Arthur, Miya, the tomgirl, and two other students were up agaisnt Orion. 'But seriously though, they're able to hospitalize people? And with such a skinny frame as well? Their quirk must be powerful, right?' But then again, they weren't in S class nor were they seen by Orion on the leaderboards for the entrance exam.
'Oh, well. I guess I'll just target them first. No point in waiting..' He stood by the hunter section as the 5 A class students would stand by theres. 'Odd..' Orion couldn't help but look at the feminine dude. It was like a strange specimen that he thoroughly wanted to experiment on.
'A shame they're a dude. But meh, who cares. We can still be friends or something, I guess..' He was starring at them in the first place because of how oddly they were stretching. It was revealing to say the least, the trickster making guys excited.
'We've all be there before, I guess. But man, learning the truth back then was heartbreaking. My own fault for not reading their bios'....' As he sighed, they turned around and faced Orion. Their eyes connected for a second before Orion closed them and waved.
They waved back as well and turned back to continue exercising. 'Seems friendly enough. Ah, I can't wait to fight~..' Arthur and Miya had been sitting down on the sand with their backs at Orion. They would draw in the sand, then talk to each other seemingly about the drawing.
"Can you even do that? I mean, you're not overestimating yourself, right?"
"Of course I can! I just never really do it as it could hurt and damage surrounding areas. But now that were in a place where we can go all out and that were up agaisnt him to boot, it should be fine."
"Hmm, I see. Fire would definitely be more effective, but then again, you might burn the whole forest down, so ice it is."
"Yep, exactly. Well, anyways, good luck out there.." He got up and helped her up as well. "Yeah, you too. I'm sure he'll go for you before he does me, so just be careful. I'm also sure that he won't be holding back agaisnt you since it'll be like pitying you.."
Arthur nodded with a faint smile, saying, "Well, if you say it like that, he'll forever be pitying me. But I get what your saying. He'll most likely fight on par with me to give us both a challenge. He always does that which makes fights with him...kinda fun actually.."
"Must be nice. Since I'm a girl, he tends to hold back even more agaisnt us. Isn't that considered, sexist?"
"Hmm..." He pretended to think long and hard about what she said. "Well, he only does that as...well,..think about it. Who likes things they cherish to be hurt and ruined. I think he holds back more than usual agaisnt people he knows where as to strangers."
"Cherish? Why the hell would he cherish me? We barely speak to each other. Our relationship literally consist of him saying something arrogant, I retaliate and then he does as well, then starts dozing off while starring at my boobs. All I'm saying is, we don't know each other well enough to be on levels such as cherishing the other..."
"That''re right in a way. Maybe cherish IS too much of a strong word to use. Orion just simply values you much more than the norm. Remember that day where you appeared from no where and started spouting that 'It's apart of how the world works' crap? Well, it really left a deep impression on him.
You cured his blindness, allowing him to adjust solely to this new life as a hero in the big city. You may think that it was just a casual passing, but for him, it was mind changing. He thanks you for that.."
Orion knew how cruel the world could be, yes, but he's been trapped in a neverending heaven that was filled with nothing but happiness and joy. Seeing how those people died that day had shattered that mindset and engraved a new one in its place.
"Is...that so.." She was a little surprised that she was able to influence someone such as him who she thought had no worries about the world around them. 'He can do anything. Was it wrong...for me to assume that he wouldn't be so attached to a world he could change with a mere thought..?'
A person so far away from everyone else and yet also cared for those around them. Someone powerful yet thoughtful. Orion really was odd, huh?
"So yeah, he cares for you. He cares a lot for his friends and the people that he loves. That's just the way he is.." A brand new image of Orion replaced the old one in her mind, prompting her to smile. "I see. He's honestly not that bad then.
Sure, he's still arrogant and somewhat annoying, but he's atleast.. tolerable. I should apologize to him for ignoring his attempts at talking with me. I realize that it..was petite of me to do that to him."
Seeing her embarrassed face and smile to boot was a rare sight to see and so quickly, Arthur took a photo of her with his phone. "What are you doing?" She had the tone of a stutter, but wasn't actually stuttering. "You rarely smile, Miya. I had to take a photo of that.."
She stared at him for a moment as he looked at her picture then looked over towards Orion. "Ah, I take it you don't want me to show it to him? He'd be oddly happy with seeing it though." She shook her head as she began turning around.
"You can show it. Just please, ask next time. It's creepy just taking a picture of me like that without even asking." Bitting her bottom lip, she went to go receive her map. 'The hell's up with her? No way she fell for him after knowing that,..right?'
Surely just knowing that he took her words to heart wouldn't turn her into an actual love interest now, would it? The simple answer to that would be no as she's genuinely surprised that someone like Orion could change because of her words, words alone in general.
'Well, that's...Orion for ya. So that's like, what, 5 girls in his harem so far? Man, I need to catch up asap!' And like that, he rushed over to get his map. He was the last person to get theirs and after a few more minutes of waiting, it was time.
"Remember! This is simply a test of whether or not a student can successfully outmaneuver a villain while holding something as valuable as a person or even a lost treasure. So whatever you do, value your item and make sure to never let it go!"
The only people to actually paid mind to this were the people actually participating. 'Making a big deal about the items only now? Did they change them or something?' The stares from Arthur then made him look over at him. 'Good luck. Your gonna need it..' Arthur thought to himself.
'I'm...gonna need it? I could give you the luck of ever person that's ever existed and you'd still lose. Thanks for the laugh tho.'
'Yeah, well, we'll see. Also, I think Miya might finally like you. Y'all should talk after this.'
'What, really? Nah, you're probably just messing with me to distract me. Very underhanded, Arthur..'
'Yeah, okay. Don't believe me then..'
Arthur knew Orion was probably reading his mind and could also predict what he'd say next. Clearing his throat as the horn for Class A would ring, Orion was thinking, 'If she does see me in some sort of new light, maybe she'll finally let me touch her muscles. I've been crossing my fingers this whole time, so I guessed it paid off...'
He let out a deep sigh, clearing his thoughts. 'I can't be thinking like that right now..' His smile became solemn as he looked at the woods, the horn for him to start the hunt going off as well.
'There's someone...who wants to fight me head on like an idiot. If that's what they want, I won't disrespect them by playing around..' When it came to him initiating a fight and or being told someone was going to fight him, he couldn't help but play around.
But when an unknown person has it out for him, that's when Orion knew he had to be serious. 'Not much to it..' He started walking, 'but it's just that if you have problems with me, you catch these ones. I have no problem with that...'
Who was waiting for him just pass those bushes? Arthur? Miya? The femboy?! Or one of the two irrelevant A class students?
Find out next time on dragon ball Z kai!
(An: Fun fact! Author's are about 98 percent horny when writing R-18 chapters! Even I wrote one before, but stopped mid way becuase I wasn't excited anymore, so I just scrapped it.
Another fact! Mc was gonna have a 'Going away present', being sex, with Ari and Yuri! Though like I just said, I stopped mid way, scrapping the whole idea!
Have a nice day!)