
The Mariana Trench, located in the Western Pacific Ocean, is the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. With its crescent shape, it measures about 1,580 miles in length and 43 miles in width.

At the very bottom of this trench, there stood a large black structure shaped like a box. It was 121,440 feet in length, width, and height.

This place was called, Apophis, named after the Evil God of Chaos. Theoretically, this structure should have been impossible to exist, but people with quirks were able to use their powers to build this place.

This place held Villains.

Villains, not criminals.

This place held the worst of the worst, the most vile of people. Villains that deserve absolute shit for the crimes they've committed. From terrorism to genocide, from torture to rape, these Villains didn't do these crimes because they wanted a reputation, these Villains did these crimes just for the sake of it.

Just for the fun of it.

In complete darkness, there was a man in a cell lying crisscrossed on the hard ground. About 6'3 in height, bald and wearing an all black jumpsuit. His cell consisted of a concrete bed, a concrete chair and desk and a single book which was the Bible.

It was hard to see in that darkness. Like closing your eyes, but somehow it's even darker than that. The man couldn't see anything, but it didn't take him long to adapt to this darkness.

Outside his cell were two guards standing on each side of the cells door. The door had a small rectangular window and an even smaller hatch underneath it so that they could give food to the prisoner. Though they only fed the prisoners once every three weeks.

The two guards were in black armor, armor that was far superior than what the military held, had 12 gauge shotguns each and wore special contacts that allowed them to see in the dark.

"Hey, man, you gotta stop doing that stuff. It'll kill you."

"Smoking? Nah, I'm good.." He said with a cough.

"Ignore that. Anyways, I'm sure I have better odds of being killed by one of these guys than dying by smokes. Smoking respects me and I respect it. We have a mutual bond of sorts.."

"I'm pretty sure these guys are going to outlive us man. They have that gene factor, remember? Makes them age way slower than a normal person does. Sure that some of em' been around since the creation of this place."

"True. Some like the even higher ranked threats, right?"


They both went silent after that. When the one guard finished his cigarette, they flicked it onto the floor and sighed. "I wish we could sit man. We stand for 12 hours a day for 7 days a week. I'm dying.."

"We were trained for things like this so stop complaining."

As the guard said that, they both then heard a familiar alarm buzz and looked towards it. They saw an elevators door open up and then someone with a plate of food walk down into the corridor.

"Food day, huh? It's already been three weeks?" One of them questioned as the man with the plate then stopped in front of them. They wore kitchen attire, no armor, no weapon.

"Food for Prisoner S10. Apple, Coffee, Steak, Fries, Cupcake, Milk, Peas and beans."

The chef explained as he gave the guard nearest to them the platter of food. The guard nodded as he took the plate. The chef then proceeded to leave into the darkness, leaving the two guards alone again.

"Tax bite?"

"Not like he's gonna eat all of it anyways."

The guard holding the plate smirked as he sat his shotgun down and took the apple. The other guard took the cupcake. After eating and snickering over their devious act, the guard with the plate of food turned around and kneeled down towards the hatch on the door. The other guard readied their shotgun and aimed it at the other guards hand.

"S10. Food."

Was what the guard with the platter said before opening the hatch and throwing the food onto the floor. The guards laughed as the one with the shotgun relaxed and the one dumping the food backed up with the hatch closing by itself.

The bald man, who was sitting on the floor meditating had opened their eyes and got up. The guards saw this through the rectangular window. The tall and bald man way his way over towards the now dirtied food on the floor.

There was a pileup of food by the door, things like corn, carrots, decade old cake and more. "I've finally got an appetite, gentlemen." The bald man spoke.

His voice was light, contradicting of his Villainous friends. He was very soft spoken, never angry or agitated in the least.

He was what you'd call a model prisoner.

"S10. I almost forgot you could speak."

The guards spoke to him like an old friend. The guards knew that they were one of the luckiest guards in the prison as the person they were tasked to watch over never caused a commotion of any sorts.

"Yes, we'll as you noticed, I was busy.."

The guards only ever saw him meditating, so what did he mean by busy? They didn't know.

"But now, I'm finally done. After… what, 70 years, I've accomplished my goal. That goal you may ask.."

The bald man slowly showed a massive grin that made the guards, for the first time in their carrier, sweat.

They were trained to never show any signs of weakness that could potentially make them look weak. Even through torture, they could keep straight faces.


Seeing S10 smirk like that truly frightened them.

"You've both have been very kind to me. So kind in fact that you've never checked in on the things I did in this cell. Things like,.."

The quirk dampening bracelet he wore to keep his quirk deactivated broke off and fell to the floor.

"Not even seeing me tamper with this thing for the last 10 years.."

Before they could alert anyone of what was happening, two yellow spears shot through the door and into the heads of the guards, killing them instantly.

S10 smiled hearing as their bodies slumped onto the ground. "Man…" He said with a cackle in his throat. "It sure does feel nice to have my powers back."

The man placed his pointer finger on the door then in a circle like motion, went around the door. A yellow outline appeared in the shape of a circle before it caved in on itself. He walked through the hole in the door and stood on the concrete slab as he stared at the dead bodies.

The spears of golden light were already gone, but the holes in the head weren't. As S10 saw the blood of the guards leak out, he couldn't help but think,

'Unfortunate. I was told to break out in 70 years exactly. While you two were the nicest of the guards that's watched over me, you're arguably are the most unfortunate.'

The man heaves a huge sigh and these particles of light starts to appear around him. They lit up the entire hallway and he was able to see the elevator at the end of the corridor.

However, things weren't going to be that easy.

Just then, a loud alarm went off. It was so loud that it made the man cover his ears quickly and stumble into the side wall. 'What now..?' He thought.

Just then, the doors of the elevator opened and multiple guards stepped out and into the hallways that was wide enough to fit two cars side by side.

The lights in the hallways flickered on at the same time and so they were able to see the escaped prisoner standing over the two dead bodies of their comrades.

"W-We have an escapee and two guards down! Put the whole place on lockdown and send reinforcements now!"

The guard leading the group said into a walkie talkie. 'What a nuisance..' The man thought as the particles of light came back into his body and he slumped off the wall.

"Listen here, S10!"

The lead guard said as the guards behind him got into positions and prepared their guns. From rifles to shotguns to grenade launchers and more.

"We know who you are and what you've done. There is no place in the world of man for you, so you know what you have to do. You have two choices:

Fall to your knees and beg for our mercy.

Or Die."

S10 stared at the man. For some reason, his words, their actions,.. it really pissed him off.

"I was locked up in this prison for 70 years. I developed my prowess, being able to not only manipulate the Suns Light, but my own light as well.

I've been…reborn a God.

I now kneel before no one, especially for people like you."


S10 stuck his hand out and bullet shot were fired. The guards were too slow however and beams of lights penetrated all of their hearts. They all dropped dead, but that didn't mean it was over as a stray shot from a dying soldier hit S10 in his arm.

S10 himself was taken aback by this as his facial expressions showed it. He stepped back a bit then trailed forward a little before holding his injured arm.

'Even in death, a solider can hit theirs shots, huh..' He thought as particles of light began floating around his arm and healing it.

Seeing as he had a little time, he quickly sat and closed his eyes. Heaving out a sigh, he began absorbing the light that the guards had been exposed to which was very little but still necessary.

'Kneel or Die, huh? What a foolish joke.'

Was what he thought as he made his way down the hallway and passed the bodies that were turning into particles of light. Once in the elevator, he pressed a button and the doors slowly began to close.

His face reverted back to that of calm and that despicable smile resurfaced.

'This is only just the beginning of an impending end..'
