Zach's One Chapter Of Relevance.

A ball of blue lightning that left a trail behind itself danced across the battle field. 'It doesn't really matter what your quirk is. You can't react to something your mind can't process...' Zach landed on raised ledge a few meters behind Orion.

'I'll be able to brag about the fact that I defearwd someone in S class, the bragger to boot. And I'll take his seat in S class as well..' He's 'heard' that people in S class have more freedom over their academic life than people do in lower classes.

That being said, he can spend more time training his quirk, getting a deeper understanding of it, instead of learning useless information he could just look up whenever he pleases.

He launched off the cliff and towards Orion backside. As he got closer and closer to Orion, he would begin to notice that Orion was looking at him until both of their eyes had locked, shocking Zach for a moment.

Zach landed on the ground just behind him with a stumble as Orion completely turned, slashing at Zach with a blade-like left hand. Zach reacted swiftly by jumping back just out of the way of the slash.

'You press spacebar on a computer while watching youtube and it pauses. Process and return. Input and output. About 670,616,629 miles per hour, or 300 million meters per second...

There's absolutely no way for a human to move faster than electrical currents, and yet...' Orion appeared before him midair and slashed at him with a grey colored sword.

Zach seemingly teleported, a blue blur diving to the ground then circling around before zipping down the river. Orion copied and followed his every action, flying now to keep up with Zach. Their speeds caused debris to fly around. The current in the water also got stronger and moved faster down its stream.

Dragging his left metallic hand in the water had caused minerals and the like to fly up. Zach, still flying forward, shifted his body around to face Orion's direction, threw up huge chunks of dirt blocks at him.

Orion flew around these blocks, his speeds increasing by the second. Zach slowly started descending as he reached the end of the waterfall. His fwipped back around and flew off above the river and into the open air space. Orion, who had his sword over his shoulder, threw that right arm out and a grey, crescent shaped sickle manifested itself.


<[Damage to back has been received]>

Zach's calm flying got rocky as he began losing control over his suit, leading him to spiral down towards the ground. 'What the hell happened?! What hit me?!' He could detect incoming attacks, but not thing one. The electricality running through him ceased to exist and he became exponentially slower.

Still spiralling down at a reflexed angle, he caught a glimpse of Orion. 'Fa-' He couldn't even get words off before something happening to him, the case now being a sword lodged into the triangle on Zach's chest. "Molecular Break. A sword that cuts through molecules.

You see, since it cuts through molecules, its speed isn't slowed, but amplified. It's like the my attacks aren't nerfed by wind resistance, or the law of physics, things like that. Since molecules are infinite by the way, they appear again as soon as they're destroyed.."

Orion had let go of the sword and like a burning meteorite, Zach had crashed down into the ground, rolling and doing forced flips, breaking bones and damaging his suit. Throughout all of this, he couldn't think straight and so he could truly process what was happening to him.

"Come on.." Orion was standing in the path Zach who was rolling towards him in. "Attack me like you did just earlier.." The suit of armor happened to bounce up into the air giving Orion the chance to kick the armor directly in the back.

Zach was shedding tears from all this as he flung forward and into a boulder, shattering it to well as his armor. Lying on the ground in nothing but his tattered uniform, he sank his fingers deep into the ground as he cried and cried with his face buried in the ground.

'That armor is truly a hindrance for him. Too much of a target...' Orion started walking towards him, putting his hand up in the air and calling his sword. The sword which was lodged into the ground shook then flew out the dirt in a hurry to Orion's palm.

'Also with the armor, his chest becomes his biggest weakness..' He threw the sword up and it turned to molecules, Orion now standing over the crying boy's body. He wasn't going to die even though he was stabbed in the chest by the way.

The pain he felt was similar to that of being stabbed in the leg or arm. Though because he saw himself with a sword in his chest, his mind ik s tricking him into thinking he was stabbed through the chest, causing his pain to only worsen.

"Hey bro. You want this time to yourself, don't you?" Orion kneeled down and started rubbing his back.

Zach however kept crying and so Orion could only sigh and continue to rub his back. 'Using light speed attacks was a new low Orion. I know you wanted to test it out and all, but he's no where near fast enough to dodge and or react to it. That was really mean of you..'

That was sorta a dick move on Orion's part and so he promised himself to only use attacks like that for fast and powerful foes. 'But thanks though. You set the bar quite nicely for me. Seems like imma have to train Miya and Arthur if I want to have fun fighting with them again..'

