Andrew blinked and the next thing he knew, he was in a snowy and cold place. 'He sent me to Antarctica?! That bastard…'
Though it seemed like he didn't move, Lucian had literally picked up Andrew and carried him all the way here and flew back.
To the kids, the man didn't move at all however. It just proved how fast he was. 'I'm not cold or anything, but this is annoying. He destroyed my means of communicating back home. Guess I'll just have to…' He sighed and looked down at the frozen water a few feet away from him.
He took an even deeper breath before preparing himself mentally. 'I know little Oreo(*Hikari leaked his nickname*) will step up and take over as leader. He can attack and defend, so he should be good until I get there…'
Andrew walked backwards a few feet then ran forward and jumped into the water. A secret that was classified to the public was that Andrew didn't just have one quirk, but five, one of them being the ability to breathe underwater which stemmed from another ability, so I guess you could say he only has four quirks.
Since he had super strength as well, he could swim through the ocean faster than any fish or submarine. He estimated he would arrive in 2 hours which was just ideal for him.
'Just hang on guys! Papa is on the way!!'
The water around him would boil as hot as the sun, killing all the fish he passed by.
"Should we really be walking?"
"Yeah, it's fine. We don't wanna steal Ikers glory, do we? Let's let him cook for a little.."
"Yeah, cook! Like, let's see what he can do."
Percy and Accel walked through the dry plain as slowly as possible. They were going so slow in fact that a turtle passed them along the way. "Ah, you hear the siren? He cooked! We don't have anything to worry about now."
Percy said as they soon then made their way to the outskirts of the city. As they looked down upon it, they notifed that there had been building destroyed in a perfect line, going from the middle of the city to its outskirts.
"Who let bro cook?" Percy said and Accel shook his head. "Maybe they were already like that?" The two gulped as they knew that couldn't be the case. The city was in perfect condition as they flew over it.
What happened here was recent. Like eerily recent.
"Do you think Ikers fine?"
"Only one way to know…"
The two of them nodded and made their way into the city. They were cautious, looking around the abandoned city that had the same presence as a ghost town.
'Not a person in sight… That's good…' As they made their way further into town, they came across the destroyed houses and looked inside.
"Yep, their all abandoned. Percy, what can you make of this?" It was a strange question to ask Percy if you didn't know his background.
"My guess is that someone was unfortunately throw through here, seeing as blood appears on some of debris in the buildings. If I had to assume, that person would have landed….in the house over that way."
He pointed towards house at the very edge of the town. They didn't feel like walking back over that way, and so they continued heading towards the center.
'Poor guy… What exactly happened to them though? By the damage and destruction, I would assume there's a Villain involved…'
The sky was turning grey, looking as though rain could pour any second. As they neared the center of the town, the two of them picked up on the smell of something awful.
A stench that could only belong to a corpse. They knew this smell all to well because Cathleen thought it would be a great idea for them to train a room that smelt like dead corpses so that they could get familiar with it for situations just like this.
Not even the military used such strange tactics. "This was a massacre…" Percy said as they walked through the street filled with bodies. Their deaths were gruesome, some having their heads chopped off while others having giant holes in their chest.
They feared whoever did this and that fear was soon enhanced when they saw a man sitting on the stairs leading into the police station. He had bodies around him, but acted as though he didn't. Like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
"Who is he? Is he the one who caused all of this?"
They whispered to each other, looking at the man who continued to stare down at the ground. The man was huge and tall which was very imposing to them.
"What should we do? Confront him? If he did do all of this though,… I don't want to confront him if possible…"
"This guy looks and feel more powerful than the Light guy. We will eventually have to confront him…" Though Accel said that, he didn't want to be the person to make first contact with the man.
And so Rin, who had been following them without them noticing stepped between them and said, "Do you mind me asking who you are?"
Percy and Accel wasn't surprised by this as the death and gore around them had scared them even more than she did.
The man finally did look up and at them, keeping his eyes on theirs and following their every action.
"Was it you that's caused all this damage? No, it WAS you, wasn't it? Why would you do this? And what did you do with our comrade?"
The man stood up and dropped the rocks in his hands. He stepped down the stairs very slowly until he was on the sidewalk. That's when he decided to speak.
"Fear, Sorrow, Regret, Failure and Disappointment. In that order is what you'll feel…"
The man walked up to them and when he was a few feet from them, had stopped and stared down at them.
They looked up into the mans eyes that were darker than black. "Which one of those feelings are you feeling right now in this moment? It's probably fear, but I'd say sorrow if you knew the condition your friend was in…" He pointed behind them, but they didn't look.
They could now infer however that it was indeed Iker who was the person sent through these now destroyed buildings.
"He can be saved, but that'll mean you three somehow made it passed me.."
He could read them like books. They were thinking that they should have went to go check in on that person when the first entered town. But they were instead too lazy to do so.
If their friend were to die, then the man would have been right. They would feel those words resonate within them in that exact order.
"Why… Why would you do this? What did we do to deserve this?"
Rin managed to say. She was extremely nervous and for the first time, felt as though her quirk might now help her get through this one.
"Because he was threat to 'him', just like how you are."
Her quirk activated and the man now had his fist just nanometers away from her face. Rin had sharply closed her eyes and moved her head away, proving that she wasn't confident in her ability.
"What'll happen if I take your quirk…"
He randomly asked aloud.
