Shining Light.

A chime sounded and grey doors opened. A pot-bellied man dressed in clothing made from all sorts of animals walked out from the elevator. The caucasian male was furious and his walk pattern and facial expressions showed.

"What the hell happened out there?!"

The man roared and the entire control-center went silent. "There are cameras all over that room. He did not just escape like that!"

His eyes singled out on a single woman. She was tall, even without the heels she was wearing, had natural orange hair and wore a white dress. She was in charge of everything that went on in this room.

"Warden, it must have been some sort of…technical malfunction."

"Were you or anyone in this room not watching him?! How does this happen?!"

"Sir, we were watching him. But then the cameras suddenly turned off which is why we sent people down there to go check in on it."

Before the Warden could speak again, static from from her walkie-talkie went off. And then, the voice of Reid, G-L-10, shouted in a voice that would only ensure the start of hell.

"W-We have an escapee and two guards down! Put the whole place on lockdown and send reinforcements now!"

The whole command center went into an uproar as one person sounded out the panic alarm. Sirens came out of the ceilings and flashed red also whilst making one of the most annoying sounds known to man.

"Warden, sir, I-"

"You heard the damn man! Send them!"

The warden hit his hand hard on a table, breaking an empty glass cup. Startled by his shouting, she nervously but steadily sat down at her desk and pressed a red button. No more than 5 seconds later, a group of 20 men in nothing but jumpsuits appeared in the room, all saluting and awaiting orders.


His real name is Lucian Light. His quirk, {Lumen}, allows him to borrow the powers of the Suns and its Rays, as long as it's within his vision.

He's escaped and we need you guys to tract him down before he escaped Apophis. Get to it please."

They simply nodded and jogged off. They went into their locker room and took exactly one minute to put on their armor and ready themselves with weapons. They went back out into the command room and gave one last salute before going into the elevator.

At the end of the stairwell in the control room was a gigantic monitor where everyone could see the first person view of the soldiers that just left. They were checking their wrist watch that had S10's location.

They had a tracker on every inmate here and the way they put it in was through the anal canal. They of course did this while they were unconscious. Well, some of them at least as some guards enjoyed doing it to conscious females prisoners.

'Even though there are stronger prisoners locked up here, S10 has something that they don't. And that's morals. He makes your death quick and painless and I can respect that..'

He asked a desk worker for S10 files and they gave them to the warden. The warden then looked through his files and found out that S10 was in this place to begin with was because he helped an even bigger Villain in some type of plot against humanity.

They never caught that Villain, but they were able to catch S10 and his brethren.

'Oh? What's this?' Something caught the Wardens eye. Under his profile, it listed S10's family members. No parents and wife as they were deceased, but he did have a kid. That kid was in her 70s but still, that wasn't what interested him.

'His great grandchild…' Is what the Warden thought, more specifically, 'Their quirk…' Thoughts formulated as a smile gradually formed on his face.

"Gram," He said to the desk worker that handed him the file before. Gram looked back and tilted his head up.

"The guy has a great granddaughter and I want you to find her. Can you do that for me? Also get the number one hero of America on the phone for me. I want to be sure this bastard doesn't escape back into the real world."

Gram saluted and said, "Yes, Warden sir.."

The warden then started walking down the stairs, then stopped to stare at the large screen monitor.

'You guys are the finest men I know. That's why…'

The lady with orange hair was giving more and more soldiers the run down of the operation.

'That's why I know you're all going to die a misfortunate death.'


A man threw three daggers at the bald man that seemingly passed right through him.

"W-What the hell?!"

The man shouted as he swiftly turned around and tried to run away. He made it several steps away until a whip made of light wrapped around his body and sliced him into fours.

'Your life shouldn't have ended like this, number twenty-three.' He prayed for the man before he continued walking. He then made his way up to a door with the numbers, on them.

"S12. Are you still alive?"

S10 asked as he sat down with his back against the door.

"Barely~…" A dry and weak voice said back to him. Hearing this, S10 shook his head and sighed. "You know what you must do brother. Hand it over."

Silence followed after as S10 opened the hatch on the door. A few seconds later, the weak and dry voice said calmly, "Yes, brother~…"

S10 then felt the touch of S12 through his palm. A warm energy coursed through his body as this transferral of power was taking place.

Information on a new quirk was overloading S10. Things like how to use it, their weakness and drawbacks all flowed into his mind. He now knew the best way and the worst way to use these new found powers.

"Thank you brother. You know that your sacrifice will not be in vain."

S10 said as he stood up and looked at his palms.

"We are Beyond, Brother."

S12 wearily said before a thud sounded from his cell.

"We are Beyond indeed."

S10 responded before sitting up and walking away into another elevator.


"He's here!"

A guard alerted his fellow guards right before falling limp to the ground. Not even looking at the dead bodies anymore, S10 instead counted the number of guards in the expanded hallways.

There were around 30 of them, all carrying different types of weapons. Those said weapons having his name written all over them.

"Stand down, S10! You don't want to do this!"

A trio of guards standing no more than 5 feet away from him aimed their riffles at different parts of his body. One at his head, the other at his chest and the last one at his neck.

"I've killed about a third of your people already. Why haven't they gave the shoot on site order yet?"

He questioned and the guards side eyes each other for a moment before one of them spoke. "You know exactly why, S10.."

S10 sighed and shook his head. "I do know why, yes.." He murmured before a sword of light appeared in his right hand. "I won't kill you three. You all have a light in you. Instead I'll just paralyze you."

