[Memory Bread]

Memory Bread?

Chen Yilang was stunned.

He felt that this thing looked very familiar, but he could not remember when or where he had seen it before.

After thinking about it for a moment, Chen Yilang remembered the movie called "Doraemon".

The [Memory Bread] belonged to the movie, right?

Chen Yilang was a little excited.

He immediately opened his inventory and chose to use [Memory Bread Recipe].

[Item used successfully!]

[Mastered Skill: Level 1 Memory Bread Synthesize.]

[Memory Bread: Copy or engrave the words and formulas that need to be recorded on it. After eating and digesting it, it will be able to form a longer-lasting memory. Remarks: It is suitable for those who are bad at school and those who are severely amnesiac.]

[Ingredients: Toast. Knowledge Points.]

"As expected."

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth could not help but curl up into a smile.

That night, Chen Yilang did not stay in the classroom to have evening self-study with his classmates.

He found a lame excuse similar and left the class.

In the evening, Chen Yilang rode on the small electric bike and sped along the road at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, buying all the toast in the nearby supermarket.

Whole wheat, rye, buckwheat...

As the recipe did not specify the type of toast, Chen Yilang simply brought back everything.

"Yilang, why aren't you studying at school today?"

Seeing Chen Yilang suddenly push open the door and enter, Yang Si asked with a face full of surprise.

"It's more lively at home."

"What did you bring back? Such a big bag?" Yang Si glanced at Chen Yilang's bulging school bag and asked with a frown.

"Of course it's food for the spirit," Chen Yilang said. "I won't talk to you anymore, Mom. I'm going to study first. Call me when dinner's ready."

Chen Yilang went upstairs without looking back.

Yang Si stood there blankly for a while.

Since when did this brat study so hard?

Yang Si felt a little relieved, although she felt that something was strange...

After returning to his room, Chen Yilang immediately opened his bag and poured out all the bread in it.

Then, he looked at his inventory.

[Knowledge Points x6.]

There were only six Knowledge Points from his deskmate, Chen Jiahui.

However, it should be enough for Chen Yilang's plan tonight.

[Synthesizing Memory Bread...]


[Unfortunately, the synthesize of Memory Bread failed.]

[Upgrade: Don't give up. Let's do it again, Young man!]

Chen Yilang was speecless.

'You're a sweet little system, aren't you? That's comforting.'

[Synthesizing Memory Bread...]

[I'm sorry...]

[Synthesizing Memory Bread...]

[I'm sorry...]

[Synthesizing Memory Bread...]

[I'm sorry...]


Five failures in a row.

Chen Yilang suddenly felt a little headache.

This was a situation that he had not expected.

As a result, the situation was a little awkward.

Although he had a lot of toasts in his hands now, he did not have many knowledge points left. Now, there was only one left.

Fortunately, it was not a waste.

Because he realized that every time he made Memory Bread, his proficiency in [Memory Bread Synthesize] would increase, even if it failed in the end.

"Forget it. Who cares.

"Let's do it one last time. If it doesn't work, then forget it."

Chen Yilang gritted his teeth and made another synthesis operation.

[Synthesizing Memory Bread...]


[Congratulations! [Synthesizing Memory Bread successful x1.]

"Nice! It worked."

Chen Yilang was very surprised.

He looked at his inventory again and saw that there was a new piece of small bread.

"Let's give it a try right away."

Chen Yilang took a look at his class schedule.

The first class the next morning was coincidentally the language class of the form teacher, Mo Li.

According to the old class's usual style, there was no way to escape from the joy of Learning Classical Chinese in the morning reading class.

At the thought of this, Chen Yilang's tiger-like body trembled. He hurriedly took out a language textbook from his school bag and flipped to Classical Chinese

However, the problem came again.

The length of a classical Chinese article was usually around 300 to 400 words. How could he remember the whole piece of f*cking bread...

Chen Yilang began scratching his head crazily.

Suddenly, he seemed to have a new inspiration.

F*ck, could he just make a miniature version of it?

Chen Yilang did as he was told.

He turned on the computer and selected one paragraph of Classical Chinese on the textbook. Using the document editing tool, he compressed it into the minimum number of words and the minimum line spacing.

After printing it out, Chen Yilang took out the memory bread and stamped it as if it was a seal. He actually printed all the densely packed words on it.

After doing this, Chen Yilang realized that his Memory Bread could actually fit two paragraphs of Classical Chinese!

After all, a piece of toast had both sides. He could even find a small corner and fill in one or two difficult English words after filling in two paragraphs of Classical Chinese.

"Let's eat it!"

Chen Yilang immediately took out the toast and took a bite.

To his surprise, the Memory Bread was actually slightly better than he had imagined.

At least it was not so bad that it could be used as a brick. There was even a sweet taste to it.

Of course, the focus of the Memory Bread was not on the taste.

Not long after eating the Memory Bread, Chen Yilang felt as if he had entered a new world.

An endless stream of Classical Chinese content seemed to be broken down from his stomach, and then violently surged up, directly entering his cerebral cortex.

It felt very comfortable...

In less than a minute, Chen Yilang felt as if he had memorized the contents of the two Classical Chinese texts.

That was not right.

It should not be said that he had memorized them.

It should be said that these two texts had entered his body by themselves.


He could not forget them even if he wanted to.


Chen Yilang suddenly felt that he saw a glimmer of hope.

Chen Jiahui was right.

The last time he took the test, he did get first place in the class, but he was only in the last few.

The second mock test was about to arrive soon, and the third mock test and college entrance exams were about to begin.

If he did not hurry up, he might not be able to get into a good university.

When he thought of his parents' hopeful and disappointed eyes, as well as the gossips of his aunts and uncles... Chen Yilang felt a headache coming on.

"Since this system has given me a chance to be a new person, why don't I grab this opportunity?"

Chen Yilang suddenly felt like he was on fire.

"F*ck it!"

Chen Yilang began to plan his big plan of making a comeback...