A group of people, 28 of them to be exact, were sitting around in a dimly lit warehouse.
"That bastard S10, leaving us like that to die! I'll kill that bastard the next time I see him!" One of the people said in a aggressive and agitated tone.
"Killing one of your brethren will get YOU killed, S11. Choose your words carefully next time."
S11 sneered and turned away at S6's words. "What should we do? Establish a base or go find S10? Knowing him, he probably already has a place for us to lay low. S1, this is your call." They all looked at a single man who was sitting down on a metal beam.
The man had his left hand over his right and was starring down at the ground. "You guys…" He spoke slowly, his voice being ancient and voided of all life. He sounded as though he didn't care for anything and viewed everything in his sight as worthless.
"You guys… Do whatever you like. You're free now." He stood up and everyone's eyes followed. The man was tall, 6'6 to be exact. He towered over everyone, creating an aura of authority and superiority.
His black cloak moved with the subtle wind, and his white clothes highlighted themselves from the black cloak. "I'll bring S10 back and then, we'll discuss what to do from there."
Though he said they were free to do whatever they liked, he knew these people wouldn't go out into the world alone without him. They wouldn't be able to function without someone leading them, especially in this present time.
The man knew that.
He knew of all their futures and fate.
"You got it boss!" Somebody in a tuxedo said with passion. They had the head of a telephone that was made in the past era. "We know what you want out of us and we'll make you proud! You can count on it!"
The tall man stared with an apathetic look, then started walking. His white boots sounded out in the entire room as he made his way up towards one of the people.
"S30.." He slowly said, towering over the fidgeting woman. "Find 'Him'. When you do, tell him that the final battle is finally in motion."
She quickly nodded and ran off. He watched as she did and when she left the warehouse, he did as well. He dissapeared from everyone's field of vision, even someone with a quirk that sees things in .04 speeds couldn't see when he left.
"Let's not disappoint S1 and especially 'Him'. Let's go!" They all nodded and a man placed his hand out. A portal was created and they all walked through, another using their quirk to destroy the place as they left.
It took no more than 5 minutes for him to reach the nearest town. People were confused as to why a kid in a costume was running around frantically.
The kid ran down the streets, going faster than the cars that he passed. People were amazed seeing the young boy run with such speed and agility. They assumed it was his quirk which meant he was breaking the law by using them in public spaces, but they didn't care.
Guam was small and so this sort of thing was common. Maybe the kid was late for a part time job, or maybe he was trying to get home for his curfew. The sun was setting soon and so it would naturally be dark out.
He ran around the town for a solid 3 minutes in order to find the police station. When he did, he came up to the first cop he saw and relayed the message Andrew told him to. The cops first thoughts were, 'A kid is saying this? This couldn't be a mistake, could it?'
The cop was pondering, but when he saw the kids anxious expression, he quickly snapped out of it and went back into the station to inform their chief. Not even a minute later, a booming siren rang out across the island and everyone, whether they were driving, shopping or even sleeping, had stopped what they were doing and listened in on this alarm.
This alarm was different than anything they've ever heard, but they still knew what it meant. From the mandatory video that everyone was forced to watch for safety on the island, they knew that this alarm meant that a battle between Heroes and Villains were taking place on the island.
This has never happened before, a battle between Heroes and Villains as there were only 4 heroes on the island and they didn't have that great of quirks for battles.
villains usually caused their destruction then the Heroes cleaned up afterwards. Well, I guess if you consider Cops as heroes then yes, there have been many fights between Heroes and Villains as cops stepped up to Villains, even though they weren't able to use their quirks since they didn't have official hero license.
They all had to head to a bunker so deep underground that even if 3 nukes were to hit the same spot, they still wouldn't be able to affect them at the level they'll be in.
"Kid, what a strong quirk you have! It's very useful!" A cop said as they looked at Iker. He was commanding people, telling them to speed up their pace and get to the bunker that had it's entrance at an artificial mountain.
Also because of the message he relayed, he was able to use his quirk in this space without worry.
"Thanks you sir."
Was all Iker said as he kept commanding people to move like their life depended on it, which it actually did. 'I'm just happy to be useful and all..' He smiled as he kept directing the people.
-"They say that a Hero who has the quirk of a Villain can understand them more."-
A voice in his head caught Iker by surprised. He swiftly turned around and saw rivers of red coming from the bodies of the cops that he was just speaking to. His fear and heartbeat began to rise as he stood there in shock.
-"If they can truly understand Villains, why can't they see why they do the things they do?"-
The voice was now behind Iker. Iker could feel their eyes glued to him, their cold and lifeless aura that resonated around him.
Bawling his fist, he slowly turned his head back, only to be met with white clothes. Iker then slowly looked up and stared the man in their eyes. Black hair that stretched all the way down their back, a black, thin mustache and then finally, eyes that were blacker than death itself.
"Your quirk is a problem for 'Him', so you must be dealt with." Against his own thoughts and motives, Ikers face had tilted and the tall man attacked.
An attack that couldn't be seen, but it's damage couldn't be clearer.
Before he could process his current situation, Iler was in a building 4 whole blocks away. He regurgitated his blood and it went on all his clothes.
His eyes became hazy, he started to see hallucinations before finally, he passed out from the pain he was too numb to feel. He was left in rubble with a dent in his chest, broken ribs and spine as well.
The man looked through the holes of the hundreds of buildings the kid was kicked through and said, "Your death will be in vain", before looking into the sky and seeing a golden light.
He didn't show any emotion towards this light and simply watched, waiting for the next party of 'Heroes' to arrived.
