
Everyone had been in their own lane with Reiko standing on the side. "This track is 400 meters all together. I want all of you to get in atleast 10 laps before leaving for the afternoon. We'll continue the apprehension test tommorow."

They all nodded, kneeling down. They simultaneously placed their hands on the ground and positioned their feet onto the angled blcoks.

Reiko, who was now putting a whistle in her mouth, was about to blow. "Is everyone ready?" She asked aloud and sort of muffled, the students resting their knees on the ground.

'Everyone but me is super fit. I don't think I'll be able to keep up...' Iker thought to himself in the further left lane close to Reiko. Though each and everyone of them looked physically weak but Purcy, they all had abilities that could easily help them run faster.

All but Iker atleast.

'He's right and I hate that he is. But yeah, I do need to work on myself. Becuase of my quirk, I never really...' Reiko suddenly blew the whistle causing the students to launch off the blocks and into a run. Iker, too stunned by this, fell onto his face, but quickly recovered.

Being in last place now, his fate had bassically been confirmed. On her phone, their had been an app which allowed Reiko to check their speeds and conditions. They were all going at a steady pace, not too fast and not too slow.

Running into a slight left turn, then back into a straight line, Orion had been jogging. 10 laps around the track field had been easy work for him considering that he'd ran around the state of Wyoming once.

'Using my quirk wouldn't really be fair to the others, so I'm not gonna use it for this. My physical abilities already transcends any strengthening power they put on themselves, so this should be enough...'

Coming up from his left, Percy was huffing and puffing to try and keep up with Orion. 'Dude really does hide his abilities! I really can't underestimate him in anything from now on!' As he kept thinking to himself, he was getting farther and farther behind.

Rin and Accel were equally tied on the track, running at exact speeds and similar forms. 'That speed isn't human, especially if you're not using your quirk...' Orion passed by them, then before they could even process what had happened, he passed by again.

'Why's Orion suddenly in such a hurry? Is there something he has to do after this?' Rin asked herself as he kept passing by them. By now, he had been on lap 8 only a few seconds into the exercise. Reiko couldn't be surprised any more by his abilities, classifying this as the norm.

They would all soon have this same type of mentality when it came to Orion. Though he acted like he wasn't any different from them in any way, shape or form, they all knew he put up a facade just to hide his true prowess.

As they all thought about how they'll catch up with him in power, Orion finished his laps. Standing in front of Reiko now, he said while saluting, "I'm finished! I can be excused, right?" She began writing down his time on her phone, placing her left hand on his

"Yeah, you're excused. Take this time to rest, okay?"

"Alright. Have a good day, Ms. Reiko.." She nodded with a smile, removing her hand and continuing on her phone. Going over to a bench where he had his book bag, he sat down on said bench. He pulled out some blue flavored Gatorade while taking his phone out as well.

He read back over a text message sent from the number one themself. To summarize them, it bassically said to remember to meet up at a planned location. It was urgent apparently and Orion origunally forget about this,...

until be didn't.

'Wonder what she wants to talk about. Maybe the beggining of our personal training? I basically have training as a student, training as a watcher and training as the next Symbol of America. It's a lot, but I learn a lot of things from each different training session. Or atleast, I think I would..'

He put his phone away and got up. He took a sip from the bottle of Gatorade then threw it away. Picking up his black drawstring backpack and putting it on, he began walking onto the track field. "Don't overwork yourself just because I finished, guys.."

They all happened to be around the same point on the track and so, his message was conveyed to all of them. They all stared at him as he passed by and off the track onto the grass. He would then go through a tunnel where he'd disappear from their vision.

They understood what he said, slowing down a bit and catching their breath. They all had been pushing theirselves to finish right after him, and was overworking themself.

An imaginary competition amongst each other had been going on to see who was second best in the squad, technically being first place in their viewpoint.

'He's far too ahead of us...' They themself considered themselves to be powerful, but if they all knew that they'd lose to him even if they fought together, thinking like that would only be inevitable. 'But that's why I...' They too wanted to live an easy life with no worries and so...

'That's why I have to keep pushing myself! Becuase if I don't, I'm afraid I'll far too far behind to catch up..'


He opened the single door into Dominos which in turn made a bell go off. "Welcome to dominos!" The workers greeted Orion quite nicely as he only smiled at them and started walking once again.

He walked through the parlor and towards the corner of the room. There, he had begun to sit down at a booth with a woman sitting down on the opposite side of him. It was Cathleen and she had been sipping on sweet tea.

"Hello, Orion. Glad to see that you've made it.." She greeted him, now sitting completely. She had been in casual clothing, consisting of blue jeans and a white muscle T. Well, it was causal for her, I mean.

"Wassup. Did you order something already? I'm starving..."

"Yeah, I did. Supreme is fine, right?"

He nodded at her question while looking out the window. "So? What did you want to speak to me about? Or did you actually call me out here just to hang out?" Orion wasn't good with the small talk and so he went straight to the point.

