(An: My uhm,...my fourth time trying to write this chapter. The days get slower, the nights, longer. I'm starting to see things that aren't supposed to be seen.
Well as you can see, I've already lost my shit. Please, enjoy the chapter that has been written 4 different ways before.)
"Oreo? Is that really you?"
Orion felt the hand of someone being placing on his right shoulder. From touch and voice alone, he could tell that it obviosuly had been a girl, prompting him to look over his shoulders. "Who are you?"
Short pink hair that had single strands on the sides of her face. Green eyes that made emeralds jealous. Pink nails which highlighted her look even more. A slender, yet thick figure that both genders took second glances at.
"Pretty.." Orion completley turned and gave her his full attention. His face was like a little boy discovering sweets for the first time."Pretty? Me? Aw, how sweet of you.." She kneeled down to his height and patted his head.
She was wearing black pants and heels with the same color followed by a white lab coat and shirt. Like a doctor in an obvious sense. A divine doctor if Orion says so himself. "You've really grown up on me, Oreo. It's been...what, 14 years since the last time we've talked...?"
She removed her hand then started scratching under his chin. It surprised Orion for a moment, but the feeling of her touch outgrew surprisment, turning into weird form of pleasure. His face sort of resembled a dog after getting a belly rub, a fascinating sight for all those watching to see.
"Aw~... Oreo, I just can't with that face.. You're so cute!" A chin rub turned into a deep hug. She stood up, carrying him off the ground and making his legs dangle. Smothering him between her breast, she started patting his head again.
"Wait,...Oreo..?" He just peeped that she had been calling him that. 'Oreo,...Ore..o.' He thought over and over on end. 'I...remember being called this as a baby by someone named...' He couldn't look up at her, but she felt as though he did. "Hikari? Is that...really you?" She giggled and gave a nod.
"Yep. Did you miss me?"
He said bluntly, causing her to dramatically gasp. "I didn't miss you as I completely forgot about you. Though now that we've met again, I'll say that I don't really wanna leave your side for a while.." He hugged her tightly as she would slowly begin doing as well.
"That's...nice to hear, Oreo. I think we should stay together like this for a little while longer too.." She kneeled down and instead of a teasing him, she softly hugged him back as she would kiss the top of his head. 'She's..'
Not even a month old, Orion's could control his emotion, express them and more. One time while he was being breast fed by Ari, Hikari face timed them. Once she saw Orion, she couldn't help but scream from excitement. She would then call for him over and over, eventually leading him to look at her.
Orion looked at her and once he saw her face, he realized something. It was the exact same feeling he felt when he first saw Ari.He...had fallen in love again, wanting to touch her through the phone which was something cute to witness at the time. "Ah, his eyes and hair...look!"
She held a Red Velvet Oreo up to the camera and showed them both. It was a oreo with the usual black cookies and red filling which matched Orion's color palette, ultimately leading to the nickname, Oreo.
As a baby, hearing his laugh and seeing his hands clap was an amazing sight to see, especially for a one month year old.
'She's...like Yuri. Not my actual mom, but a motherly figure that I deeply love. Yuri taught me how to be a man, Ari taught me how to be a gentleman and Hikari taught me how to let loose and have fun every once and a while.
Though after that call, we never got back in touch with her. I...was deeply saddened by that and by past experiences, thought she had abounded me.
Ari saw through these thoughts of mine and reassured me that Hikari was just a very busy woman and would never do anything to harm my feelings.
After being reassured by her, the memory of Hikari just slowly faded away, knowing that she was still out there and still loving me..'
"You...aren't going to leave after meeting me today, right?" He squeezed the side of her coat like a little kid would to not get lost in public. Feeling this, she faintly smiled then pulled him back. Cupping both sides of his face with her soft, pale hands, she stared into his eyes as he did as well.
"No. I couldn't do it before, but I promise. I promise that I'll always be by your side. Whenever you need me, I'll be there.."
Sure, she was a nurse and it was her duty to be there for him in case he got hurt, but that's not what she meant. If he ever needed a shoulder to lean on, if he ever needed to talk about anything, she'd be there.
She'll make up for all the lost time that they deserved to have with each other. As 'Mother' and son. "Thank you, Hikari. I...love you.." Though they've only talked once before, it was like they chatted millions of times to Orion.
Having someone who seemed so genuinely happy with his presence was all it took for him to 'love'. "Love me, huh? Oreo, I love you too. I felt really bad for leaving you like that, but I had to at the time.
I knew however that you'd be in good hands. I mean, you have a loving mother and a beautiful maid. What more could you have asked for?"
"You're...right, Hikari.." He gently grabbed her wrist and smiled, red cheeks and all. "I couldn't have asked for nothing more. Everything was perfect. Just wished you would've experienced what I had along side with me..."
He moved in and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm glad that I met you, Hikari. Let's enjoy our school life together.." The students around could only think to themselves on the weird situation in front of them.