He first started off by creating multiple spears of light and shooting them at Orion. Seeing this coming, one of Orions ring shined and blue hallow balls appeared which trapped the spears of light. They went back and forth doing this, Lucian noting that the rings must have been related to his quirk.
"I see. So you can control aspects of time, huh? Truly a frightening quirk, just like mine. The question is though, who's quirk is more powerful?"
"I'd say mine is, considering that controlling time isn't my quirk."
Not believing the kid, Lucian began increasing the speed and number of spears of light and started sending them from different angles as well. However, the spears of light would still get trapped in those blue balls and wouldn't get within three meters of the kid.
"I fought someone with the power of time before. I lost however due to the sheer difference in power. With you however, I truly feel that we are on the same level. It's just as you said. That's also exactly why I believe I'll win this fight between us kid.
Because of your arrogance, you'll lose this battle and die."
Though he didn't kill children, someone like this kid would surely interfere with 'His' plan. That's why he must act now.
Lucian stopped the barrage of attacks and threw his right hand out and from his palm, light energy escaped. It made its way towards Orion who was taken aback by the sudden attack. He however wasn't surprised enough to not counter it.
A 7 foot wall from the earth sprouted up in front of Orion and stopped the attack completely. Lucian stared at the wall of rock as he then saw a blurry figure go into the sky.
Wasting no time, Lucian sent whips of light at the man who then started teleporting around to avoid them.
'A battle in the sky. Is this what he wants?' Lucian appeared as particles of light that then shot into the air towards Orion.
The whips of light never ceased. Orion knew that they could cut through anything like a hot knife through butter and so he wanted to avoid it at all cost.
Sure, he had the seven different kinds of immortalities, but he didn't want to experience any sort of death.
Thinking these thoughts as he dodged the whips and kept his eyes on Lucian at the same time, he didn't realize that there was a huge swelling of light behind him. When he did, it was already too late to stop it as it came down on him.
A light based attack from the sun itself. Lucian's powers were not used here. Since he and the Sun were old buddies, the Sun would help him out whenever it could. Though it couldn't help him escape his prison because its light couldn't reach deep down there in the trench.
This was when Lucian had to take matter into his own hands by manipulating the light he's been exposed to from when he was born until when he was locked up so that he could escape.
Orion turned his head by instinct but that very action was why Lucian was able to connect a punch of light to Orions chest. Orion was punched in the gut and into the light where his suit and scraft began to melt.
The attacks didn't stop there however as when Orion finally passed through the light, he was met with a barrage of light bullets that penetrated him all over.
Orion was pushed back even higher into the sky and Lucian followed.
'I let him cook too much..'
All his wounds healed with a thought, and then he flew down at speeds even Lucian couldn't see but could react to by instinct. A sword of black in Orions hands aimed at Lucian's heart stopped him in his tracts, sweat flinging off of his face and onto Orions.
He didn't think much of this however, and eveaded to the side where he then caught Orion by the ankle, spun around and let go, sending Orion flying back into the earth at even greater speeds.
Whips of light shot out and attacked at the ground, aimed to not only hit him but his possible escape paths as well. The ground would cave in, causing some structures to sink in while others would rise.
'I haven't felt any of those connect…'
Lucian then created a bow and arrow and attacked with that. Thousands of arrows of light were sent out and attacked at the ground even more, causing things such as hills to slowly form.
Subconsciously, he wanted to get a better view of the destruction he was causing and so he would slowly hover away, not knowing that his head was about to come into contact with the palm of someones.
His power weakened for a second and he teleported away and onto the ground. Starring up at the kid who was in the coatume, he was stunned to see him there. 'When did he get behind me?' Was he always there?!'
Lucian gritted his teeth then shouted,
"What the hell is your quirk, kid?!"
The kid could react to his 'light speed' attacks. He could also heal all his bodily wounds just like that. His durability was insane as well.
'Just what the hell is he? A moster is what! Yeah, that's it! What the hell has AFO created this time?!"
"I guess I could tell you, not that it'll matter anyways…" Orion began taking off his hero's mask, deciding that showing his face wouldn't matter either.
"As long as molecules exist, my powers are infinite. That answers your question, right?" Orion finally revealed his face to the man and his expression was noted by Orion. He reacted more to his face reveal than his quirk reveal.
'The hair, those eyes,… Could it be..? It would definitely explain the powers..'
"Who is your father, if you don't mind me asking?"
Orion stared blankly for a moment before answering.
"Never met him. My mom hasn't either. I'm sure you know what that means."
"She had a sperm doner, huh? I see, I see. I guess he foresaw something like this. Truly despicable.."
"He who? The sperm doner? What did he see?"
"You could use your powers and see for yourself, can't you?"
"See who my 'dad' really is? I shouldn't even call him that. I'd call a certain woman my father before I do him. And besides, I don't wanna see who he really is anyways. Made it this far in life without them, so why would I wanna know about them now?"
"You have his powers AND attitude. Nothing like your…" Lucian quieted down and shook his head. "Forget about it. I'd say we should continue, boy."
Orion didn't care about that person who helped in his creation, nor did he care for the mysteries surrounding him. "Fine by me.." Orion simply said as he put his mask back on.
'Not only one monster, but another as well? He is quiet pass his prime. Guess he wanted to pass on his legacy or something. But why like this? What he thinks is truly Beyond me,
Beyond all of us…'
The battle continues, neither of them realizing another taking place just in the town not too far off.
An: I honestly think the other fight will outshine Orions. Just my opinion though.