Taken back by his suddenness, she coughed exaggeratingly. "Yes, there is something I need to talk to you about..." She sat her tea down, and locked her hands together, placing them on the table and making a serious expression.

"Orion.." She said calmly and kinda stretched out. "How much control do you have over your powers?" He looked at her, shrugged then looked back.

"My control over them.. It's fine. They won't just randomly activate is what I mean. Though, the way I used them is for lack of a better words, mediocre.

The last part of what he said was what she ultimately wanted to hear. "That's completely normal for someone your age. However,..." She paused for a second, then continued.

"if you want to take my title in the future, you'll have to develope those powers and make them yours. You'll have to know the in's and outs, know your limits and and strengths...

You'll have to be one with that quirk of yours.."

Through countless tests, countless hours of training, Cathleen was able to make use of her quirk in a way that gave her the title of number one and also the strongest woman in the world. "One with my quirk, huh? So I'll have to master all these powers in order to achieve your title? That's..."

"Impossible probably. But we'll focus on the useful ones, the stronger ones bassically, and keep the weaker powers at bay for later..." She then pulled out a thick book and laid it on the table.

She had his attention now as he looked her way. "What the hell is that?" She faintly smiled and opened the book to a random page. On that page had been a person with stats, things like their birthday, age, quirk, etc.

"This is [The Book Of Heroes]. In it contains past and present heroes, all of which with minor details about their unique quirks."

"Why the... Bro, imagine that falls into the wrong hands. That'd be funny, haha..."

He faintly laughed while shaking his head. Cathleen turned the book around towards him and slid it towards him, ignoring Orion's joke.

"We'll use this book to aid you in your growth of power. Go on, look through it and see if any heroes catch your attention."

He nodded, already flipping through pages. He found all sorts of powerful people, some of whom who could shake the earth and others who could draw off power from the sun.

Those were cool and all, but the first person who really caught his attention was, "Ah, [The Energy Hero: Zest. He's alive, y'know? For your first teacher, do you want it to be him" The definition of his quirk bassically allowed for him to shape energy and expel it in any form he can imagine.

'Bro can do the kamehameha. That seems fun to learn...'

"Orion, may I ask you a question?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"Can't you easily master your powers? I'm pretty sure we saw multiple powers and or skills on your list of abilities that allow for you to do so."

She made a great point actually. Why is he going through all this effort when mastering a power and all its aspects could be done with a mere thought.

"Ha..." He let out a low laugh while shaking his head. "Thought you knew me better than that, Cathleen..." Looking down, he bawled his fist and stared at it. This motioned her to look down towards his fist as well, realizing...

"I...was given the power to have anything I want. Money, power,..I could make any dream of mines a reality.

But, my nature,...the way I think and how I do things, I just...I just can't allow myself to have it so easy. I don't know why, but I just can't. If I could, I'd like to be like everyone else. I wanna fail sometimes,..I wanna have a challenge every once and awhile.

So that's why, that's why I limit myself. Becuase life as I know it would be far too boring, filled with no drama and no story whatsoever. It's strange, I know, and it really doesn't make sense, yes, but that's really how I wanna live this life for now on. An easy yet problematic one..."

He was told to live life however he wanted. Wether that had been a luxury one with no problems, a terrible one with danger around each and every single corner, or a 'normal' life, mixed in with luxury, yet hurdles.

'Even though my parents didn't really like me that much in my previous life, I still had support from my older brothers and sisters. Because of them, I was able to live my teens years in a sort of utopia. No real problems, but burdening my parents...'

"Of course, I can understand that, Orion. Who'd wanna live a life where things automatically go your way. If I were you, I'd also like to fight for my own privilege, my own aspirations and most importantly, just for myself.

I feel like I understand you more now, Orion. Thank you for telling me this.." The pizza arrived via a worker. That worker left and the two began eating.

"Nah, thank you for listening to me. Now that I hear myself outloud and now that I've heard someone's else's opinion on what I said, I can really say that I'm glad with my decisions.."

She smiled and nodded. 'He's such an odd character. Anyone with his powers could easily live the life they wanted. But now I know. He...wants to live a life that he's earned based on his own determination.

Some would call him a fool for not using his very own power to accomplish his goals. His case however makes it so blatantly easy to do anything that its boring. Truly the definition of an overpowered character in a world not suited for him..'

Like that, they ate through the night, talking about no so important things and more.

'Ive never had to work hard for almost anything in my lives. I relied on a lot of people to get where I've been and that's something I really shouldn't have done. I'll...return those favors eventually. I'll show people that my powers don't make who I am.

I Do.'


(An: So, uhm,...yeah. To clear up some things that I'll explain later in the story, but will just explain now to keep readers, the Mc was indeed shunned by his parents in his previous life and did drop out of school, living on his own. But, he was still financially aided by his siblings.

That being said though, he still wanted to be recognized by his parents eventually, but couldn't get that chance as he died.

What else am I forgetting...?

Meh, I don't know. If you have questions, feel free to ask, I guess. Have a good day.)