'Orion always gets the prettiest ones! I could never..' Arthur sighed while turning away. 'My~... It seems that I have more competition. An adult as well~..' Rin liked the challenge, not getting jealous in the least. "Oreo.." Hikari finally said after a long pause.
'The reason why I never called back..' Just after that fact time, she recieved another call. The person on the other end of the call told her of some depressing news.
That news caused her to become depressed for awhile, not leaving her house for several months and quitting her job as a hero for a few years, even after she recovered from depression.
Some time later, she got a part-time job as a nurse's assistant. They helped people who didn't have long to live bassically. Being around for a while, seeing how they lived their last few months to the fullest and seeing how positive they could be even though they knew death could come at any given point, it somewhat motivated her.
But even with her quirk, she couldn't heal the causes of time. So after working their for a bit and getting an even greater insight as to what life is worth, she quit and got a job as a school nurse. From there, her career exploded as her quirk was very suitable for young children. She became known across some states as, 'The Healer Of Time.'
She soon landed a position at 'Hero' where she decided to spend the rest of her work career at, helping aspiring students and being their crutch. 'I went through a time in life where I needed space. Does Oreo...understand that? I wanted to talk to him again, I really did, but I never wanted him to see me in that pathetic state. I didn't want the boy...who apparently loved me, to see me without a smile, the last thing I left him with...'
"Yes,.." That was all in the past however. What mattered now is that they were both new people who could rely on each other in this new way of living. "I think that'll be fine, Oreo. Let's...enjoy school life...together.." They hugged once more, now without any distance between them.
They wanted to go back how things were on that day. How she was able to make him laugh and how he was able to ease her mind. "I've been meaning to ask, but what's been poking my belly since earlier?"
Whatever it was, it was as tough as brick maybe. "Well uhm, like I said earlier, you're very beautiful, Hikari. It's only natural that this happened.." They both looked down at the space between them and saw what appeared to be a armed shaped object in his pants.
It would twitch at times and would get caught up in her navel, causing her face to redden ever so slightly. "Th-That's all you? Amazing.." She complimented its size and thickness. "Yep! My greatest feature if I do say so myself.." He said, placing his hands on the back of his head.
'I can make it any size, shape, color, I can make it however I want it to be. Shi, I could even make it a sword if I wanted to..'
"Haha. Your greatest feature eh? As your school nurse AND older sister, you'll obviously allow me to look further into that, right?"
"Of course! Anytime Hikari. Anytime.." Before he knew it, the first matched ended. Accel won as the hunter and was now residing on the other side of the finish line along with the A class students. "Oh? You have a sister?" Rin innocently asked with her hands together behind her back.
She caught on that the two must've been old acquaintances and so she gave them some space to talk. "I guess you can say that. We haven't talked in so long though so we kinda got carried away..."
"I see that. Well, it's nice that you two met back up. I could tell that this meeting meant a lot for you both."
"It did. It really, really did. But enough about Hikari. We should see who's up next.." She agreed and they looked up ag the screen. And to almost no surprise, Orion was next. "Ah, before I forget.." Hikari spoke with her hands in her coats pockets.
"There's a kid here that's very dangerous. They're not evil or anything, but they...don't hold back. I get atleast 10 patients a day who were all hurt from the same person, being them.." She then pointed over to a student and Rin and Orion looked.
Blond, messy hair that covered their ears and forehead. Light blue eyes that matched with the blue sky. A innocent smile that said they had no worries in the world. "A cute girl like her...puts people in clinics? Hard fo believe, Hikari.." She was atleast the same height as Orion, and wore clothes that the homeless wouldn't even wear if it was their last resort.
"Yes, but don't be fooled, Oreo. That innocent look of his is what caused so many people to be injured.."
"Wait,...his? That's...a dude?!" I mean, he guessed they could pull it off, but their initial look was definitely that of a girls. "Huha. Told you not to be fooled.." She said as she began walking away.
'This is the first time..' Orion started shaking, surprising Rin who had been quite shocked herself that they were a guy.
"What's wrong, Orion? Are they really strong or something..?" He shook his head at her as he remembered his nonstop porn addiction days. It lead him to discover many new fantasies, fetishes, an entirely different side of him essentially.
What he also discovered on twitter that day...it was something that no man should have ever fapped to. But it wasn't his fault. He.....was tricked! "This is the first time that I've.." But that trick wasn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, he might've busted his biggest load looking at these tricksters.
With an excited look and a grin that freaked others out, he raised his fist into the air.
"This is the first time that I've ever seen a real life femboy!"
(An: You know, it took me a solid 8 minutes and 43 seconds to decide and add that last sentence. Pretty sure I'm just horny and incorporated it into his character so yeah.
I gots to stop doing that before I end up making this Mc say some outta pocket shit like him liking fee-)