[Lucky Treasure Chest]

The system notification kept ringing in Chen Yilang mind, but he was dumbfounded.

What the f*ck happened?

Could it be that he had solved this question and suddenly caused a huge blow to the young minds of these [Underachiever]...

However, he really could not think of any other reason, so he could only explain it this way.

"How do you know how to do this question?"

After Chen Yilang returned to his seat, Chen Jiahui immediately said in surprise.

"You don't know it?" Chen Yilang asked back.

"Of course, I know how to do it." Chen Jiahui's expression was a little strange, "When I was tutoring last night, the teacher just happened to talk about this problem. It's quite basic... Uh, but I didn't expect you to know it because this question is really quite complicated."

"Oh, then I guess I was lucky."

Chen Yilang smiled and said.

Fortunately, Chen Jiahui also knew this question, or else she might not have been able to pick up relevant knowledge points.

He did not know if it was an illusion, but after saying this sentence, Chen Yilang seemed to see a flash of admiration on Chen Jiahui's face, as if she was looking at him in a new light.

A seemingly ordinary but thrilling math class ended just like that.

This was also the last class of the day. During this period, he did not trigger any other missions or messages. He was bored. Chen Yilang could only pass the time by observing the movements of the other monsters.

In this math class, the [Underachiever] seemed to have been seriously injured Chen Yilang. They had been in low health and were dispirited.

Until the school bell rang.

Chen Yilang witnessed a miraculous scene... The [Underachievers] health bars recovered at the same time and restored to a green that was even healthier than the grass in the human world.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's eat!"

"Hey, I'm going to the basketball court first. You guys go back to the dorm and get the basketball!"

"I'm not going to have dinner with you guys tonight. My girlfriend is waiting for me. Haha."


Chen Yilang was bemused


Thus, these monsters were a bunch of cockroaches that could instantly be revived when they heard the school bell?

In less than ten minutes, almost everyone in the classroom had left.

Chen Yilang looked around the classroom again and realized that there were still more than ten people in there.

[Level 2 Top Student].

[Level 4 Top Student].

[Level 3 Genius].


They stayed in the classroom and continued to learn as if everything in the world had nothing to do with them. Almost all of them were the Top Students and the Geniuses.

He did not know why.

Chen Yilang seemed to feel a low pressure coming at him. It was like a devil's hand, pressing down on him until he could not breathe.

[Be careful!]

[They have activated the skill [Competitive Spirit]. You have entered a negative state [Anxiety]. Your HP is slowly decreasing.]

[HP -1.]

[HP -1.]


His HP was slowly decreasing at a rate of around 1 hp per minute.

Based on the situation, Chen Yilang felt that he would not die anytime soon.

Therefore, he began to withstand the damage from [Competitive Spirit] and observe the situation on the "Map".

In order to make himself feel more reliable, Chen Yilang even stood up and walked a few rounds in the classroom.

The final conclusion was that the center of this [aura of the inner scroll] was where Chen Jiahui was.

Chen Yilang could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

No wonder the damage of the [Competitive Spirit] was so obvious...

There were only two ways to counter it.

One was to kill the [Level 5 Ultimate Genius].

If he really could not kill it, he would have to at least heavily injure it.

Moreover, the [Level 5 Ultimate Genius] was a big target to him. If he killed the monster, the reward would definitely be very high.

However, the problem was, how could he kill this guy?

Chen Yilang could not help but have some weird thoughts about his beautiful female deskmate...

However, the notification kept on interrupting his thoughts.

[HP -2.]

[HP -3.]

Damn it.

It was gradually starting to become ridiculous.

Compared to thinking about how to kill the monster, the more appropriate thing to do was to run away.

Chen Yilang stood up as if nothing had happened and prepared to leave the classroom first.

"Brother Chen!" Lin Jie, who was sitting not far from him, suddenly called out to Chen Yilang. "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yilang turned around.

"Brother Chen, have you been secretly studying recently? Did you answer that question in math class without thinking?"

"This is awesome. Can you teach me how to be better at math? I still don't have the motivation to study. I'll definitely fail the monthly exam this time!"

Lin Jie said with a sad face.

Chen Yilang frowned slightly. He felt that things were not that simple.

He vaguely remembered that Lin Jie's total score in the previous exam was still at the top of the class. Although he was still a distance away from Chen Jiahui, he was still stronger than Chen Yilang.

At this time, the notification that popped out from Lin Jie's head explained everything.

[Level 3 Drama Queen: A kind of monster that is between the Genius and the Underachiever. Its talent is to hide, disguise, gain sympathy, and brew hatred.]

Chen Yilang was speechless.

As expected.

If Chen Yilang had not seen the notifications, he would look at Lin Jie's harmless little eyes, and he would be soft-hearted.

"No problem, but I am a little hungry now, so I might have to go and eat," said Chen Yilang, "Next time then!"

After saying that, Chen Yilang waved at Lin Jie and left the classroom without looking back.

Lin Jie was left staring at Chen Yilang's back in a daze.

Damn it!

Could it be that Chen Yilang was really going to make a comeback?

Lin Jie, who did not manage to find out about Chen Yilang's background, suddenly felt a little flustered.


[You've successfully dodged the attack of a Level 3 Drama Queen and caused a lot of damage to it. You obtained Experience Point +14. Gold Coins +8.]


On the way to the canteen, Chen Yilang could not help but feel lucky.

Lin Jie's attack was hard to detect. He was almost fooled by him.

[Congratulations! You have level up!]

[Player: Chen Yilang.]

[Level: 2.]

[Reward: Gold Coin +555. Distributable Attribute Points x1.]


Distributable Attribute Points?

Chen Yilang looked at his attribute panel. He had a headache when he saw his attribute panel.

However, after thinking carefully, Chen Yilang added his attribute points to his Wisdom Points.

After all, the college entrance examination was about to begin. Hence, a good brain was what he needed the most.

Then, Chen Yilang immediately opened his inventory and checked his balance.

As expected, the Gold Coins from leveling up and the monsters he had killed previously had exceeded 1,000 Gold Coins.

Chen Yilang did not hesitate any longer and clicked onto the mall to buy the Lucky Treasure Chest that was worth 1,000 Gold Coins.

[Congratulations! You have obtained the Lucky Treasure Chest!]

[Do you want to use it immediately?]

"Of course."

Chen Yilang quickly made his choice.


[Congratulations! You have opened the Lucky Treasure Chest and obtained [Memory Bread Recipe x100].]