"5 students will each have to find 1 item that has been spread out on the island in a given time limit while one person chases after them. If the chaser stops 3 of the students before and or after they found their item, the game ends and the chaser wins. Though, if only two people cross the finish line with their items, the game is over and the item finders are the winners. If the time limit reaches an end and neither the chasers who should have caught atleast 3 people or the item finders who did not cross the finish line, both parties will fail. Pretty simple, right?"
Some nodded while others just stared, meaning they understood as well. "As you've probably noticed, we've asked S class to join us today. They'll act as the huntets and will do anything to catch you. If I were you, I'd try to avoid them at all cost because they won't hold back I'm sure.."
They all looked towards the S class students who were sitting in the back. They smiled and waved at them, not a worry in the world about this competition. "Some of you might think this test isn't important towards your careers as Heroes, but you'll see why it's in fact the opposite once your out there on the field.."
After saying that, the students were put randomly into groups of 5. They did this to allow for students who never talked with each other to get a better understanding of the other. They were bound to comrades in the future, so developing relationships now is obvious.
"Hey, come here you guys..." Cathleen motioned the S class students to huddle near her and they did. "Though you'll be called chasers, act as if you're villains. I want you to hurt them, break their minds, and above all, show them that you're stronger!" They already understood this and so they simply nodded.
"I wonder what It'll be like to be a villain.." They looked towards Orion. "Sounds fun, doesn't it? Can do whatever you whenever you want.." Accel departed first as the other gave him a certain glare. Noticing this, then playing back what he said through his head, he laughed. "Ah, don't worry. I'll never become a villain tho. They always lose for some reason.."
Even he wasn't sure if plot could save him from losing agaisnt the good guy even though he had the power to do anything. "You can't just go around saying that Orion. You...you'll be a threat that not any one person could stop.."
Cathleen said with a sigh as she would turn around and walk away. "Yeah, she's kinda right, Orion. Jokes like that sort of scare us, y'know? Your quirk isn't exactly normal.." Percy left as he needed to speak with a teacher about something. Iker left as well, leaving only Orion and Rin.
"So what do you think? You didn't take my joke to heart, right?" Rin shook her head with a smile. "I didn't, no. While they may be scared of what you could become, I wouldn't be. I'll always follow you and I know that deep down in my heart that you'll never hurt me. That's enough reason for me to never be afraid of you."
She took his hand and placed it on her face. Her soft pale skin, her kind words, the faint smile that grew wider when they talked..."Rin, I think I like you. What am I supposed to do now?" She was a bit taken back by his sudden confession, but didn't show it on her face.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that as I think I do as well.." She brought his hand down, still holding it however, and now went to hold his other hand. "I should start over. Hi, my name is Orion. Will you go out with me?"
He was calm and collected. Made sure that what he said had meaning behind it and wasn't just on a whim. 'Yeah, I do really like her. It's the company that really attracts me to her. I don't really care if she's so nonchalant and quiet. Just being near her..'
"Yes, I will~... Please take care of me.." She undid their hold and planted her face into his chest, hugging him in the process. 'I don't really understand it myself. Love between people who aren't related, I mean. Because I thought I knew what it was in another life, but then again, I was completely wrong.
I...hope I'm not wrong here...'
Orion meekly hugged her back. It was the first time he's ever hugged a female of his age gap in 34 years, one obviosuly not of blood relations. "Rin, I always wonder this, but why are you so intoxicated with me? I don't really have anything special going on for me, you know?"
Maybe it should've been a question to ask before asking her out, but now was a better time as any to do so. "Hmm, let's see.." She touched over his chest. "You're strong,.." She patted his head. "smart,..."
She cupped his face. "cute,..." And then, she kissed his forehead. "and most importantly, nice. You're a kind person with a even kinder soul. Meeting you was the best thing that's happened to me.."
The more she flattered him, the more embarrassed he became. "Y-You just met me, Rin. How can you already be so sure of who I am..?"
Though he meant that as a question, Rin only continued smiling. "But, I can see how you made those assumptions about me as that's the me I show everyone. From the time we've had together, I know that your very mysterious, yet it brings out a certain charm in you.
