Lucian descended back to earth and saw a fairly small island that he thought would be perfect to settle down in for the time being. He would wait for his brothers and sisters to contact him so that they could begin their plans.
He landed on a cliff that hanged over a small beach. Starring out into the blue waters, he saw ruble from the prison he's escaped from slowly was up to an even larger beach just east of him.
'They'll search for me here, but they shouldn't be able to find me.' He stripped from his clothes, and they burned to ash in the palm of his hand.
He then reached into the sunlight and pulled out a a pair of clothes, socks, shoes and underwear, as well as a pair of shades and a wig. He put on all of this, making himself look like some well endowed businessman.
'Now, to find a suitable home..' He thought before turning around and placing his hands into his pockets. He walked down a trail and through ragged woods He saw a camp sight filled with people and animals along the way who looked way too old and might die from a gust of wind.
They stared at the man they've never seen before in their 87 years of living. It was a small town with a population no greater than 10,000 residents. Almost everyone knew everyone, and yet this man was unknown by all of them.
They also rarely get tourist, so they ruled that out of the equation. He made his way down onto a beach, filled with hundreds of people all having a good time and enjoying themselves.
He saw beautiful women running around, some splashing each other with water, while others were getting a tan or playing volleyball in the sand.
'She's gone now, but she's still the only one I'm loyal to.' They were all beautiful, yes, but they weren't her. They weren't the women who he fell head over heels for.
He walked through the beach, catching the eye of many. He was wearing an all black suit in this type of weather which would make anyone look at him with certain faces. Even the kids looked at him funny and that truly broke his ego.
'People are starting to notice the weird concrete structures floating inland. Lifeguards are telling people that they have to get out of the water.' Some people were leaving the beach entirely and he decided to as well.
Though he loved one woman and one woman only, he could still sight see if you catch my drift.
He made his way into town and was surprised by how advanced it was. He noted these technological advances as he escaped the prison, but only thought that the prison was like that. Not the entire world.
'Hm?' He looked into the sun and stared. 'There coming? Who's coming?' He asked in his head. He stayed silent for a few seconds before nodding and starting back walking.
'Heroes, huh? They're faster than I remember..' He debated whether or not if he should flee, but decided not to because he guessed they'd be able to track him down no matter where he went.
'I'll scare off their entire search party by killing all of them. Should give me a few months..' He sighed, making a cigar and lighter from the sunlight. Seeing this, a kids eyes shined and they ran up to him and said, "Mister, can you do that again?! Please?!"
Lucian looked down at the kid then back up to see if there parents were around. Seeing that they weren't, he kneeled down and asked, "Where are you parents, little man? Are you lost?" The kid shook their head, indicating no.
"There in the daycare over there picking up my little sister! Now please, can you show me more of your quirk!"
The kid kept annoying him by tugging on his clothes and so without much thought, Lucian sighed and held out his hand. A toy car was then constructed and the little boy took it. Holding it, he noticed that it had a warm feeling to it. He felt safe touching this golden light.
"Awesome! Hey mister, are you a Hero?! Is that why you're able to use your powers in public like this!?"
"A hero…?"
He reminisced a bit before smiling and shaking his head.
"No, not anymore. Got badly injured so I had to retire."
"Really…" He said with a long face. "Well, I'm sorry mister… But still, your quirk is amazing. I hope I'll get to be as strong as you one day!"
"As strong as me? What's your quirk little man?"
"I can open anything that's locked! Isn't that cool?!"
'He'd be the perfect Criminal with that power.'
"It's a way better power than mine kid, I'll give you that. Keep training that quirk and by the time you graduate high school, you'll be one of the greatest. Promise me you won't ever give up?"
Lucian held out his pinky and the kid did the same. They locked pinky's and the kid said, "I promise mister!" Lucian patted the kids head before saying, "Good. Now I'll have to go. See ya around little man."
The kid smiled and nodded. Lucian left the kid who stared back at him, his eyes still shining with stars. 'Unlocking anything that's locked. If I had that power, my life sure would have been simpler..'
