The Ball Throw.

A week has passed since then. The 5 students had been seen stretching in the hot sun behind the gymnasium on a football/track field. 'Rin...' He said in his head as he kept going up and down off the ground. 'You have....the best butt!' She had been sitting on his back while he was doing pushups.

"Oh, my~... You're so strong..." She patted his back as he kept going up and down. 'He's so skinny and yet, so physically strong? I envy him...' Accel thought, watching the scene go down. Orion looked like he hadn't worked out a day in his life, and yet...

Earlier this week, the 5 of them were doing an arm wrestling tournament. Not only did they all think Percy was going to easily win, seeing how he was much more superior to them in physical strength, even Orion thought he'd probably lose. It came down to the two of them and with a simple movement of his arm, Orion sent Percy flying out the school and into the ocean.

'He's a monster...stronger than I whom has been training fresh out the womb of my mother. I don't exactly know the secret behind his strength, but I know it isn't normal..' Percy went back to exercising, ridding himself of any other thought but the task of bench pressing.

Iker kept his distance away from the group as he'd still shake when around them. Though it wasn't as severe as before, he'd still shiver just by looking at them. 'He' powerful... His quirk allows for him to do...anything. If I had such a power, I'd rule the world. Why doesn't he?'

"Okay! Is everyone done with their warmups?" Reiko asked, coming out of a equipment room which Seeing her wear such loose athletic wear caused Orion to go faster. "We're finished, but not him apparently. Anyways, why'd you'd call us out here like this? Are you finally going to teach us something?"

Accel asked as everyone hurdled around her. Seeing Orion crawl like that with Rin on his back made him seem like a dog or something. "That's exactly why! While others are busy studying for test and such, you 5 will be having your quirk apprehension test!"

The 5 students looked at each other then back at the ever so energetic teacher. 'An apprehension test? Like, she wants to get a feel for our powers or somethin'?' Seeing how her students were sort of dazzled by whatever a quirk apprehension test was, she made a thinking face.

"Hmm... A quirk apprehension test is a series of test that involve using your quirks in various exercises. I know how each and every one of you use your powers, but this is simply mandatory. Sorry..." In the entrance exam, they showed off all sorts of skills. Why they were doing it again now was simply for a grade.

"So, Ms. Reiko! What are the test?! I'm ready for anything!" Percy pointed his thumb at himself as he screamed loudly at all of them. She liked his enthusiasm however and kept it going. "For the first test, we'll test how far you can throw! Onto the pitchers mound!"

The school was big enough to have every sports field of playing as they designed the school to be a perfect place for students, wanting their environment to be well suited to them for any purpose. Now standing near the pitchers mound on a baseball field, they lined up in no particular order.

"First, without your quirk, then with your quirk! It's simple, yes?" She picked up a baseball and threw it. It traveled far surprisingly, going about 50 meters. "And now..." While she had them impressed, she decided to carry on. "With my quirk..." The baseball was enveloped in white material, seemingly, paper.

She would then throw it, allowing it to easily fly in the wind and up to two hundred and sixty-seven meters. ""Cool.."" Most students had said as she turned around with a smile.

"If you hadn't known, my quirk allows for me to give anything paper like properties. Yes, yes, I know. It doesn't sound cool at all, but I find it to be quite useful.." She proceeded to pick up some dirt which would then turn into millions of pieces of paper. ""Interesting...""

They all murmured, causing her to be embarrassed. 'Actually a pretty cool power. To turn anything to paper... That can give someone a serious paper cut...' As the students thought over her quirk and ways she's probably used it, she said, "Accel. You're up first! Show us what you've got!"

He nodded, picking up one of the 11 baseballs on the dirt ground. 'Oh, yeah, he never explained his quirk to us. Whatever it is puts him above Rin in strength, so it should be a sight to look forward to..' Accel looked at the ball, examining it seemingly.

He would then throw it in a girly manner, causing some to chuckle. He didn't seem embarrassed by his form of throwing, actually smiling in fact. The ball landed a bit away with a roll to follow. "26 meters! That's great! Now, try it with your quirk!"

He nodded, bending down to pick up another ball then bending back up. In Accels field of vision, looking at the baseball brought up a series of equations. They looked to be gibberish, but the language was readable by Accel.

Taking in its mass, width, diameter, etc,...every single thing that made up the baseball and its origin had played a part in his next move. He held his right hand out flatley so the ball would be perfectly centered on his palm.

The ball would then become surrounded in a blue shaped sphere that was pixelated and transparent. Like the skin on the human body, it perfectly fitted the baseball with its exact curves and texture.

Nothing but the wind being blown could be heard. Everyone fell into complete silence as they waited with anticipation. 'Damn. Bro really wants to put on a show for us, huh?' As Orion thought that, the baseball in the transparent blue cloak had first turned to black lines then disappeared completely.

'So he can teleport things? Cool and all, but how did he defeat people with this?' Orion thought to himself. Rin wasn't impressed, turning to Reiko who's phone vibrated. Percy and Iker didn't show too much of a reaction, only nodding as they seemingly assessed his quirk.

"One-One thousand, seven hundred and twelve meters?!" She blurted out loud, causing them all to look in her direction. She had her phone out which showed all of their meters when they'd throw the balls. Listed as Accels score was the number, 1712m, leading her to react like that.

"That's impressive. That must be a record, right?" Reiko rapidly nodded, turning her phone screen back to herself and beggining to text, saying, "Th-The next person can go! I just need to this..." They all nodded, Accel putting his hand in his pockets and turning around.

He walked passed them and to the end of the line. 'Accel...though you can act all reserved and nonchalant, don't think your actually capabilities aren't seen by me. I mean, your name basically gives away everthing needed to know about you, right?'

Iker stepped up to the pitch and picked up a baseball. His test hadn't been anything special as his quirks doesn't allow for that advantage in physical things. So on his first throw, he got 20 meters and on his second, putting everything he had into this one, had gotten 21 meters.

"You really need to work on yourself bro. I know your quirk isn't suited for this task, but still. You gots to better yourself more..." Orion placed his hand on Iker's shoulder, showing a small frown. Iker flinched for a second before calming himself down.

Though Orion showed him up that one time, he treated him no different from everyone else, actually wanting to help him instead of pitying him. 'What is he playing at? Is he really just being this nice to me?'

It wasn't an everyday occurence that someone would be so normal-like around him, almost as if Iker had been a normal boy without such a dangerous quirk.

'Well whatever it is...' He looked at Orion's back as his scarf would blow to the side. 'I'll appreciate it while it last...' As Percy began stepping up, and as Rin would prepare to go next, Iker would only stand there, admiring them all for being so resilient and strong.

'I guess...that's what it means to be a hero, huh?'
