What He Wants.

'Too amazed by Arthur's new move and became distracted because of it. Now..' The silver bullet was slowly penetrating the center of his forehead while the disk was beginning to rip through the back of his shirt.

'Now I'm being hit by it. And its starting to hurt like hell. So that's why I have to..' Though he could praise them in succeeding to get him pinned like this, he could easily dodge this attack of theirs.

He knew that they'll assume he'll be overloaded with information, having billions of ways to avoid this situation, but what they overlooked was just that.

He quite literally has billions of ways to get out of this situation. Just pick the first thing that comes to mind, and there won't be any need for overthinking.

He moved his right leg upwards like he was kicking a ball, coming off his left foot as well. His back then arched upwards, the silver bullet s scraping his forehead and darting past. The disk of ice cleanly passed beneath him and lodged itself into a tree of ice.

Arthur was astonished by this as he came down, losing his balance and slipping on the ice, ultimately falling down onto his butt. 'How the hell did he..?' Orion put his hands out behind his head, landing on them, then propelling himself off the ground and landing back on his two feet.

'He...went between my disk and the bullet with such precision? He's more agile than I remember..'

"Man~.., That was close~... Thought I wasn't gonna make it out alive for a second there.." The silver bullet which was lodged in the ice shell of an tree fell out, flipped around, and darted towards the back of Orion's head.

Pivoting on his right foot, he twirled around one hundred and eighty degrees precisely, facing the bullet by swiping left his hand. His fist was bawled as he slowly opened it and dropped the bullet casing, making a rattling sound as it hit the cold ground. 'Shit. Plan B...it is..'

Arthur's back legs started kicking as he used his arms to push himself off the ground, then into a charge at Orion. 'Hm?' Orion stared down Arthur who was dragging his left arm behind his jiggling body.

'Maya's probably too startled with the fact that he reacted as he did, so she's probably not gonna be of any help. Oh well..' A sledge hammer made of fire was made from the palm of Arthurs left hand. Reaching just before his chest, Arthur stomped his right foot onto the ground, cracking the ice below.

In the blink of an eye, he now had his right hand on the hammer as well, swinging from below, then towards Orion's left side. Orion naturally reacted, stepping back and out the way of the sledge hammer, making Arthur lose his balance.

Orion then grabbed his left wrist which had been thrown out because of his previous attack, the sledge hammer now being nonexistent. He went on to grab his right wrist as well.

Bending those arms back, but not so they would break or cause a great deal of pain, he walked Arthur up to a tree and pinned him against it.

"Time for a lesson, Arthur..."

"N-No, I'm not ready~..."


"Sorry. But for real though, this position...it probably doesn't look right to those watching. Let's sit down and talk, yeah?"

The position was quite odd, seeing as Orion's chest was all up on his back, but if not looked into any further than it is, it's not at all weird.

"No. Just listen for a second, okay?" He loosened his grip up ever so slightly to show Arthur that he wasn't planning on tricking him. Accepting this situation now because of that act, Arthur simply nodded, saying, "I'm listening.."

"Okay then. First off,...have you...and I know this is coming outta of now where, but have you ever tried heating up the molecules...that make up...you? Remember that time when I told you about this?"

"Yes, I remember you mentioning that, then Yuri showing up, and then you went to the bathroom, only to come back and never speak of it again. I...sort of forgot about this, sorry. Could you explain again?"

"Ahem! Okay, I will. So, you know how when you have adrenaline, you feel as though your faster, more focused per say, right?"

Arthur nodded and Orion continued. "Well, heating up your molecules allows for you to think quicker and move faster while maintaining concentration throughout the entire process.

Getting your molecules to a state just above absolute zero allows you to think at much slower speeds with calm thoughts even in life or death situations.

All of this can be preformed in a matter of half a second and doesn't take too much practice. This way, you can plan your next move more thoroughly instead of waiting for me to react.

You see, by the time I react and counter whoever's attacking me, I've already made up hundreds of different types of scenarios for whatever outcome may or may not happen.

