
- Soldier

Codename: Mirage

Location: Too fast to be tract.(Unless you're the author.)

A grey blur leaving Florida and going through the islands in the Caribbean couldn't be seen.

Zipping through the entirety of South America then across the south Atlantic sea, the blur never stopped moving. If the blur were to stop and you were able to see who or what it was, you'd notice that it would be only a young women in her early twenties.

She had this holographic globe in her hand as she gazed down at it then back up, only to keep running. She made her way through Africa from Cape Town and didn't seemingly stop there. Through South Sudan then Egypt, through Syria and Turkey, then all way through Russia, only stopping once she arrived at Magadan.

'It's all just big waste of time..' she thought as she put away the device displaying the holographic globe of the earth.

A silent and cold breezes brushed past her, making her sneeze. 'At least I get visit places like this..' She said as she stared out into the sea.

It wasn't every day that she could see a view like this. Yes, she lived right next to a huge beach and ocean, but that on that beach, she's seen things.

Baby-making type things.

She shook her head and sighed. And then, her body started vibrating. It was as though she was sitting in a massage chair at your local mall. Her figure become more like a blur, and the snow beneath her blew away.

A sonic boom so loud that it rivaled a jet could be heard across the entire town. All together, they looked towards the ocean and saw the ocean slightly split in half. A few seconds later, the sea would return back to normal as they saw a grey blur disappeared into the seas horizon.

"Мы подвергаемся нападению?" A child said to their mother.

"Наша родины? Никогда!" She responded and slapped the boy. She then looked back towards the ocean and repeated,



3 weeks later…

'This is just depressing..'

Sitting on a bench with a water bottle in hand, Orion was in his thoughts.

'I'm the only one who hasn't lifted the barbell yet..'

First it was Iker then Accel followed by Percy then finally Rin. In just a span of three weeks, they were able to lift the bar up with Rin accomplishing this task just yesterday.

'I can get it up to my belly button and that's about it. I'm lacking my physical strength obviously, but there's more to it than that, isn't it.' He unscrewed the bottle cap then took a sip of the water. It was cold and refreshing, also mixed in were these pills that energized him.

'I can easily..'

The wristband snapped in half and dropped to the floor before rebuilding itself and coming back onto his wrist.

'I was the main one agreeing with no quirks, but here I am, thinking that it's my only way for me to complete this challenge..' He sighed as he put his head down and interlocked his fingers.

'Feeling powerless really sucks. It's gotta suck to live like this everyday..'

As he was thinking this, someone had came up and stood over him. Their presence alerted Orion as he would gradually look up and stare at them.

In all their beauty, it was Rin. She had a wide smile on her face as she sat next to him, his eyes following her body's every movement.

"Have you given up?"

She asked, gently rubbing his head.

"Giving up now means I'm nothing without my powers. I don't like the sound of that, so no, I haven't given up."

"Good. I was worried that you have. I've never seen you so defeated before. Is there anything that I can do to help?"

He looked up from her amazingly developed breast and into her eyes. ''I want to fall asleep, listening to your angelic voice' is what I want to say, but that'll sound corny as hell, so..'

"No, you're fine. You can't really help me with this one.."

"Really? What about some sort of motivation? I can whisper in your ear loving words while you try lifting the dumbbell or I can give you kiss on the cheek if you want. You name it and I'll do it."

There were some things that he wanted her to do to him, but every time he thought about it, he thought about her age. '14 is a crazy age to give your boyfriend some freshly worn underwear. She's about to turn 15 and so by this time next year, she'll be 16. That's when I'll…'

Was this grooming?

Meh, who can stop him even if it was.


Anyways, he decided to go with, "If you can promise me that…" He whispered the rest into her ear. Her face slowly reddened as he did. What he talked about were things in the distant and far future.

"If that's what-"

"No. Does that please you, Rin? I don't want to be the only one happy here."

"I don't see how I couldn't be pleased with a future like ours. From what you've just told me, everyday will be an adventure."

They smiled at one another while letting out soft laughs. "Well then.." Orion stood up and Rin followed. "After promising me such a future between us, I'm way more motivated than before. Thank you."

She smiled and nodded as he walked back over towards the dumbbell. The water bottle in his hand vanished as he arrived. He heaved out a sigh and thought about their promise.

It was a cliche one, but it was one every boy of his age would want their girlfriend to agree to, especially if you cared for them deeply. 'She agreed to three of them..' He said with a brimming smile as he bent down and grasped the bar.


With a single yank, he brought the bar up to his shoulders and at a rest. Rin, being the only one in the room who was still watching him complete this beginner level task, got closer and stared in silence.

