Weak Hero.


Codename: TK

Location: The Balcony.

"Yes, that's right. Oh, so you knew something like this would happen?

Ah, but healing him is for the best, even if it does hurt his pride.

Mh-hm, yes, I can assure you that we'll punish him after he wakes up. Yes, you have a great day as well."

Cathleen hung up the phone that had Percy's mom on the other end. 'Instead of hearing a 'Omg, my baby!!', kind of response from Ms. Jones, I got a 'Not surprising' type of response instead. It's good seeing that their parents give absolutely zero shit about their children.'

As she was putting away her phone, she noticed someone lying down in one of those pool side chairs you'd sit at only if you were at your local pool. The person sitting down in the chair were drinking coconut milk straight from the coconut whilst using an edible chocolate straw to slurp up the milk inside.

"What they'd say?"

The person sitting in the chair talked out-loud, seemingly to themselves.

"They weren't worried, that's for sure."

"Weren't worried about their own kid who's sitting in a coma as we speak? Glad my parents weren't like that."

Cathleen didn't respond as she made her way over towards a chair next to theirs and sat down on the edge of it.

"Other than those other kids, I feel like I'm the only person here who truly cares about that kids safety and well being. You're also too laid back by this situation Cathleen. Why is that? It's weird."

"Hm? You said that you and Andrew had an argument and now you're pissed off at everything and everyone?"

"What? Why-…why would you say something so random like that?"

"So I'm right, huh? What did you guys fight over about this time? Actually, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it's over Andrew not acting concerned for that child's safety when he's threatened their life?"

He didn't speak after that for exactly 3 seconds, then with a sigh, he said, "Yes. And I hate the fact that it irks me so much. Just seeing someone completely not care about a kid they almost killed would anger anyone, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, it would. Even I'm a little pissed off by the fact that you two having a fight was the only way for him to realize his mistake. I'm pissed off at em' and yet, I'm not showing it because doing so might worry other people

People really tend to feel safe when they see my cheek-to-cheek smile, so I try to show it no matter the situation."

She showed him her famous smile and he shyly turned away. Seeing this, she laughed and said, "Hey, this aquarium,… Do you know why I built it?"

Her questioned intrigued him and so he looked back, his arms crossed now and said, "Because it has a nice touch? At least that's what you told me before, but I'm guessing now that what you said before wasn't the actual reason."

"You are correct!"

She shouted loudly as she stuck her pointer finger up then put it back down.

"You're correct. The real reason I put this aquarium here was to see if people would notice that every fish in this aquarium is different from the other. Have you noticed that yet?"

He looked just passed her and at the aquarium swarming with fish. 'Oh, yeah, she's right. I've never actually noticed that. Weird…'

Seeing his dazed look was enough to answer her question.

"Each fish is different. They all aren't like the fish they swim next to. They're…unique in that sense, aren't they?"

"Yes,…they are."

"I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that is humans are all unique. We look different, act different, talk different, we just simply differ from the people around us. You can go to a stadium that houses hundreds of thousands of people and not one person, not one(!), will walk, talk and act like you.

Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

He starred at her for a moment, processing everything that he's just heard.

"Chris, I want you to understand that not all people will think or act like you. They'll differ in ways you can and can't imagine.

Take your brother for example.

He's…not as bright as you, he's not as 'perfect' as you,… Heck, the height difference is the most obvious difference that you two have in my book…"

Chris frowned a little before returning back to his serious look, a small, creeping smile however now appearing on his face.

"I'm starting to see what you mean. I…always expect people to think like I do. To think logically and rationally, not bounded by their own stupidity. But now, I really do understand your words. We aren't all the same and being unique,… Well, being unique is what makes you human.

Though thats probably why I never understood it in the first place.."

He mumbled that last part, but Cathleen still heard it very clearly. Hearing that he could understand what she meant though was what she mainly focused on.

"Teaching you something is rare Chris, so it makes me really happy. What do you say we go out and get something to eat. By the time we finish, we should be able to meet up with the newbies and help them finish their first day of training."

"That sounds nice."

Was all he said before turning around and heading out first. 'I really do hate it when people prove a point to me. But when it's someone like her,… I don't mind, not one bit.'

He thought, placing his hands in his pockets as he went to his room and changed. Cathleen left the balcony only after Chris was finished changing, thinking to herself that her life lesson towards Chris would also be a good speech for her other students.

'Yeah, I'll tell them this exact same speech in the future! I can see their faces now!'

Chris saw her scheming something, but didn't know what, so he just ignored it.

Cathleen met up with Chris and together, had left the base and went out to eat.


"At just the age of 14, I had to leave my family behind and join the military. Coming from a poor background and one with a dead father to boot, I had to be the one to step up and put food out on the table for my family."

The old man said as he, Andrew and his sister stood in front of the group of five that were spaced out 7 feet approximately from each other. Percy was completely healed now and was able to move around like normal, meaning that training was ready to begin.

"When basic training started, as soldiers, we were told that we would have to have deadlifted at least 500 pounds at a minimum in order to stay in the military. Many quit then and there on the spot as it's downright impossible. I however couldn't give up that easily and had to take up the challenge."

