky. Once again, you saved my behind. Thank you.." He embarrassingly scratched the back of his head, showing a forced yet much appreciated smile.

"No problem bro. I'll always help you, even if you don't want me to. That's what friends are for, right?"

He flicked Arthur's head back using his finger, laughing while walking away. Arthur held his forehead as he and all the other student candidates in each and every district began walking towards the auditorium.

They knew the layout of the entire island as their I.D. card provided a slideshow, telling them of the locations of different places as well as small descriptions of that specific place. After walking for a while, he stood in front of a door inside of a long lit hallway.

'Wonder why they called me here though. Is there an actuall reward for being first place?' He didn't knock to enter and so the adults sitting at a long table became sort of flustered, posturing themselves and putting on smiles.

"Orion Jewels. Please, come in...?" He was already walking in, even going as far as taking an empty seat at the oval shaped table, causing some to whisper to their colleagues. "Orion, kid. Stop being so disrespectful towards your elders. You represent me, y'know?"

Cathleen spoke with her eyes closed and her arms crossed. Since she had been the number one and down right just a cool person, she sat at the head of the table. "Ah, my bad. Ahem, my names, Orion. Did you guys enjoy the show?"

He looked around, saying "Hm? Cool, right?", the teachers somewhat agreeing. After some time, everyone had quieted down and so Cathleen began speaking. "Orion. The reason we called you in here was to partly congratulate you. Never in 'Hero' history has anyone ever gotten a score like yours.

Three hundred and 50 points is something to be proud of. You showed all of us that you deserve to be in this school more than the other candidates..."

They started clapping, saying, "Good job." or "Well done kid." Getting praised by these teachers/heroes embarrassed him, causing him to awkwardly laugh while rubbing the back of his head.

"Aye, well, you know. I tried my best is all. Sure other students could have achieve my score if they really put the effort into it.."

Cathleen satisfyingly smiled at his modest words as the other teachers did as well. Her smile however soon turned into a frown as her expression darkened. Orion had noticed the sudden switch in atmosphere, calm, to a cold one that harbored regret.

"You did so well in fact that...that us, as teachers and as heroes came to a ground breaking decision.." The person who had been sitting in the shadow of the corners came out and stood next to Cathleen. He was old, had white hair and a white wise beard to match.

His clothing made it seem like he came straight out the psych ward however. 'Damn...this dude...' The aura he gave off was on the same level as Cathleen, meaning he was on her level of strength or stronger.

"This man,..his name is, Xp. While he looks weak and frail, you've probably already guessed that he's about as strong as me..." She stopped to let him take in what she had been saying so far. He did, signaling that she could continue by nodding.

"As I've already told you, I'm am the Ninth Number One Of America. But what I haven't told you is that every number one,...has a number two, someone who could rival them in strength. Like a protege in a way. Since he could rival me, a Number One Hero, he has to be locked up for security and safety reasons.."

She stood up, placing her hand on the old mans shoulder. "But, not only is he my protege, he's also America's secret weapon in times of war, in case something happens to me, y'know?" Orion nodded, not truly knowing where this conversation was going.

"Orion,, like a few other people, will be apart of a new program that America has implemented. You'll be known as, < The Watchers>. People who'll be specially trained in times for war.." Since America always wanted to be ahead of other countries and stuff by any means neccessary, they came up with this program.

Instead of having a man in the dark just wating for a war to break out, they decided why not make a team that'll fight for America AND represent it as well. Making an unknown entity number one after the current dies isn't a smart idea as the public might retaliate, saying another deserves the spot.

"As long as I'll meet strong people, I'm in. Though, I still don't understand why ol' dude came out of his hole. Was it to train us or something? Will he.."

"You see," Cathleen interrupted, "His quirk allows for him to take the experience of others, being able to transfer it as well. Orion, there's a Grade S secret that only a few people in the world know of.." The other teachers got up and began leaving, Reiko winking at Orion as she left.

Once the room only contained Cathleen, Orion and Xp, she continued. "Quirks...they came into play a little over a hundred years ago. Or so, that's what everyone thinks. Truth is, quirks, superpowers, have been a thing since the creation of the universe.."

Adam was the first man born with a quirk. His allowed for him to perfectly copy anything he sets his eyes on. '....What?' Orion thought to himself, cocking his head back and squinting his eyes. 'That's... Well, damn. Uhm,...don't know how to react to this really.

We've always had quirks...since the dawn of time... How though? They've only existed since a century ago. What was humanity even like before that point..?'

"But like all things, greed, jealousy and hatred over came a certain person and so they, being born with a quirk that stop others from developing them, decided to use their powers to turn people into humans, beings without any power. This man,..he's thousands of years old, hiding in the shadows since the dark ages, seeing everything, knowing everything.

When he thinks are ready, he'll impart memories in you and finally, die.." She had reached the end of her speech by letting the old man speak. "I've seen your prowess, and can infer that can stop 'That Man'.." He sounded wise, almost young, but being so old had caused him to speak dryly.

Shakingly putting his hand up, he pointed at Orion who seemed intrigued. "You can free me from this curse... I've waited a hundred years to find someone with potential and not only you but 4 others have it. I can die peacefully now. Thank you, kid.."

He bowed, praying as well. "'re welcome, old man?" He said awkwardly, beginning to process all that had been said to him. From being a secret weapon America would use for war to having to stop some million year old villain.

'Should be fun though...' So what if he was being used by the Government. Orion had only been in it for the fun and action, and since he was being a hero by helping his country, it works out. 'Maybe I'll be able to go to other parts of the world and fight even stronger people..'

"It's a lot to take in, I know.." She placed her hand on his shoulder, bending down to match his height. "You don't have to do this, Orion. It's yours and your choice only. What'll you do, kid?" She had a slight incline to his answer, but still, she wanted to make sure that his decision was his and his only.

Not for the people, not for his friends or family, but what he truly wanted to do.

"Well,.." He began saying, his expression slightly calming.

I wanna do it. Otherwise some random will fill in my spot and you know, not anyone can just replace me. One of a kind kinda human being.." She agreed that he was one of a kind, being a cliche pervert and someone who could overrule reality if they wanted to.

Though, they were Orion. A chill guy who lives life on easy mode, his only problems being his ass love life. "Besides, it means I'll be useful, right? If I can help save lives by doing this, then I'm all for it..." She nodded, smiling at his decisions and words.

"Then it's settled. What lies ahead for your future may not be very bright, but knowing you, you'll smile right through it, something I deeply respect.." She saluted to him as well as the old man.

'So much has happened only on my first...wait, its barely been a day actually. Why we going so fast...?'

He subconsciously saluted back, causing them to put their hands down to their side and walking off, talking to each other as they did. "You did good kid. I'm honestly glad I chose you as my student..." She stopped in front of the open door, her shadow casting down onto Orion.

"You'll be one of the greatest heroes there's ever been. I have a feeling..."

She smiled over her shoulder, giving him a thumbs up as well, then leaving. 'Look at Cathleen man. So inspirational. Got me blushin' and shi...' He scratched his cheeks as they closed the door, leaving him in the room alone.

The silence lasted a while as he walked over to the windows and pressed a button which had activated the automatic blinds, causing them to go upward to reveal a perfect view of the school since the building he was in now had been angled to do so.

'I was bassically just drafted, wasn't I? Ah, and the fact that quirks have been around since the beggining of time is sort of cool, I guess. Wonder what the future has in store for me. Who are the other 4 candidates for ? Who is the mysterious man that the old dude mentioned.

Guess we'll have to find out together, huh?'