You of course already do this, but a normal person such as yourself can only think of a limited number of solutions to an outcome where as I don't really have a limit in this case.

It's just not possible for you to do unless your able to manipulate and freely control your construct. But yeah, by heating up and slowing down your molecules, you'll become calmer, sensible, logical, and more powerful to boot, not just in strength by the way.

I can tell you more about yourself, but well save that for a later date.." He was slowly remembering their conversation from before and after taking all the information in, had said,

"I see... Then that's something I really need to pick up on. Though, what makes you think I'm not already a sensible person? I can be pretty tame in battle if I do say so myself.."

Orion sighed, let go of his arms then backed up. "Let's uh...let's test that, okay?" Arthur was then forced to wrap his arms around the tree like he was giving it a big hug. "Huh..?" He said with confusion in his voice as Orion reached out into the air, grabbing a feather.

"Let's test that, yeah?" Arthur was also forced to stare directly at the tree and so he couldn't see what was in Orion's hand. Taking a step forward to be closer behind him again, Orion slowly started rubbing the feather on his arm pit.



Arthur screamed out like a little girl. Though it stumped Orion for a moment, he nevertheless continued tickling him. Screaming turned to laughter and the laughter became uncontrollable. He kept wiggling around, trying to hold it in of course, but he couldn't obviously.

"See..? Even after all this time, you're still ticklish. Your such a baby bro.."

"YOu CAn'T~.... STAWWWP... " The feather disappeared and the laughter slowly died down. "If you crack under pressure from getting tickled, you have a long way to go.."

The invisible force which pinned him agaisnt the tree dissapeared and he slowly fell to the stump of it.

"Though,..." Orion kneeled down and extended his hand. "we have a long way to go together, so I'll help you out whenever you need me to. What are friends for, am I right?"

The ice around them slowly began to melt away. "Ah, yeah, you're right. I can still go on, but for now, it's my loss. Thanks for taking it easy on me as usual.." Arthur turned around and gripped his hand, Orion pulling themselves up.

"No problem. Besides, this is a learning experience for me as well. Showed me that I'm far behind a certain someone in utilization of their power..."

The last part of what he said resonated within Arthur for a moment. 'Huh? Does that mean...I'm ahead of him at something?... Cool...' A smile conveyed itself across Arthur's face as well as Orion's. "Hey, Orion. Do you ever think what it would be like if we were real brothers?"

"Randy Orton bro."

"Yeah, I know. Out of no where, huh?" He laughed awkwardly while undoing his hand from Orion's. "I just think sometimes... How different would my life be if you were there since the beginning?

When mom and dad died. When I started becoming depressed and unmotivated. When I awakened my quirk and almost.."

He trailed off after that, his head sweeping down for a valid reason. "Arthur.." Orion said with sigh, then placed his hand on his head, making Arthur look up towards him.

"Things wouldn't have been so different to be honest. You and I would still be best friends, would still have our bonds as family as well and so on..."

Orion knew how he felt and what his words meant. Orion too once thought like this. Well, in the tense of his past life. He thought, 'What if Arthur was my brother back then? A friend even? How would things have been from there on?'

To Orion, someone who was considered a let down, someone who'd always live in the shadows of others, having atleast one person who he could relate to was enough. That one person would have been very special to him as they could talk about anything together and neither one of them would get judgemental about the other.

"You really are like a brother to me already, Arthur. I thought you were sort of annoying at first, but seeing as you were just a socially awkward little boy just as I sort of was, it helped us connect better I feel like. I honestly really value our relationship. It makes me feel...normal for once in my life, haha."

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad you see me in such a high regard. Even if we aren't related by blood, we're still family. That's really never gonna actually change, right?"

He was somewhat anxious about Orion's answer to this. He knew how close friends could be in their youth, but he also knew that over time, people change. Because of how Orion was, his quirk, attitude and humbleness, he knew just how far Orion would get in life.

