Sorry To Cause You Any Troubles.

"Why are you so damn useless!" The man roared at the child as he was picked up by the collar and pinned against the wall.

"You're not smart!"


"You're not strong!"


"You're completely useless! Why the hell did God have to give me a son as trashy as you?! You're an embarrassment to out family name!"


With that slap, he undid his hold on the boy, causing him to drop down to the floor with his hands on his redden cheeks. "I told you babe. We've should've aborted this one.." The woman who had been watching the whole thing said while crossing her arms and making a smug expression.

"You're right. IT was a mistake."

They snickered as they walked out the room, slamming the door behind them. The little kid, who had been composing himself this entire time, had finally sniffled. That eventually lead to tears coming out the corner of his eyes.

'I'm sorry~...' The kid thought to himself as he tried wiping the tears away. 'Mommy, Daddy,..I'm sorry~...' The more he thought about it, the heavier he cried. With rainy and thunderous skies, coupled by the cold and dark room he had been in, it truly felt like he was alone.

The deeper he went into thought about everything that he did in life, the more he blamed himself for his current situation. 'I've...been a burden to you both~... Please forgive me!' He crawled forward a few inches then pushed himself off the wooden floor.

Then sluggishly walking towards the door, his head was down and his expression had been blackened out. Opening then closing his door, he traveled through the dark and eerie house.

Finding himself in the bathroom now, he barely peeked over the sink. Bruises all over his face, and ragged black hair like coal, the kid stared at himself. His figure was weirdly skinny and his skin was pale. His void colored pupils peered into his own soul and he soon saw...

'I don't belong here...or anywhere for that matter. Mommy and Daddy doesn't love me either. I can... I guess I can make things easier for them both...' He brought over a small stool and stood on it. He would then turn the sink on and fill it up with cold water.

'I can...make it easier for everyone. If only I wasn't so...if only I weren't born....I wouldn't have caused anyone any troubles..' He reached into his mini pockets and pulled out the only gift he's ever received in the world.

A heart beat monitor in the form of a watch. He had to have this on him at all times to make sure everything in his body was functioning properly. He was born with a heart condition that made it hard for him to do most things. In the end, it was one of the many things he burdened people with.

Not thinking much of it, he planted his face in the cold water, no reaction being formed upon his face. And slowly, he would move his hand towards the water. Through this entire process, he hadn't been thinking much of anything.

Just what his family reactions might've been from his death. 'Oh my god! It's all our fault!' He hoped his mother would say. 'That little runt,..we didn't mean for you to go and do something as stupid as this. We', I'm,...sorry..' He also hoped for his father to say something along those lines.

But reality is often disappointing.

'All the money I invested into you,..gone to waste. Even dead, you're a pain in our asses..'

He knew his mother would say.

'About. Damn. Time. I appreciate going and doing it yourself. You will not be missed..'

He KNEW his father would say.

'That's right. They'd be glad. A nuisance is out of their lives. I'd also be happy if I was gone out of my life as well...' He was about to drop the electrical watch into the water, but stopped as he felt a sensation on his back. It was warm, comforting and familiar.

"No, Reece, no. Don't leave us like this~..." He felt multiple sensations around him as well as someone pulling his head out of the water, only to be embraced. From an birds eye perspective, 5 people had been hugging him tightly, blurred eyes as tears would swell up in them but never fall out.

"Huh...?" He said softly with a hint of confusion in his voice. "We're here for you, Reece. We'll always be here...for you.." Finally realizing that these people were his sisters and brothers, the spark in his dead like eyes came back, followed by comfort.

Comfort quickly lead to him hiccuping and his back shaking. "I'm sorry~..." He apologized again and again on repeat for the next few minutes. In that time, they'd only listen to him, never saying anything and only faintly smiling.

In their household, what happens to the kid named, Reece, was common if they didn't show aptitude to be good at something in life.

So while they they've all been in his position, getting yelled at and slapped, suicide was never really anything they considered since they actually all found things they acceled in. They could relate to him, yes, but in this situation...they had no clue what to do but let him vent out his frustrations.

"Hey, Reece.." One of the older brothers said, "Let's go get ice cream, okay? Just us 6. Mom and Dad doesn't have to find out, y'know?" From their crotched positions, they stood up while two of them extended their hand out at him.

"Ice...cream...?" He subconsciously smiled as he began wiping away his tears. It was like everything that happen within the last hour completely vanished from his memory and was only set on hanging out with them. "Yes, please!" He grabbed his sisters hand with his left and his brothers hand with his right.

The other 3 lead the way and like that, they all left the bathroom, having to travel around the house in secret just to get some ice cream. 'People like them..' He looked up at them all in astonishment.

One of his sisters was a teacher while the other was an engineer at NASA. His oldest brother had been a doctor, the second oldest being an Olympian, while the 3rd brother was still in college, going for a degree in programming.

'I really envy them. They're all related to me, and yet can do big things. I'm really a disappointment, aren't I?' Though he was only 7, he knew his fate. To be a nobody, to be yelled at, ridiculed, criticized, embarrassed,..

He was simply a person with zero affect on the future and current world.

The fate of many, the fate that could never be changed.

The stares of someone had awoken Orion. Sleepishly looking down at his lap, he saw Saya starring up at him with tears in her very own eyes. "Orion~... Why were you crying~..." He kept starring down at her, then very slowly, had placed his hand on his cheek.

He felt wet liquid on them which caused him to jolt ever so slightly. 'The memories... ...why now..?' He brought his hand down, then placed it on her back. Using his left hand, he placed it on her head and brought her into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I had a bad dream is all.."

She saw his faint smile from below which calmed her down a bit. Rubbing her back with his right hand, he soon began to wonder why she was even in this position.

"Hey, it's.." He gazed at a clock then back down at her. 'only 5 in the morning. Why were you up? Sleep is important, y'know?" He stood up while carrying her and brought her back to the bed. Tucking her under the sheets, he kneeled down on the side of the bed and rested his chin on the sheets.

"But,..but I heard you crying in your sleep and that woke me up! So I up and came over to comfort you. When I did, you began calming down, so I just stayed..." Orion sighed heavily, then placed his hand on her head. "Well, thank you for that. Now get some rest, alright? Gonna have to get you off this island before anything bad happens to you.."

She tilted her head at his statement, then forgot that she does indeed look like a little kid, one of which should be elementary school instead of high school. In fact, her looking like an elementary schooler was obviously why Orion treated her like a kid.

"Uhm..." She didn't know how to properly tell her his age, but seeing how the situation might not be brought up in the future, she just said it.

"I'm actually...the same age as you. My body just hasn't properly developed yet..." Orion looked her up and down, then smiled. "Yeah, I know. You have the height and body of a kid,...well all but one part of you doesn't atleast..." He set his eyes on her breast and she did as well.

Her face lit up quickly followed by her facing her entire body the other way. "Weirdo..." She muttered underneath her breath. "So I've been told.." Orion got up, his pajamas now being replaced with his uniform. Making his way over to the door, he opened it, looked back, then left.

Only to ever be seen again...

In his first block class later that morning.


(An: Backstory Reveal 😯. Man, the Mc had it tuff bro. I didn't know he was abused both physically and verbally. Now I feel kinda bad for 'em 😔)