The rays of light shines downed on him like he was standing under a shower head. His body flashed in a golden light before disappearing into the crowd. He was still there however, only invisible to the naked eye of the people around.
He flew into a grassy plain, voided of people and structures. He sat down on the grass, stared into the sky and waited.
The aircraft landed safely on the ground in a wide and open spaced area. The landing was so soft that half of them thought they were still in the air as they didn't feel any sort of discomfort when landing.
The seatbelts came undone which was a sign that they could stand up. The plane was part cargo plane as well which was why the large back door was able to open. Once open, a gust of wind came in and breezed past them.
Andrew walked down first, followed by Iker, then the rest of the group. A bright sun, grass greener than anything they've ever seen before, this place was…
"Welcome to Guam, guys! Aren't you excited?!"
Andrew said loudly. Guam was a quiet and small place near the Mariana Trench. With crime being almost nonexistent here, many people moved here to live a life free of worry and violence.
Though when this place does get its Villains and Criminals, they get their Villains and Criminals. What that means is that they don't get petty thieves but people who'll go out of their way to steal banks.
That doesn't mean people who rob banks, but people who somehow manage to steal the entire building. Guam got its crimes here and there and it was very severe when it did.
Luckily there was a hero on this island called Revert who could undo the damages caused by people who innocent people think deserves punishment.
"It's too quiet for me." Percy said looking around. He didn't like dead silence which is why he was always loud himself.
"Doesn't this place get hundreds of typhoons in like a single month? Why would people want to live here?" Accel mumbled, looking around at the plains. It had to have been hell living here, experiencing typhoons on the daily. So why anyone would live here is beyond him.
"They build bunkers deep underground which is why that many people don't care about them. So when The Weather Man, a hero who can predict the weather, gives the announcement of a typhoon coming, people prepare and people survive."
Andrew answered as all of them then made their way off the aircraft. "Okay, everyone hurdle up." He said and they all gathered around him. Andrew stuck out his arm and from his watch, a holographic view of Guam came up.
There were 6 blue dots in a clutter which represented them and a single red dot not too far off.
"Uhm, he's kinda…close, isn't he?" Orion said scratching his head.
"Yes, very close actually…"
They all then looked at each other then back towards the plane. The plane hovered a few inches off the ground and they all covered their face from the bright light. Even though the sun was directly behind them, it seemed as though it was in front of them as well.
"That's him. Everyone, be on your guard. Iker, I want you to go to the city's police station and say, Salmon, Avacado, Sushi, Sausage, and Udon to the first cop you meet. Hurry!" Iker nodded and quickly ran away without hesitation.
Because of the carbon suit he was wearing under his costume, he could become as fast as an Olympic athlete. "Why's he's just sitting there though? Is he waiting for something? Or maybe even someone?" Percy asked, side eying Andrew.
"I don't know, but let's not provoke him. We'll take it easy at first and hope that things go well from there…" The aircraft flew behind the group as they then started advancing towards him, Andrew leading.
The man stood up as he saw the group of young people head towards him. One college freshmen looking guy and 5 short people in costume, probably kids by their nervousness.
'They sent kids to deal with me? Smart, yet incredibly dumb.'
"Lucian Light. You are under arrest for violating a list of crimes I'm too lazy to read. Make this easy for us and turn yourself in."
Lucian stared at the man and thought, 'Those muscles, that personality and voice,… This is the guy who beat S9? Really?' Andrew was famous for defeating an S-Ranked Villian at only the age of twelve.
It was then that Cathleen decided to take him in as one of her students and train him to become someone who could potentially take her title as number one someday.
"You recognized me, haven't you? I guess they talk a lot about me in prison, huh? I'm honored."
"You are indeed strong, physically more so than I. That's why you were able to overpower S9 the way you did. I won't make the same mistake as them though. I'll make this quick…"
He disappeared from their view and appeared by Andrews side. "And easy…" He whispered before a sword of light came down towards Andrews neck.
However, the sword never connected and all was shocked when they saw why. "Is that it? My sister at her slowest is faster than this. Lucian, you've gotten old, haven't you? Peak you was no where near as slow as this, even when holding back."