She heard him scream out his lungs, she saw that all of his muscles were flexing and that his veins were pumping. You could tell that by his shaky legs and arms that he was struggling to keep the bar up.


This was it. This was him giving it a hundred percent. If he couldn't get it here, he really might just give up.

'I won't.'

Watching from another room, Andrew had smirked whilst watching the boy. 'I told all of them that the bracelet dampens their strength and quirk and it does, don't get me wrong, but only for like 15 minutes, lol.'

A woman in black appeared next to him followed by a breeze. "I can't believe your plan worked. Are you really the Andrew that I know?"

"Ah, Bianca, you're back already? That's gotta be a new record, right?"

"It is actually, yeah. I was able to run around the world in just 30 seconds."

"30 seconds? Man, that's still a long time."

"30 seconds? That's pretty short-"

"It's not."

Andrew said firmly.

She stared at him for a few seconds before turning away with a sigh. "Anyways, back to this plan of yours.."

"Ah, yes. Okay, so basically, I tricked them into thinking that were weak by dampening their quirk and turning their physical strength into mush. This then formed a mental block in their heads. From there, it was only a matter of overcoming that barrier. Iker was the first. He most likely thought along the lines of, 'My quirk wouldn't help me in this situation anyways and I'm physically weak already, so..'

That's why it only took him two days. Those weights don't actually weight 500 pounds as well. Maybe like 100 pounds at most. The rest followed a similar thought pattern to Iker and accomplished lifting the dumbbell over these past 3 weeks.

That Orion guy though. He was completely bamboozled by this. I've never seen anyone so confident at first, only to fall into a spiral of despair. It's pretty funny, not gonna lie.."

He laughed even more at Orion as Bianca looked through the camera footage and at Orion.

'I heard from Cathleen that he could lift a aircraft carrier with ease. So does that mean that he has multiple mental barriers that he has to break? Because even the wristband shouldn't be able to keep up with that kind of strength.

The wristband makes you seem as though your quirk is on the brink of nonexistent. He's probably so used to having so much power that when or if he felt like it didn't exist, it made him feel completely vulnerable and weak to the point that he doubted himself completely..'

"Well, would you look at that."

Seeing Orion complete the task of raising the bar over your head, he couldn't help but clap. "The kid is strong, so I'll have to limit him more than the rest, all whilst trying to make him stronger. Do you think I can do it, Bianca?"

He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. She was still staring at the kid on the monitor. "If anyone can do it then it is you, Andrew. You are the strongest after all.."

"I am, aren't I?"

He said like he forgot he owned that title. "He's still going which is surprising. If you're not careful Andrew, he might just take your title.."

She teased as she began undressing. She had on normal civilian clothes underneath that suit of black.

The suit of black that she wore helped her survivor all type of conditions around the globe. The grey mask that only covered the area around her eyes helped masked her identity.

"He's the next generation of heroes. It'd be a failure on my part if he didn't take it."

She didn't respond to him and continued undressing. After she was done, they both made their way into the training room. Seeing them enter, Orion and Rin stopped what they were doing and saluted.

They were told that this was mandatory whenever a superior was in their presence. "Congratulations, Orion. You were finally able to do it. How does it feel?" Orion and Rin relaxed and put their hand back down to their side.

"I feel great. I'm just glad it's finally over."

"That's good, that's good. But unfortunately, it's not over."

Orion groaned and went back over to that same bench where he then sat down and awaited the impending news.

"Oh, don't be so down. It's a field 'exercise'."

'Why did he say it like that?'

Seeing that Orions interest had peaked, Andrew continued.

"We've been informed than an S-Rank threat has escaped from their imprisonment. Our job, take them down before they start to do the very thing that put them into that prison."

Rin's head immediately turned towards Andrew as her expression turned into that of fright. 'S-Rank means that they have the power to overthrow a country in the span of a week. WE have to fight that?"

It's usually take around 3 Heroes who were in the top 10 in their country to take down a single S-Rank threat.

They, who were only kids had to fight one? 'That doesn't seem smart or fair', Rin thought.

"You want US to defeat them? I'm very confident in my ability to, but don't you think that it's a bit…much?"

"Nah, you guys will be fine. I'll be there after all."

"Thanks, because that reassures us so much."

"You're welcome!"

'This guy..'

"Nah, but seriously, what can go actually go wrong with me there? It'll be a piece of cake!"

Little did they know that it was indeed…







AN: My passion for this story is starting to come back. The ideas are flowing again.