In an lit up auditorium, there had been hundreds of students sitting in seats, talking amongst each other, some being excited while others had been nervous. 'All these people... Makes me feel cramped..' Arthur thought, twiddling his fingers and looking around.
He was sitting in the top left corner, away from everyone who had been sitting atleast 3 rows down. 'Orion needs to hurry or else he'll miss his results. I mean, I know he obviously passed and all, but I do sort of wanna see him gloat about it..'
As he was thinking that, both Rin and Miya had walked through the door together at the top of the steps. Nobody seemed to care as they continued talking, Rin and Miya however looking towards Arthur. Their blank expressions scared Arthur into looking away with sweat forming on the side of his face.
They walked to the left towards him, making their way down the aisle of seats. 'Theres so many open seats... Why do they have to come sit by me. No, the tall and buff girl is fine. The skinny and pale white one isn't...'
"Hello, Mr. Weakling. Where is your friend, Orion?" It was Rin who said that as she began to sit down in the seat on his right. As she and Miya was doing so, someone seemingly appeared from no where in the seat, causing Rin to sit directly on their crotch.
"Hope I didn't miss anything.." Orion said, looking directly at the back of someone's neck. Miya became disgusted, deciding to move a few seats to the right. 'He can teleport too? That's unsettling..'
"Ah, there he is~..." Rin said smiling, leaning back into his chest. "Orion! You're here...and you have subway?! When the hell..?"
He placed his sub on Rin's lap, acting as a sort of plate. She didn't seem to mind this, going as far as unwrapping it for him. "What, you want some? I got you a cookie. Hope that's enough..." A cookie fell out of thin air and into Arthur's lap. His eyes sparkled as he began devouring.
"And Miya..." He looked at her who had now been 5 seats away. "Sorry, but I couldn't get you anything..." She shrugged, crossing her arms in the process and saying,
"I wasn't hungry in the first place." Her stomach groaned loudly, the entire auditorium quieting down and looking at her.
'Damn, even with all eyes on her..' Her expression didn't change at all, becoming more stern actually. 'Couldn't be Arthur..'
They all went back to talking, Arthur saying, "So, what did they want? The teachers. Did they actually call the cops on you bro?"
Orion made a napkin and gave it to Arthur who had cookie crumbs on the side of his mouth. He accepted it as Orion started speaking. "Nah, they didn't surprisingly. Just wanted to congratulate me is all.."
He of course wouldn't say exactly what happened. It's to be expected. Now if he was one of
"Oh, okay. Well, you do deserve all the congratulations. Good job, Orion!" Having a benevolent smile and giving him a thumbs up, he said. Orion shook his head, taking a bite out of his sub.
Some time later, the lights had dimmed down and a white screen came down, revealing the students who passed. It was from first place to last though all that really mattered was if your name had been up there.
Some cheered, some cried and started getting up to leave after checking the screen hundreds of times over. "Nice, we all made it..." Orion said looking over Rin's shoulder. "Yes! I'm really gonna be a hero!" Arthur said, throwing his hands high into the sky.
Though there had been times when his hard worked was pushed to the test and even he could admit that he relied heavily on another to get to this point, nevertheless his own determination and will to not give up came in clutch, allowing him to always move forward in tough times.
"10th place, Arthur. Not bad, not bad..." Orion said, looking at his first place spot. Three hundred and fifty points were numbers that shocked students, trying to find the picture of the first place within the students in the room.
To others, Orion wasn't being sat on by a girl on the top row. Rin was just sitting casually in the chair which is why no one batted an eye at the scene earlier when looking at Miya. '2nd place though...' It wasn't Rin like he sort of expected it to be.
She had a lot of points off the rip as she can teleport within a short range, being able to surprise opponents, catching them off guard, essentially leading to their loss. 'Who the heck is 'Accel'? He managed to get 300 points..'
Orion sort of thought that
He looked at Miya who seemed disappointed at her score, technically coming in tenth, but being the 14th person in tenth. A lot of people got a score of 100, Arthur being the 11th person in 10th place. 'Jin was the 1st person in 10th place. After he came out his carcass, bro went on a slaughter fest...'
He shivered, looking at the pink haired dude. 'He got 2nd place out of all the students in tenth..' People walked up the stairs and out the building, their hopes and dreams, crushed. 'Whelp, did the best that I could. Wait, I think I failed a whole district worth of students..
My bad....'
As he inwardly laughed, a student, who had been standing in the stair well had said, "This....this isn't fair!" He screamed loud enough for everyone to quiet down and stare at him. "I...I TRIED MY HARDEST AND YET, I FAILED?! WHAT SORT OF BULLSHIT IS THIS?!"
He ripped his shirt off, showing his bare chest. His ribs were replaced with dynamite, the end pieces sparking on fire. "I'LL...I'LL BLOW THIS WHOLE PLACE UP IF THEY DON'T CHANGE MY SCORE! I SPENT 7 YEARS TRYING TO GET INTO THIS HELL HOLE! NOTHING IS STOPPING ME NOW!"
The weak feared while the strong just shrugged it off. "Uhm...should we get a teacher? He seems...serious..." Arthur commented, slightly worried but over all fearless as he did have a God sitting right next to him.
"Nah, they would have been intervened if bro was a threat. Shi, I would have myself but as you can see, I'm not.."
He'd at most kill 5 people. Though since everyone was running away from him and it seems he couldn't move with his quirk activated, he was quite literally no threat. 'Besides...' The hands of time slowed, everyone in the entire room now seemingly slowing down until they reached a complete stop.
