The week passed without anything problematic happening. Arthur and Orion celebrated their entrance into the school by simply eating and sleeping. They'd occasionally go out just to explore and once when they did, had ran into Arthur's girlfriend's or so Orion refers to them as.
They introduced themselves, got to know each other better and after all that happened, Orion could happily say that those two women are just right for him.
'Like bro, Fiona has a fire related quirk and Erica had an water related quirk. My imagination goes along the lines of them being a fuel source for him in battle in case of him..
Yeah, whatever the plot is at the moment..' Orion and Arthur had been putting on their uniform for school. Since they, the school, wanted everyone to be equal, they figured that the first step in doing so is making the students look the same.
The uniform were oddly enough similar to clothes you'd probably wear to a workout. Black tight sweatpants, white T-shirt and black sandals. 'I find this weirdly reliable as we'll always be prepared in case of an enemy attack or something. Though, I doubt very few would attack a school full of strong quirk users..'
Orion helped Arthur tie up a black headband around his head and after, had each grabbed their bookbags. While Orion's had been black in color, Arthur's was light yellow. They walked out of their hotel room, made their way down the floors then out the building entirely.
Walking down the sidewalks for a while until they reached a bus stop, they sat down at a bench. "It should be a crime for them to force us to wear sweatpants in this heat..." Orion said, not actually sweating, nor was Arthur.
It's just that if neither of them could control their temperature, they'd hate the school for the choice of this uniform. (Could you even call it a uniform..?)
"We don't have to worry though, so I'm not really complaining. I wonder how other students will cope with this however..."
They both shrugged and waited for the bus to come. It soon did and once it had arrived, opened its door to allow them on. There wasn't any difference between it and an ordinary bus besides this one having a 'Hero' logo on the side of it and the windows being tinted.
They both got on the bus and as soon as they reached the top of the aisle, they noticed something. From the outside, the bus looked normal, right? Well on the inside, the size almost seemed quadruple in size, looking to hold around 100 students.
"Sit anywhere you like..." The tired yet motivated bus driver said. He was overweight and was barely able to fit behind that seatbelt he wore, but since he seemed nice, Orion didn't judge. Orion did as he said and began walking.
The students had noticed Orion quickly as anyone could remember the face of first place and the one who set records. That being said though, it was 7:47 in the morning. Ain't no one feel like talking and on the 'first day' to boot and so they 'ignored' him.
All eyes in his direction made Arthur accidentally bump into people on the way down the aisle. He apologized of course but people's scornful looks caused him to internally shriek.
They finally found a seat near the middle of the bus, sitting down together with Arthur near the window and Orion near the aisle.
The bus driver closed the doors and began driving off. The ride was smooth and calming as even when driving over potholes, it felt like they were driving over a smooth surface. Being number one, having such red eyes and even wearing a red scarf, Orion stood out a lot.
"It's my first time on a bus...wait, isn't it OUR first time on a bus?!" Arthur quietly yelled, looking over towards Orion who had nodded. "It is, huh? I don't know what I was expecting, but this wasn't it. Though, the design is flawless.." He never even rode a school bus in his past life or any bus for that matter.
Strange, huh?
"It is..." Arthur commented as he went back to looking out the window in silence. They soon got onto the only bridge into the island and to the post.
Like a carwash, the bus would have to go through a tunnel of sorts. This way, an invisible scanner would scan all the students I.D., only beeping if a student wasn't in fact a student.
The bus driver also had an I.D that was scanned throughout the small tunnel. The bus drove out the tunnel without a beep going off before hand and to the drop off zone. Once stopping behind another bus unloading students, the doors opened.
"Have a nice first day kids. Especially freshman. It's okay to be tensed and nervous.." The bus driver had said looking up at a mirror and at the students who were now getting up to get off.
Standing up simultaneously, Orion waited for an opening in the aisle while Arthur stood behind him. "Ex-Excuse me..." Orion would sometimes say to the taller people who happened to be in higher grades.
They however ignored him, not allowing him to step out. It was then that Orion and Arthur were the last people to leave their small section, behind everyone. They sighed at that, getting the freshman treatment.
Now walking down the aisle, they got off the bus last. The driver closed the door and started driving off. "You'd think they'd atleast respect YOU, Orion. I mean, you did have the highest score in history, right..?"
They started walking, eventually passing a gate that did one last check on the students by examining their I.D. The gate would summon an invisible barrier on those who were detected by the system. "Yeah, you'd think, huh? People be disrespectful these days.."
Orion said jokingly with a sigh. They were walking through the school campus now, the time how being 7:56. Over the break, they were given their schedule and other things about the school like bell times.
Orion and Arthur both knew breakfast started at 8, ending at 8:20 and so, they decided to make their way over that way.
Breakfast was the most important meal of the day after all.
(An: Ah yes, you waited 5 days for a chapter as trash as this..
Sorry 'bout that. I don't have an excuse besides I'm lazy. Hope you had a good week though. Got all sorts of test next week, so I'll try to get atleast 6 chapters in this weekend.
Things might slow as well story wise as I really want to set that school atmosphere. This is so that the plot won't develope too fast. Things will hopefully still be interesting though.
Might not make chapter as long so you'll still be intrigued and won't drop mid chapter.)