After he kissed the ball, Percy threw it hard and fast. It traveled far, easily going past Accels and Reiko's score. "Four thousand eight hundred and six meters...(4,806m)" She said with weary smile as Percy began cheering loudly. "Ha! Nobody can beat that score! Ms. Reiko, put that in the history books for me, will ya?!"
"Y-Yes, I'll just have to.." She was erasing Accels records, overwriting his with Percy's. 'Is that sheer strength or...?' As Orion thought that, a car from no where flew down towards him. Reiko was surprised by this, but quickly acted, the others students watching, not a care in the world.
As the car got closer to Orion, Reiko came in closer to him, and embraced him in a hug, leading him to be enveloped in her breast. With her left arm over his back, she put her right hand up towards the car.
The moment the car came into contact with Reikos palm, it turned to shredded paper, now slowly falling onto them, then to the ground around them. All but one student had clapped at her performance. "Ah~..." Orion said aloud, forcing Reiko to look down at him.
What she saw was him admiring her breast, pure bliss being seen on his face. "Ms. Reiko~... Your breast reminds me of my moms... Comforting, I mean..." Reiko subconsciously smiled while the others called him weird. Rin sighed, wishing her boobs were as big as Reiko's, feeling them up with a sigh.
'He's comparing me to Ari, huh? That's new...' She placed her hand on his head and began petting him. "Ahem. Everyone's okay, right?" She looked up at them all as she kept patting his head.
"Yeah, we're fine. Hey, aren't you a little weirded out that he's so close to you? You can lose your job if you or him gets a little bit too intimate, y'know?"
Percy said a series of things which Iker quickly agreed to while Accel started walking towards the stands. 'Dude's tryna cock-block me. Hating on me because I'm gettin' some..' Reiko slowly began loosening her grip, saying,
"Nothing about me protecting my student is weird. And if he sees me as a motherly figure and needs me to alleviate him, I'll do it in a heartbeat.
He's only a precious student of mines, that's all. I'd do the same for each and every one of you as well..' Though since she favored Orion on the low, she wouldn't get as intimate.
"Oh, then that's fine. As long as you keep things fair between all of us, we don't mind how touchy feely you get with us.."
Rin stepped up the pitchers plate, picking up a baseball with a small sigh. 'Will I be enough for him? Will he always chase after other women..?' She thought that by being clingy, maybe he'd think she'd be the only one for him. But now...'Now I know...'
She put up her pointed finger on her right hand. Wind began to swirl around it, shaping a transparent ball of wind. The ball of wind would then turn red in color, now catching everyone's attention. ' repulsion, right..?'
With the ball in her left hand, she gently tossed it in the air. Then with the red transparent ball, she stabbed at the baseball, allowing for them to collide. When they did, the baseball flew out of her hand, disappearing into the horizon.
It left everyone in silence and the ring on Reiko's phone backed it. "O-One million, six hundred and ninety one thousand meters! T-Thats from here to Washington D.c.!" She exclaimed aloud. Rin had bassically threw the ball across the entire United states!
It amazed all of them, even Rin as she never used her repulsion to such a degree. "Oops, I forgot to throw the ball without the use of my quirk. Silly me.." She knocked on her head while sticking her tounge out. "That's fine! It doesn't matter now! Uhm,...I guess you're up, Orion..."
Reiko was very overwhelmed, but managed to get that sentence out. 'The next generation is truly amazing. I just hope that I'll be able to teach them atleast one thing...' She sighed as Orion began picking up a baseball.
Percy, already in shambles because his record had been broken so easily, had looked at Orion, wiping away his tears. Iker watched closely, wanting to jot down any techniques used by Orion. Now drinking blue powerade, Accel looked on with a single eye opened.
'Okay...' He didn't overly think about anything and simply threw the ball. It went far, not as far as Percy's or Rin's but farther than Accels atleast. She showed them all the score he got, getting only applause from Rin.
"And now if you may use your quirk, Orion.." He nodded at Reiko's words, picking up another ball. 'With my quirk, huh? Which power should I use though? Arsenal is bassically infinite, so there's a lot of options to choose from..'
He ultimately couldn't decide which power to use and so he left it up to the 'Random Power Wheel'. It was a wheel with an infinite number of powers on it. After he would spin it, whatever it lands on will be the power he'd use.
Spinning the wheel in his mind, he watched as it spun. Though this was taking a while in his mind, the reality of it was that time barely passed in the real world. The wheel began to slow down, soon stopping on a power.
The ball was released from his hand, flying out into the horizon, turning into nothing more than a sparkle in the sky. 'Such a versatile quirk... What's his limit...?' Percy thought, crossing his arms in the process. "After this, we'll be running, so be prepared for that.."
Reiko commented, waiting on Orion's score to beep on her phone. They all waited but the beep never came. It was confusing to all of them which only lead them to be more confused as they saw Orion turn around. He had simply swiped in the air and the next thing to appear in his hand was the baseball.
They all thought as they looked at the baseball in his hand. On Reiko's phone, Orion's meters had read as zero, almost as if the ball never traveled anywhere in the first place. 'Wait, doesn't that mean...?' Accel slumped up as he finally seemed interested. 'Did, that's not humanly possible, right?'
Iker shook his head in disbelief. 'Impressive... Even I couldn't do something like that with my quirk... Atleast not with some serious drawback...' A frank smile fell upon Percy's face as he began walking away.
"That's Orion for you. Always managing to do the impossible.." Rin teased with a chuckle. Reiko had been in a state of confusion as she seemed to be the last to figure out what happened. 'The kid...' She looked at him as he calmly sat the ball down on the pitchers base.
To put it bluntly, Orion threw the ball which caused it to travel around the entire world. Passing over all sorts of countries, oceans, strip clubs, was a feat not even the strongest combined could do. 'He's....special to say the least. How did Ari make such a monster...?' She wouldn't report this to her superiors as it'll bring up too many problems for him.
'May have been just a simple ball throw, but...' She looked around at her students, admiring how strong they were and how they acted amongst each other. 'It showed all of us that there's one who just isn't like the rest of us. That can either be a good thing..'
A face of a former partner had appeared in her mind, saddening her.
'Or it could be a bad one..'
(An: Yes, I'm alive. Don't worry, I ain't gonna drop this one. I personally am too invested in how I'll make this story turn out to stop. Ah, I just realized that only people who are caught up with the story understand the pain of me not posting for a week.
Sorry 'bout that.
Anyways, yeah, I ain't gonna leave y'all hanging. I have the plot all laid out. I said in the description of this story that it'll be just for pure enjoyment, but I really hope that you guys stay for the actually story.
I love all of you and I hope you have/had a great. See ya.)