That's when his pupils vibrated and split into another set of eyes. Those eyes looked around then focused on Rin. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Percy and Accel weren't there standing, but on their knees.
She could tell from their dropped heads that they were either dead or unconscious, praying for the latter. The man's pupils then went back to their former state as a regular pair of eyes.
"I see. That's perfect…"
The man said before his eyes turned completely white. Rin was shocked for a second by this action, but wasted no time and picked up her friends. Before she could run off, the hand of the man was placed upon her shoulder, frightening her to the point of peeing a little.
She looked down and saw that his other hand was coming out of her stomach. Her pupils jumped like she was shocked by electric wires. The man slowly began pulling out his fist which was covered in blood.
"Someone that of pure heart, or someone who has no conscience. If you have either of those, your quirk is rendered useless against them."
The man was able to make himself go unconscious, but because of experience, his body was able to move on its own like he was conscious.
She heard his explanation right before blacking out, dropping her friends on the ground right next to her.
"You really thought that I wouldn't find your weakness? I'm glad you'll live knowing that I was the first man to completely hurt you. You'll live in fear knowing that it was me who damaged you.."
The man then looked up from the soon to be dead bodies and saw a familiar face. "Just on time." The man said as Iker slowly treaded forwards towards him. He looked like a lifeless corpse, dragging one foot behind the other.
His left arm was bent backward, he had a hump in his back as well. His legs were shaking and he felt as though his heart would literally die out at any moment.
But still, he couldn't stay down when he could get up. If he could move then he'd go down there and fight against the man again.
He wasn't sure if any civilians were alive, but if they were, he'd use his last bit of remaining strength to order them to flee.
He coughed out blood as he kneeled to the ground. "Step away…. Away…. Away… Away…from them…" Since he was numb and had adrenaline coursing throughout him, he didn't see any thing wrong with his suicidal actions.
He had the quirk of a Villain and wanted to prove to everyone else who did that they could still turn out to be good guys. You don't have to be corrupted by your own quirk is how Iker felt.
"You're going to die." The tall man said to Iker as he stepped on the bodies of his friend and walked towards him.
"You should stop, boy. I gave you a chance, a slim one, but it was still a chance. You should have taken it."
"I'm taking a chance right now!! I'll avenge all these people you killed for nothing! That's what a heroes do!!"
"You think yourself a hero? And yet you let all these people die right in front of you? That's not very hero like, boy."
"A hero saves people and keeps the peace! I-I may not have been able to do either of those, but I can still make a change if I try now! If I can take you down, the people of the future would live peaceful lives! In this moment, that's all that matters."
Again, a punch that couldn't be seen, but it's damage being as clear as day, was thrown. Iker went face first into ground and stopped moving. His jaw was now sagging and blood was leaking out of his head.
"I can already rule the world with my power alone, but with yours, I'll be in total control. Your eyes…" The man used his left arm and picked him up by the neck, moving his hands towards his eyes.
"Are Mine."
His fingers stopped inches away before Ikers eyes. The man looked down and saw a bloodied fist on the center of his chest.
"Stop it~…."
Tears had finally shed from his eyes. Iker comes from a background where he was handed anything he asked for. There was no reason for him to cry or be sad about anything.
The only time his parents ever seen him cry was when he first came out womb, 14 years ago.
"Why are you so persistent. You're down to 30 seconds now…"
"I've been told… that it….it doesn't matter… whether I win,… or lose a fight…"
"So you knew that it was never possible to win…"
"What really matters… is me…taking you on,… right here and right now…!!"
Not liking the sound of that, the man decided to reduce the fifteen seconds Iker had left to live to zero in a single move.
"You got that from your grandfather, huh? I remember killing him as he said those exact same words back then.
I'd say how fate works in mysterious ways if I hadn't already seen this outcome.."
Ikers fighting strength had already diminished. He was just like a puppet, weaker and even more useless than one actually.
'I…don't want to call on him like some guardian angel, but please,..'
He could only think of one person as the man brought by back his right arm.
'If you…can save me now,… I promise to never resent you again…'
His 'hatred' towards the person was obvious as Iker never met someone who embarrassed him like they did. Even though Iker disliked them, he couldn't help but admire them at the same time.
He was strong and confident, something that Iker thought he was until he met all of his peers.
'If only….if only…'
"So all it took was beating? If I would have known that, I would've been whipped you into shape."
The tall man felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back. He met the eyes of the boys that shines a deeper red than the devils eyes had.
"Your quirk isn't what you truly think it is and I'll help you realize that…"
The man dropped Iker and focused his whole attention on the kid. Iker was caught by a breeze before hitting the ground that then carried him away.
"Who are you?"
The man asked. He didn't foresee this boy at all and was hidden from his view, a feat that only a handful of people could do.
"That isn't important. For now, you should be worried about-…"
A crater that sunk deep into the ground appeared below Orion. It came from the sheer backlash of the sword that Orion had stopped with the fingernail of his pointer finger.
"So you do want a fight, huh? In the end, I wanted the guy you just beat up to pulp to defeat you, but I guess that doesn't mean I can't humiliate you now, just until your friends come to save you.."
The man's expression didn't falter in the slightest. 'A fight that has no future…' He smirked before closing his eyes
"Our fight doesn't have a future."
Is all the man said before attacking once more.