He could be the president, the worlds strongest hero, etcetera etcetera. He basically understood that Orion would be a very important person in the future and Arthur hoped that he'd never forgot him.

"It'd be impossible."

Orion said bluntly and with a serious expression to boot. "Nothing will change our relationship, Arthur. I don't know how many times I've said this already, but you really are my best friend. I'd do anything for you, y'know?"

Orion brought him in for a quick hug then released him to not make things more awkward than they already were. "Ah, it's embarrassing to hear it from you in such a serious tone. Makes me understand how much you mean it.."

Orion simply smiled and turned his back to him. "I'll get going then. You should actually try and complete the task of getting your item to safety. You're sure to get disciplined for not even attempting it."

With a nod, then a few more words together, they parted ways. 'Now, the other problem..' With an angled look, he stared through jungle and bushes, Miya flinching from seeing him stare straight at her in the scope of her sniper.

'So he likes to tickle his opponents,..huh? What a weird fetish..' She laid her sniper on the floor next to her and got up. The way she got up was with her butt sticking out and so bumping into a wall that wasn't there before made her flinch.

"Woah, atleast treat me to some dinner first, Miya.." She fwipped around, holding her butt with a sort of embarrassed look. 'The hell? Nah, seeing her of all people make that face is wired. Nice to look at,..but weird..'

"Shut up, you weirdo. Why the hell did you appear behind me of all places? And here I was,.. just starting to see you in a new light.. Smh.."

"Speaking of that, I'm surprised, y'know. I could see you being calm from a mile away, but as soon as I approach ya, your face turns to disgust. Makes me feel a certain way to be honest."

"That's because,...well, you see, I'm very competitive and so when I see you, my mood switches so that you wouldn't see me as some weakling or whatever. I don't know." She scratched her head while shaking it side to side.

"Also, you give me perverted looks. Any woman would naturally react the way I do if they saw someone giving them lecherous gazes.." She crossed her arms, the few bullets hiding throughout the area flying into her pockets.

"Yes, sorry about that. You have nice muscles, haha. But uhm, I see. You see us in an imaginary competition with each other, so I guess you CAN act hard around me if that strokes your ego or something..."

A gust of wind tickled both sides of his face as he looked past his palm which had been out in her direction. "What's up with you and aiming for my head? Even if it's not a bullet, your punches really might kill me.."

He bawled his fist, covering hers as well. With her head dropped, she gave out an exaggerated sigh and said, "You're right. I'm doing this out of my own selfish desire to be better than you. I don't know why I'm steadily fixated on you and I don't really need a reason. Heh, you encourage me to get stronger. Guess I really have fallen into your trap, huh?"

Orion undid his bawled fist which was covering hers. She pulled her hand away, a small smile forming on Orion's face. "My trap, huh? So that's what you're calling it? I can't help that I want to help others succeed. Everyone deserves a chance to be great, right? Whether you're quirkless or not doesn't really matter.

What I care for is that if you even have the slightest chance of wanting to be something, I'll help you accomplish it. It's in my freakish nature and I can't control it.."

She couldn't act mad at him any more and so picking up her sniper and strapping it onto her back, she said, "I'm going to go get my item. I won't cross the finish though. I admit defeat.." She looked at him one more time before walking away and disappearing through bushes.

'Whenever I see someone failing, it reminds me...of myself from my past life. Nobody should ever go through life thinking they'll never be anything. So that's why I want to make people believe that even if your quirkless, even if you're at the lowest point you've ever been in your life, you can still do amazing things. You can still be doctor you've always wanted to be. Or that idol you seen on tv.

I was given the power to make dreams a reality. The power to make others smile. While I'm in this world, I'll be sure to make everyone happy.

No matter...the cost..'


(An: Still alive. Like I said before, I'm too invested with my own plot to quit. Also, this may sound like an excuse but I really like to take my time and plan out chapters.

Before I used to always rush and put in controversial things that made readers dislike the story(Mentioning other stories I've worked on on different accounts).

I really want what's best for you guys. But anyways, have a good rest of your day. Until next time..)