I Want to Bear Your Child!

"I tagged along with Xiong Yuwei."

Chen Yilang smiled faintly and did not elaborate any further.

He knew not of Tang Yi's grades, and he was completely clueless about who Tang Yi was.

"Weiwei, did you bring him here?"

Tang Yi looked at Xiong Yuwei in surprise.

"Yeah." Xiong Yuwei nodded. "Student Chen Yilang once told me that he was quite interested in the Martial Arts Association.".

"I didn't expect the two of you to know each other." Tang Yi teased, "Weiwei, I'm sure that having a genius such as yourself accompany him would put him under great pressure!"

"I'm not a genius."Xiong Yuwei smiled helplessly. "There are many people who are better than me."

"You're being humble again, Weiwei." Tang Yi smiled again. "I've heard from others that you've made rapid progress in the third mock exam, especially in science and mathematics. You've improved by dozens of points."

"I have made some progress, but it's all thanks to student Chen's good teaching," Xiong Yuwei responded.

"Student Chen?" Tang Yi was stunned. "Which student Chen are we talking about here?"

"Chen Yilang, of course!" Xiong Yuwei said with a bit of amusement.

Tang Yi was dumbfounded.

After a long while, he finally reacted. "Weiwei, what are you saying? You're not joking, right? You're saying that he taught you science and mathematics?"

"What do you mean by joking? My improvement is all thanks to Student Chen tutoring me. He taught me a lot of things that I used to be clueless about."

Xiong Yuwei smiled and said to Chen Yilang, "Speaking of which, I haven't had the chance to treat you to a meal yet. Tell me when you're free, and I'll arrange a meal at Shangri-La for you."

"Ah, it's okay. You don't need to go through the trouble." Chen Yilang smiled and waved his hand. "We're all friends here. It's no skin off my back."

"After all, I also secretly learned [ Kick Boxing ] from you..." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Tang Yi was startled once again.

Judging by how Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei interacted with one another, he suddenly felt as if he was the outsider.

He was a little embarrassed.

More importantly, how could Chen Yilang, someone who was ranked amongst the lowest in the school possibly teach Xiong Yuwei?

Tang Yi had always thought of Xiong Yuwei as his goddess.

After all, even if he were to search the entire school, he doubted that he could find anyone else who was both as good in fighting and as smart as Weiwei.

Tang Yi had assumed his results as the best among the sports and arts students, and even then, he was still far behind Xiong Yuwei.

But why is Chen Yilang suddenly teaching Weiwei?

And it was even the most f*cking difficult subject, math...

Tang Yi began to doubt his life.

"Ahem, Weiwei, let's put aside this dinner business to another day. Our exchange is about to begin. Come on over."

Tang Yi interjected.

"Okay." Xiong Yuwei then turned to Chen Yilang and prompted, "You come over too, Student Chen."

Tang Yi frowned slightly.

For some reason, he did not seem to like Chen Yilang.

No, that was not right.

It was more accurate to say that he just straight up hated Chen Yilang's guts.

Originally, in his expectations, this should have been a beautiful night for him and Xiong Yuwei to get closer with each other.

However, upon Chen Yilang's appearance, his expectations were immediately shattered.

"Why doesn't he know his place? He's clearly a third wheel, and yet, he still talks so much. He really can't read the mood, can he?!"

Tang Yi could not help but mutter in his heart.

Nevertheless, it was nothing to be concerned about.

After all, they were in his home ground today!

Even if one more Chen Yilang were to appear out of nowhere, what would it matter to him?

Upon this thought, Tang Yi felt much better.

"Is everyone here?"

"Come, come, gather around in a circle, don't stand on ceremony!"

A boy who looked like the host for tonight called out to everyone.

Chen Yilang followed Xiong Yuwei and sat down on the ground with everyone.

During this time, many individuals came forward and greeted Xiong Yuwei. It seems that Xiong Yuwei was well acquainted with everyone.

However, after observing for a while.

Chen Yilang soon realized that most of the attendees to the event had come from the Martial Arts Association of No. 1 High School.

However, as there were other members from the No. 2 High School who were invited, Xiong Yuwei was not all alone.

Except for Tang Yi.

This guy was clearly the president of the Martial Arts Association of No. 1 High School, but he was not sitting with his members. Instead, he stayed near Xiong Yuwei and had even made repeated attempts to strike up a conversation with her...

Upon noticing this, Chen Yilang had a general understanding of the situation.

This was no club meet.

This was a f*cking social event that Tang Yi had forced, all so he could get closer to Xiong Yuiwei...

As far as Yilang could tell, in Tang Yi's eyes, everyone else was a third-wheeler, or a background character at most.

Chen Yilang yawned out of boredom.

As expected, I'm really not interested in this activity at all.

It would've been better for me to grind out a few more math papers instead.

Studying is truly a source of happiness!

"Forget it, forget it." Chen Yilang silently comforted himself.

For the sake of completing the quest, he decided to stay a little while longer.

Once everyone was almost seated, the host continued.

"Prepare to feast your eyes, brothers and sisters!!"

"We have invited the presidents of the Martial Arts Association of No. 1 and No. 2 High School to participate in this meet up!"

"Everyone knows that these elusive big shots rarely make an appearance, but this time, we've managed to nab both of them!"

"Everyone, I don't think I need to say more about what this means, right?"

"Of course not!" Someone below shouted, "We want to see the Presidents' demonstrating their strength!"




The members below seemed to understand and started to cheer.

As an invited guest, Xiong Yuwei was forced to walk to the center of the circle and perform some taekwondo and kickboxing moves.

As they watched the scene, the students below started to cheer and clap.

After all, who could boo at a beautiful lady displaying her strength!

This was especially true for Tang Yi.

When Xiong Yuwei used her long legs to show off a backspin kick, Xiong Yuwei could feel a gush of blood rushing up his head, making him feel dizzy and disorientated.

"As expected of My Weiwei. She is truly a cool beauty. She is simply the perfect woman!" Tang Yi thought to himself.

"Thank you, President Xiong Yuwei, for your wonderful performance!"

"Now, who's up next?"

The host raised his tone and deliberately kept them guessing.

The club members below seemed to have rehearsed beforehand. They automatically shouted loudly,

"President Tang Yi!"

Not only did they shout, but the members also applauded and cheered with all their might.

Chen Yilang even heard some slightly outrageous lines mixed in.

"President Tang Yi, I want to bear your child!"