The kids looked down at the barbel down at their shoes. There were grey metal plates on each side of the black bar and with basic math and what the old man had just said, the kids could easily figure that each side 250 pounds equally.

'Impossible..' One such student thought to themselves.

"Soldiers had to do this because they never knew when they'd have to carry a wounded comrade or even comrades off the battlefield. Also lifting things such as rubble, supplies or even a car might happen to be an obstacle so preparing you know will help with that in the future."

"Couldn't we just use our quirks?"

Orion asked.

"Ah, yes, you could but what if there's a villain that can dampen quirks or even maybe take them? What'll you do then? Would you still be able to help out citizens in danger? Or would YOU be in danger?"

"Good point. So no quirks during training then?"

"Yes, unless I or another teacher says otherwise. Ah, and to just make sure that no one does cheat and use their quirks during training, we've had a team of inventors makes special wristbands that dampens quirks to some degree."

The group of students had looked at Orion like he had been the devil. They knew that even without his quirk, he'll probably be physically stronger than the average person anyways, so that's probably why it bother him.

They however aren't as physically gifted to lift 500 hundred pounds with their bare strength.

'He's a devil.'

They thought. Even Rin thought that and she usually loved his antics. Without her quirk however, she's about as physically fit as a 5 year old girl.

The team of inventors came out and readied each one of the students with wrist bands. Instantly, they felt their strength deplete, even Orion himself felt as though his strength had reverted back to that of his default settings.

A weak and feable human being.

'How is this possible though? I'm as strong as one punch man without my powers but now I feel as strong as a human with no arms or legs. Even weaker actually..'

"Only when you guys can life 500 pounds like you could a feather will our next exercise will begin. You may all now start."

Orion was the first to bend his knees and grip the bars. His technique wasn't perfect as expected since he's never had to work out.

When he tried coming back up, that's when, for the first time since he's awakened his quirk, that he felt completely powerless.

'No matter how hard I pull, I can't pick it back up!'

Sweat began to trickle down his forehead as he kept grunting and jerking his arms. No matter how hard he struggle, no matter how hard gritted his teeth, the barbell would not budge, not even one centimeter.

'Huh? He's pretending to struggle or somethin'? Always trying to show off…'

Iker thought to himself as he and the others began trying to pick the barbell. They could move it surprisingly, just not anywhere above the inch and a half mark. It was way more than what Orion was doing at least

"What the hell is up with this barbell?! Do I have to be worthy or something?!"

Orion shouted as he kept tugging. His veins would pop out from his wrist and would surge through his hands. Even though you could tell he was truly trying his hardest, he couldn't lift it, not one bit.

"There's a setting of sorts that turn the strongest into the weakest and vise versa. That's why even Cathleen would struggle lifting them. Of course only with a higher weight difficulty. "

"Then would that mean…?"

The group looked at a certain individual and stared in disbelief.

Their head shaking, their teeth tightening, their arms and legs wobbling like a cold front had just came through,…

Iker had been able to life the barbell off the ground by a solid 3 inches for exactly 2 seconds before dropping it to the floor.

'So that's how it is, huh?'

Orion was a little puzzled, seeing something that Iker could do, but he couldn't.

"Until your tenth graders, hell, maybe even juniors at this rate, you'll be put through various exercises on end. When the time comes, you will thank me, whether you want to or not…"

The old man put his arms behind his back and walked off, leaving only Andrew and his sister.

"Guess that means I'm in charge…" Andrew rubbed his hands together as he made his way towards them. He decided to stand behind them and see their techniques.

'This Orion guy has a terrible technique, but I can tell that without that bracelet, lifting the barbell would be as easy as lifting a dime.

Rin has absolutely no technique and now, zero power to back herself up, so she's in the mud.

Percy is probably mentally drained. If he wasn't, I feel as though he'd been able to at least bring the barbell up to his ankles.

Accel here is pretty neutral. Decent technique, decent strength.

And this last guy, Iker, is just utilizing the wristbands powers and code. He and Orion are built like sticks which doesn't matter for Orion in this case if he can't even lift the barbell. Iker here could blow his own back out however if he lifts the wrong way."

Andrew held his chin while nodding. 'Yeah, I can't wait for them all to break. I'll give em'….two months. Two months and they'll be out of it."

Andrew really didn't see anything in them. They were strong, yeah, but like any other kid their age, they only wanted to be a hero because of the image. No real reason, no real passion, just kids wanting the title of 'favorite hero' or 'strongest hero.'

'What's life like without a reason? That's what I want to see for them. A drive, some type of passion. I can see it, my brother and sister can see it, the old man, Cathleen, they know what these kids will turn out to be like if they don't have a a true end goal in life.'

"When you're able to lift the barbells like you could an everyday item, we'll then proceed onto the next lesson."

He repeated once again.

The students continued groaning as Andrew sat down and watched as they suffered throughout the rest of the night.


AN: Still alive.

It's been about two months I think.


Don't know what else to say.