Andrew had caught his wrist and was a firm grip on him. Lucian couldn't help but groan a bit from the pain slowly being inflicted.
In a instant though, Andrew felt as though he was now grabbing nothing but air, Lucian now in the spot he was just a few seconds ago.
'I didn't even know he moved until Andrew spoke. This guy is fast..' Percy and the other students thought along the same lines of this.
Well all of them did except for Orion, who could react to his sudden disappearance, then appearance next to Andrew.
'He is fast, but I guess Andrews faster..'
"I have gotten older, and it is taking time for me to really recover the power I once had. Unfortunately for you however, that wasn't my fastest nor my absolute slowest.."
Andrew simply vanished.
The students jumped in shock as they then looked around, expecting for him to appear somewhere.
But after waiting and waiting, he didn't. He was completely gone and the only person they could blame was Lucian himself.
"Wh-What did you do?!" Accel blurted abruptly. It was uncharacteristic of him to do so which is why it surprised the rest of them. 'The only person here who could go toe to toe with him is gone?! Is he dead?!'
"Why don't you ask your friend there…" He pointed at Orion and they looked. "He was able to watch the whole thing…"
Orion sighed and shook his head. "Andrew was teleported somewhere. He's alive, but he's just not here." The stared at him as they didn't know how he'd know that. They get that he was strong, but was he really able to perceive something as fast as Lucian.
Seeing how Lucian looked amused now, they guessed that Orion could actually perceive The Man of Light.
"What's your name kid? I'm interested in how you were able to see me the whole time while your mentor couldn't even blink before he was gone."
"I'd tell you it if you were someone who deserved to know. Lucian light, this is the last warning we'll give you, so please, drop to your knees, place your hands behind your head and yield. We don't want to have to hurt you."
"You kids are going to hurt me? How can you be so cocky and confident?"
"We were deemed as students who have the most potential to succeed our nations number one. That's a big enough reason, isn't it?"
"Really? Well, I'll just have to test that myself, won't I?"
Before the impending fight that was about to be started, Orion asked his team, "If you don't think your up to it, please leave and go help Iker. I don't want any of you to get hurt when it's not necessary." They guessed he asked this because they weren't able to see even his slowest attack.
What could they do when they eventually fight if that was the case? "Sorry, Orion. Heroes are supposed to fight to the bitter end, but we can't even see the guys attack. If you really think you can do it by yourself then fine, we'll leave. Is it really okay with you though?"
Accel asked. He felt as though they were putting too much pressure on Orion, but then again, he was seemingly the only one who could fathom the attack Lucian produced.
"It's fine. I know he won't kill you guys, but he'll probably cripple you or something at the most. You're better off leaving now, so please, go." They hesitated for a second before Accel and Percy ran off.
Lucian allowed them to have this whole conversation for some strange reason. "And you, Rin? You've been quiet this whole time. What are you thinking?" She was indeed thinking.
Just not about any of this.
'I wonder what's the food like here.' She loved to try new foods when she visit places she's never been before.
About this current situation, she wasn't nervous or frightened at all. She wholeheartedly believed that her quirk would save her, no matter how fast the man was.
"Oh, I was just wondering if you'd like me to be here as your support or not. I can't keep up with you guys, but I can atleast keep you motivated."
"If that's all your planning on doing then you might as well leave too. I…have this feeling that something or someone else terrible is coming to this island. They may need you down there with Andrew gone and all."
She was a bit stunned by his words, but in the end, had agreed. "Good Luck…" She said in his direction as she started walking away. "I won't need it.." Orion said back.
"I was talking to the other guy." Lucian coked his head back as Orion then revealed a huge grin.
"Are you that strong, kid?"
Lucian Asked.
"So strong in fact that I'll have to adjust my power level to yours just to make things interesting for myself.
But alas,…
We can fight on the same level, but in the end, my power will still clear yours. The difference in abilities are night and day."
Orion responded.
"Make this fun, old man. You are my first serious Villain after all…"
The wind blew heavily, making Orions cape flap in the wind and Lucian's clothes flutter.
The Power of Light vs. an Unknown Force.
The winner is pretty clear.