As he was thinking that and rubbing Zach's back, a bird flew onto his shoulder. It had fair light green hair and purple eyes. 'What a weird yet beautiful bird. Never seen this species before however...' The bird hopped on his shoulder a few times, tweeted, and then flew up.

Orion watched as it did, becoming more and more infatuated with it for some odd reason. 'Yeah, I've read my bird books. That...doesn't exist. Did I just see some sort of new species of birds then?' As he was thinking that, a giant shadow casted down on Orion's figure.

It was about the size of a building and in fact was an actual building. 'The bird... Nah, I must be seeing things, right? A bird...did not just turn into a building. Yeah, nah..' The shadow was spreading farther and farther out as it got closer to the ground.

'But, the building has the same color properties like the bird had. Light green cement and purple tinted windows..' Orion snapped out of it and looked at Zach, then back at the building.

'It's...alive?! The building has a heart and human-like functions?!'

He was going to just cut through it, but seeing that it had human components and an actual beating heart(!), he couldn't. 'This must be..' He doesn't know why his brain lead him to this conclusion, but..'This must be...the trap. The blond haired boy(sadly) that puts people in hospitals.

But, their quirk, it..shapeshifting or something? But being able to turn from animals into inorganic matter like a building is...overpowered, isn't it?'

Orion grabbed the back of Zach's shirt and made a b line for it. 'Teleporting him will probably be too much for a already injured human, so that's out of the question...' Orion could feel the pressure from the building slowing him down and reducing oxygen throughout the area.

Or maybe that was just his nerves from knowing that if he were to get hit, he'd be flattened like a bug. 'But alas, I was given the powers of molecule man. Nothing...really poses a threat to me..'

Orion stopped, released Zach and put his hands up, looking down at him however with a smile. 'I wanna make this look cool anyways. Zach, I know your watching this. So look and be amazed..'

As soon as the surface of the building touched his hands and he bent his fingers upwards to get a better grip on it, he felt the surface disappear and turn into a slightly more rounded and smooth one.


Orion squeezed and a noise was made. 'Surprisingly a soft mound. They must've transformed or something..'

Orion slowly began to look up and there, he saw it, "Uhm~... Could you please put Rukia down~.." Light green hair which went down her back and a ponytail just suit. Green eyebrows with light purple eyes, a cute yet embarrassed expression as well.

"Wow,...she's very pretty..." Orion thought he said in his head, but was actually outloud. "Who...are you though?" ('The shapeshifters real apperance? But Hikari told me they were a dude...')

Orion slid his right hand down and held her sides along with his left hand. She was a little shorter than he, but he could still pick her up like this since she was folding her legs backs.

"Rukia is Rukia! I'm surprised, you're the first person to ever figure out my weakness!" She seemed proud, yet embarrassed. Maybe it was because she was buck naked and in front of two dudes?

"Weakness? No, wait, you're student here, right? Not some mystical beast or something.."

"I guess you really wouldn't notice Rukia like this! You ARE the first to see Rukia's true appearance after all!" A noise was made and the femboy Orion could only adore from afar had appeared.

'Neat..' Orion looked up and down their naked body, now only invested in the quirk related side of things.

'She's....OP. Able to transform into 50 meter tall buildings or even into living things. Though, she actually has her human parts still inside the things she transformed into, so she can't really transform into inorganic things like I thought she could...'

That plop noise was made once more and she was back in her 'original' form again. "My names, Orion. You...have a very unique quirk and I sort of wanna test it capabilities. Would you allow me to learn more about yourself?"

He stopped holding her and began looking into her eyes. He didn't want to look anywhere else to embarrass her even more. "You...wanna learn more about Rukia? Well, Rukia wants to learn more about you too! So deal!" She extended her hand out and he took it.

'I can bring all my anime mommies to life with her! Or so I hope!' The hand he was shaking then became rougher, larger and meatier. "What...are you doing...?" He said while looking up at the 6 meter tall green haired gorilla.

"This is still a competition, y'know? Don't worry, you are Rukia's friend, so I'll go easy on you!"


The gorilla violently and aggressively spun around and launched Orion into the air. 'Holy shit...' He turned around midair and saw a missile heading towards him. 'Holy...shit...'

The power to turn into any and all things. The possibilities might actually be endless..

'This is...way to interesting...'

A small grin appeared on his face as he braced himself to get hit by the light green rocket...


(An: Seems a little rushed in my opinion.

Man, I might have to do a time skip to be honest. If I continue like this, my characters will, if not already, become stale and plain. A time skip could help me keep thier personalities while having the chance to develop them even farther.

I don't know.)