Quiet, observant and calm. For some reason, I really like that in you. I also like your eyes so there's that.." He stared into them as she blinked dramatically.
"My eyes? That's not all, is it?" She teased him by pressing her body onto him, allowing for her breast to flatten out on his chest.
With red like cheeks, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, you're right. Not only your eyes, but everything about you I like! There, I said it. Jeez, now I'm all embarrassed.
Why'd you have to do that to me?" By now, Rin could assume that there was some kind of illusion upon then that made all of this seem like they were causally talking.
Otherwise, the students would be watching and calling them weirdos. "But really, thank you. I'm glad you don't see me as some threat that'll betray you guys. Makes me feel normal, y'know?"
She knew exactly how he felt. When her quirk developed, she couldn't control it and it progredded to the point where she couldn't be around others without her quirk slowing them down. It was a passive ability thats been with her since a few months back.
During that time period where others could never come close to her, she became alone and distant. That allowed her to become more observant of people however, forcing her develop analytical skills.
"And you as well. You were the first person that's touched me in years. It's been so long since I've felt the genuine touch of someone.."
He didn't know that. It...surprised him actually. 'So what, for the last 8 years, shes never came into contact with anyone? Hard to believe, but with that kind of quirk, I guess it's possible..' Orion took her right hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Then..." Maybe it was weird for a 14 year old with a mental age of 34 to be saying this, but, "Allow me to touch you even more. I'll show you a whole new world of 'pleasure' if you allow me to.." I mean,..its not like someone could put him behind bars. So like I said earlier in this series,
Who's gon stop him?
Who's gon stop him if he decides to do things like-
"Of course, Orion.." She interrupted Orion and the narrators thoughts. "If it's you, you can do anything to me. Literally, only you can really touch me.." And like that, the illusion came undone as well as them becoming less intimate.
'Alright! Now that I have Rin, you're next, Miya! Gonna be kinda hard though since she doesn't really like me. Pretty sure she sees me as an obstacle like most others do..' On his conquest to have atleast twenty wives, there will be many ups and downs.
They all have those mood swings every once and a while, making them very unpredictable. "Okay! For our first match, will these contestants please step forward.." From beneath the sand, a giant screen came up.
On the left side of the screen were 5 people, the middle of the screen showing a 'V.S.', and the right side of the screen showing a single person.
From S class, Accel was chosen as the Hunter while nobody that Orion knew of from A class was chosen. 'Accel, huh..?' Orion thought as he watched him sigh and walk over to the area for hunters.
'I get everyone else's powers, but his. That's because he uses it in a way,..that you wouldn't expect someone with his quirk to use it.'
The students from A class were given separate maps with the locations of their item on the island. This island was owned by the school and was located a little bit off of the shore. From the beaches of miami and with a boat, it'd take atleast ten minutes to reach,
Since the island was artificial, it had several purposes even though it was just one single island. First, the island can change its biome with the press of a button, allowing for students to train in all sorts of situations. Second, on the opposite side of the island, was a giant underground bunker that could, in lack of a better words, house all the people of the state of Florida.
Don't ask how as I didn't make it.
Anyways, it'll be used in case of a nuclear attack or something like that. Though since the island is located near Miami, people from upper parts of the state would have to drive down here in order to avoid the nuke.
Theres an obvious problem with that and experts are still trying to figure out a way to solve it.
Maybe underground shelters just as strong as the islands should be built in every city in miami? Who knows?
Anyways, the island has more purposes, but that doesn't need to be explained now. "On the sound of the whistle, students from Class A, go! But the S class student, you will stay here and wait 5 minutes before being released! Is that clear!" Cathleen screamed into a microphone, killing g everyones ear drums.
They however nodded, figuring this had to be done or else the hunter could just take everyone out at the start. "3..." She initiated a count down as they all deeply sighed, calming themselves. "2..." Accel was chewing on his gum while he'd scope out his competitors.
"1.." It wasn't a whistle, but a horn. That startled the A class students heavily, but nonetheless, used their quirks to disappear into the jungle. And like that, the start of
(An: One of my many boring chapters. Soz..)