"Is this...really the place..?"
Iker questioned aloud while looking down the cliff and at the rough waters. "The location on the map says so, so probably, yeah.." Orion pulled his phone out far enough for the group to see.
They looked at it, groaned, and all then sighed. "Where exactly is it though? It's only rocky waves and canyons as far as the eye can see..." Iker asked, Orion putting his phone away.
"Maybe it's inside the canyons walls?" Accel said looking towards Orion like he was confirming his answer. "Nah, it's not that guys.."
A 3D diagram appeared in the air in front of Orion. It was the layout of the entire area and was detailed down to the very last pebble.
He pointed underneath the squiggly lines that stood for waves. The group, stunned by the floating hologram, barely listened to what he said, but when seeing what actually was beneath the water came into fruition, they all became mildly surprised.
"There's a metallic seabed down there?" Accel was the first to say something. "A secret passage maybe?
Does that mean that the bases location...is underneath all of this..?" Iker said with a gulp.
Waves that rivaled a thunderstorm at seas. Sharp, pointed rocks that could pierce metal perhaps. ''Death's Valley' is what they nicknamed the place.
Because of the number of deaths that happen here, that title was given. You'd probably find dead bodies floating down the river once every few hours..'
The map disappeared and Orion turned around to face the group. "All right! This is obviously a final test to see wether or not were capable of being
Looking at the group, he could see that they were nervous. Well, all but Rin as she just smiled and dozed off at times.
Amongst the nervous trio, one stood out from the rest.
'It's...surprisingly not Iker, but Percy. Big dude is shaking over there...'
"Hey, what's wrong? Don't tell me your scared of a little water..?" Orion said teasingly while laughing.
"M-Maybe.." Was what he heard Percy mumble. The group simultaneously looked at him as he was shaken up with fear.
"Dude, are you actually? Come on, it should be the water that's afraid of you. Not the other way around..."
"I-I just don't like water. I can't help it.."
It was strange to see a big and buff dude say that, but nevertheless, the group didn't pry too much into it. "Okay. Well, that really shouldn't be a problem in this situation since I'll be willing to help all of you out if you want me to."
From the surface of the water to the edge of the cliff they were standing on, 30 meters had been between them. Another 50 underwater. A human, one with a quirk or one without, wouldn't last long in contact with the water.
Hearing this offer from him, the group didn't retaliate and all agreed. They don't like to rely on others, but in this situation, they're unprepared and not experienced enough to deal with and solve this situation.
Maybe that was apart of the test. If it was, they'll try on their own next time. 'Better than them not dying', Orion thought to himself.
Stepping completely onto the edge of the cliff, Orion kneeled down and stretched his hand out towards the dark blue water. The once choppy water turned normal like a peaceful river in fantasy stories.
Moving his hand up at a slow rate caused the water to also move up from the bed of the canyon. At the same time, the size of the water would shrink down until it was comparable to the size of a puddle.
"Guys, look at all of that.." Orion pointed down with his free hand. They all looked over the ledge and saw sharpened rocks like spear heads. Bodies upon bodies were also on some ends of the sharpened rocks.
"That's...sad, really.." Iker said whilst looking away. He didn't take gore too well, so starring at it any longer really might have cause something like him throwing up.
"Yeah... Hey, Orion, can't you do something about all of this? Like give them a proper burial or something?"
Orion shook his head at Accels question,
putting the puddle into a floating jar and tightening the seal on it.
"Yeah, I guess I could.." The bodies then carefully lifted off the spear-like ends and canyon bed all together. They all floated up into the sky, their appearances being fixed to look like normal, sleeping humans.
They then shot off into the clouds, Orion saying, "I buried the ones who died years ago in respected cemeteries near friends and love ones while sending the recent ones into morgues. That's all I can do for them right about now.."
He stood back up, the earth beneath the cliff coming out and forming steps all the way down to the canyon floor.
"Just helping them is fine. Even though some people come here to die purposely, they don't deserve to be left alone like this.."
Orion agreed and started walking down. They followed close behind him, the top of the steps disappearing a few seconds after everyone was walking down.
"Honestly this place shouldn't exist. Like it's literally meant for people who either don't want to live or are being rid of."
The group agreed with Percy as they walked down in the spiral of steps. "Yeah, I might just close the canyon up to be honest. Even people who simply check it out end up falling in by accident.."
They kept talking about it as they went down. A few minutes later, they finally arrived and upon stepping on the rocky and sandy ground, they could tell that it was, without a doubt,..
'Yep, a metal floor...' Orion's eyes flickered and he looked around. 'It's just in a span of 40 meters in all directions, forming a circle..'
"This really is the location, huh..?" Percy jumped up into to air, bringing his fist up with rising moment, then came back down.
The ground rumbled with dust blowing up into their faces
The group had to cover their faces until the dust storm cleared. After it settled, they brought their arms down and saw the metal plated floor with a black slit down the middle.
"Me and Orion did our part. Who's next?" Rin stared out into oblivion, Iker shrugged his shoulders and Accel, seeing their reactions, couldn't help but sigh and bend down. He touched a part of the long slit and it soon lit up.
A light blue box appeared on the entire line and then when Accel touched said box, the ground opened instantaneously, causing them to fall through and into a black space, the metal floor above closing back up.
'Where the hell..? And what did Accel do?' They couldn't see each other, only hearing each and everyone of their struggles.
It felt like they were falling forever and Orion, having some sort of fun out of this, wasn't easing their nerves.
Hearing him shout like he was on a rollercoaster was no different from them hearing the devil laugh. As they kept falling, a light from below was slowing expanding.
Seeing this, he deducted that his fun was over. Their eyes were then able to see everything around them, pitch black becoming like broad day. They were in a large chamber full of buildings, people, technology and more.
Once the floor started becoming the only thing in their vision, there were these people who were carrying a huge air mattress that ran out into the space under them and sat the mattress down.
They then ran away as the group landed on the mattress except for Rin who just bounced off air. "Heha. Yep, that was fun.." Orion rolled off and onto the stone floor.
Everyone else groaned as they rolled off the mattress, Rin falling from the sky and landing on Orion. "Yeah, our fun is definitely different~..." Percy joked while coughing and standing up.
Accel and Iker both used the air mattress as support to help themselves up, their hands then going onto their knees as they started catching their breath.
"You softened my landing. Thank you." Rin slowly got up and offered her hand. Orion took it and was pulled up. "No problem. Got a reward out of it anyways.."
She faintly smiled and looked down her backside, happy about the God given butt she had.
"Orion, is this the place..?" Percy asked while holding his head and looking around. "I guess so. But where's-...?"
The sound of footsteps from a distance slowly coming into ear shot caught their attention. Orion stopped talking and like the rest of the group, had looked over.
"It seems you guys made it down here without so much as a scratch.."
Cathleen appeared, her arms crossed and a wide grin on her face. She was in black pants and boots, a white tank top on as well.
Next to her, a tall, old white male with a white beard. He stroked said beard as he looked at the kids.
"Hmm,... Promise and Potential... How nice..."
He had on a black robe and a straw hat which was on his back.
"Welcome, Kids..."
He bowed to them, starring them all in the eyes which freaked them out. The way his grin wasn't that of a normal smile, but one of pure torture and hell that he seemingly dwelled in.
"To My Pitt."
An: I'm....still alive.
Just lazy.