A single shot was able to go off before the hands of the three men fell onto the floor along with their weapons. Blood gushed out from their wrist and onto S10's face.

Hearing their screams and shouts didn't phase S10 anymore as he then sliced off their legs and proceeded to heal them to the point of not dying by bleeding out.

Three more guards rushed at him, each carrying black batons. The sword of light disappeared and S10 waved his right hand from his chest area then outwards towards the three guards, almost like he was swatting away flies.

A wave of light came out and hit the men dead on. Like the energy in them were sucked out, they felt drowsy and fell down towards the floor, only for S10 to grab the one farther to his left by the neck.

He held them up in the air as they gasped for air, punching and kicking S10, but doing absolutely no damage to him. S10 walked forward and past the two unconscious bodies on the floor. Four more guards rushed at him in which S10 responded with sticking his right hand out.

A beam of concentrated light came out and not only pierced the middle man in his heart, but the five other guards behind him as well.

Still being rushed by three guards however, he decided to drop the body, but this was enough time for the guards to push him against the wall and use batons with a tip that could produce electricity.

Blue electricity came out and they tazed him on his right shoulder, left shoulder and chest area. 'I can finally test out S12's power…'

He thought as his body shook around until finally, the electricity could no longer harm him.

Exhaling, the blue electricity turned golden in color and instead of him receiving an electric shock, the three men did, causing them to fall dead onto the ground from their brain getting fried.

'S12 was able to turn the last thing that harmed into his own power. In my case, the electricity, which means I'm now able to control and exert electricity. It only last for 5 minutes however.'

He came off the wall and started walking down the hallway again. A man with a grenade came up to him but was killed instantly by S10.

What S10 didn't know was that the grenade was already live and so it blew up on his right side, sending him flying into a wall on his left.

Two guards quickly swarmed into the collapsed wall, but not even two seconds later, were thrown out, hitting their backs against a wall which caused their spine to shatter and break.

S10 came out the pile of rubble and dusted his clothing off. "That caught me off guard, but…" He looked down at his palms and miniature explosions could be seen going off like fireworks.

Two more guards ran up on him and fired at him. He already foresaw them coming and so equipped with a golden mask on his face, he caught all the bullets that just seemed to keep coming. The two guards emptied in total of 60 bullets, none of which hit him.

"Modern weapons won't do." He said, taking a step forward then somehow ending up behind the two. "You'll need the manpower of an exploding sun to harm and kill me."

A golden line appeared on the bodies of the guards, it went down vertically from head to crotch. This golden line then disappeared and the guards split in half, dropping down to the floor.

He didn't get a chance to think of his next actions as multiple guards came from around that same corner he entered the hallway from, one shooting out a grenade from their grenade launcher.

S10 simply extended his right arm out to the side with his palm facing upwards. A golden hallow circle no rounder than a basketball then appeared above his palm and the grenade flew right into it.

Another golden hallow circle then appeared above the group of armed guards behind him and the same grenade from before fell down and exploded on top of the men, killing all of them instantly.

'I had my fun testing out my powers for the first time in seventy years. But now it's finally time for me to get out of here completely…'

As more and more guards hurdled and readied their weapons, S10 closed his eyes and sighed heavily. 'It's been seventy years, but I know I can still do it.'

He performed multiple hand sighs at speeds that the eye couldn't perceive even being only a couple of feet away from him.

"I wasn't one to give out warning to my enemies, but when I did, the result afterwards were always devastating.."

From grenades to rockets to bullets to even throwing knives, all these weapons converged right on top of him and just as they were going to hit him, he spoke out two words.

"Burning Sun."

A light brighter than the sun itself illuminated from his chest. Seeing it for even a glimpse a millisecond would blind you. Not only was the light brighter than the sun itself, but was also twice as hot. So even if you didn't see the light, you'd still burn away to nothingness.

The soldiers around were first blinded then turned to ash. The weapons were absorbed and destroyed in the light. S10 began to hover, flying upwards and breaking through the ceiling. He blinded and kill the guards on this floor who didn't even have a chance to react to his presence.

He went through multiple floors, killing everyone, no matter if you saw his light. As he reached the top floor, his light died and he only hovered above the hole in the floor. He stared out at the dome that acted like the glass at an aquarium.

Everything was so dark down here, but he was able to see the light.

'The light is much more richer than before..' The illuminating mask that covered his eyes turned into particles and flew off his face.

'Only things keeping me here is this dome. If I break it, everyone here will die, excluding my brothers and sisters..'

He aimed his hand up at the dome and a golden light began to form. 'Well, if I managed to escape from my cuffs, then why can't they?'

The light in his hand slowly dissipated as water gushed in. The glass dome cracked then shattered into millions of pieces.

His body began to levitate even higher as he shot through the water at high speeds. When he entered the water, he felt his body breaking, but thanks to his brothers quirk, he was able to continually fix his body as it broke down and rebuild itself.

He flew out the water and kept going into the sky blue sky. He went passed the clouds, higher than any plane could then into space where he then stopped, spreading his arms out and allowing his body to be embraced in the beautiful rays of sunlight.

After seventy years in complete darkness, it was nice having some sunlight.

'I'm back, Earth…'

The light felt even more purer. It accepted him like it once did way back when.

'Did you miss me?'

A smirk brighter than the burning sun behind him bloomed on his face as he slowly began his decent back down to Earth.