'It seems that someone already wants to play hero..' A kid Orion's age got up from their seat on the bottom right. They had white slick hair, retro clothing such as a silver coat and shirt and black pants and boots. They wore black headphones which were connected via a bluetooth.
Playing...'Isn't that rapper...from my world? The hell..?' Orion eyed him as he started dancing all around. His moves rivaled Micheal Jackson, his flow like river and his odd flexibility only made things visually better.
Like porn, Orion could watch this all day.
They made their way over towards the suicide bomber and danced around them, pulling their skin, messing up their clothes, just over all treating them like some doll. After a few seconds, he simply blew out the flame, stopping the bombing from happening.
He had then treaded up the stairs, whistling like a job well done. Time resumed as he walked out the auditorium. "Look!" A student pointed at the disarmed bomber. The disarmed bomber in question slowly looked down as well as the other students looking as well.
"What the-!" A group of students tackled him to the ground followed by cheers. "The hell? Did you actually play hero?" Miya asked aloud, directing her question at seemingly no one.
Didn't take much to figure she was speaking to Orion however. "Uh...of course! I decided that yeah, I should play hero... Wanted to have some fun, y'know?"
If the other guy wouldn't take credit for his heroic duties, Orion would do it for him. Miya looked away with a 'tsk' while Rin laid back deeper into his chest, moving her waist around while giggling.
"Strong and heroic... That's what I like~..." Seeing how they were becoming more and more intimate, Arthur noticed that the screen had changed, pointing at it. Rin and Orion stopped looking at each other and at the screen.
What was on it had been ranks. S through C to be exact. Students would be put into these ranks according to skill in usage over their quirks, their points meaning buck shit as that was only meant for drive. Orion and Rin where put in S class where as Arthur and Miya had been put in A.
"Well, that's unfortunate.." Orion said, looking at the screen but directing his words to Arthur. "If it is really based on our skill level, then....I guess this is fair. What I showed wasn't me. I'll just have to show them later on that I can do better..." He put his head down in silence.
Orion thought nothing of what he said, Rin however saying, "You're just weak, silly boy. You should just accept the fact that you'll never be-" Orion put his hand over her mouth, surprising her. Arthur looked up and at the side of Orion's face.
He was frowning slightly, his eye squinting as well as his eye brows furrowing. "He works hard, Rin. Harder than a lot of people I know. Never actually giving up, working towards a goal that'll make not only himself proud but his loved ones as well. It wouldn't be fair...for you to make fun of him when he's trying his damn hardest. He acknowledges that he could do better and he knows what expected of him. Theres no need...for you to tell him what he should and shouldn't accept.
It's His Life. He'll Live It In His Own Image.'
Miya had looked over, Rin became even more surprised at how defensive he was and Arthur...was lost. 'Why is he so serious? I'm sure what she said was just a joke..' Orion saw himself in Arthur so much that talking bad about him felt like they were talking bad about Orion himself.
Both being afraid of the outside, what people would think of then if they do a certain action, how they'd basically be judged in society. It made them fearful of any given event. 'I...know what it feels like to be a let down. To not live up to standards either you or others had set you up to be.
I however was able to get a do over, another chance a life.. With it, I was able to learn to love myself for who I am, know that I could be more than what I previously thought of myself..' Arthur didn't have a second chance at life, but he could still change his 'destiny'.
If he or others thought of him as weak, he could train to become stronger. If others thought of him as idiotic, he could study to become smarter. He had the potential to become a better self and Orion wanted him to become such a person.
"Sorry. I went too far with my words. I hope you can forgive me.." She bowed her head to him, this time showing him her serious and regretful side. "I-Its fine, Ms. Rin! I knew you didn't mean what you said. Nothing to apologize about.." He set his eyes on Orion who was now in the process of getting up.
'He's really...' Helped him become more prone to social things, helped him develope his powers, helped him become something more... Something of..
'A Hero..'
He looked up to him like a little kid would to a hero. Someone who seemingly saved him from a life he thought he'd be set on, but had meeting him, caused his whole view on the world to turn upside down. Orion molded him into...A Hero.
A better person in general.
"Thank you, Orion..." He said under his breath in a whisper, only being heard by Orion though. "Thank you...for simply being my friend. I appreciate all the things you do for me. I really do.."
He couldn't say how much he appreciated Orion's presence, actually being glad that his grandfather fell out the window so fate had caused them to meet at that hospital room.
Orion faintly smiled, nodding at seemingly nothing. "It says we are to leave the island immediately and to come back in a week." Miya bluntly said, getting up and walking away.
"Well then, it's been fun, Orion! See you later~..." Rin waved at him before walking away herself, putting her hands behind her back.
"You get embarrassed quite easily, Arthur. Sort of funny..." Orion placed his hand on Arthur's head. He had his embarrassed faced on, something straight out of an anime. "Sorry, it's a weird genetic. Something I got from my earlier descendant.."
"Hm? Odd genetics bro.." He remembered his high school crush back on earth who had these red cheeks in real life as well. 'Heh. I'd be funny if they were somehow related. Impossible though..'
Arthur agreed and like that, they began walking down the small aisle until the staircases where they then left the auditorium and didn't come back to school until one weeks time.
(An: Wasn't that great of a chapter, yes, but it's neccessary. Sorry you had to wait 3 days for a mid chapter though.
Also, start dropping hero names! I ain't finna call this fool
Still, drop names!)