Splitting Your Butt Wide Open

Chen Yilang was utterly stupefied.

He was completely befuddled at the lengths that Tang Yi had gone through to put up this show.

Chen Yilang admitted that he had never witnessed such a huge farce before.

However, as Tang Yi made his way to the center of the ring under the cheers of his club members, Chen Yilang suddenly noticed a change in Tang Yi's status bar.

[ Level 5 Brute Force Monster ]

[ Status: Invigorated ]

[ Invigorated : The target's self-confidence has been greatly increased due to the influence of their external environment. The target's fighting spirit has been ignited. Under this state, the target's Mind (attr.) has been greatly increased and their Intelligence (attr.) has been greatly reduced. ]


The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

This doesn't sound like being Invigorated at all. This sounds more like a hallucination!

"Since everyone is so supportive, I'll respectfully comply, then."

"Let me show everyone my best Chinese Kickboxing Fist Technique."

As he said this, Tang Yi began his own combination of fist techniques:




"Buckle Fist!"

"Whipping Fist!"


Tang Yi shouted as he launched each move. 

After a series of maneuvers, the hall was once again filled with loud cheers and shouts.

Chen Yilang could only mechanically clap his hands to not seem like an outcast.

The only ones that felt excitement from Tang Yi's display were the group of battle-hungry lunatics around him. Personally, Chen Yilang felt nothing.

"Was President Tang Yi's performance brilliant? !"

The host suddenly said in a high-spirited voice.


The club members replied in high spirits.

"It seems that our President Tang Yi is very popular!"

The host added, "In response to your excitement, we have prepared an opportunity for everyone to interact closely with our president."

"Is there anyone within the audience who wishes to come up and spar against President Tang Yi!?"

As soon as these words were said.

The crowd below the stage became restless again.

"Me, me, me. Pick Me!"

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"President Tang, I'll do it!"


Such an enthusiastic response.

It was akin to a scene from a primary school classroom, where students avidly volunteered themselves to answer their teacher's questions.

"There's no rush, I'll take you all one by one." Tang Yi stretched out his hand and invited with a friendly smile.

With that... 

Chen Yilang witnessed as Tang Yi's juniors hurled themselves at him one after another, only to be easily knocked down within ten moves or less.

"This is too obvious..."

Chen Yilang held his chin in boredom as he thought to himself.

It was very obvious that the members of the Martial Arts Association of No. 1 High School were cooperating with Tang Yi to make him look good.

Although the overall atmosphere of the scene felt hyped and enthusiastic, anyone who had seen their fair share of scuffles could tell that the "fights" were fake.

"How dull."

Every cell in Chen Yilang's body was telling him to leave the meet up.

"Is there anyone else here who wishes to challenge President Tang Yi?" The host asked.

This time, no one responded.

Those who were supposed to put up a show had all been defeated, leaving only Tang Yi standing in the middle in high spirits.

"It looks like it should be over soon," Chen Yilang thought.

However, at this moment.

He noticed that the host's gaze seemed to have stopped on him.

"Hey, you there, you're a newcomer, right? I don't think I've ever seen you before!"

"Since you're here, come on up and fight our President!"

"It's rare to have a chance to be taught directly by our president!"

"Ah, I don't need to..." Chen Yilang was halfway through his sentence when suddenly...

[ Ding! ]

[ Quest: Investigate the Martial Arts Association, completed! ]

[ Acquired Gold Coins x999 ]

[ New hidden quest triggered: Show them what you're made of! ]

[ Details: The President of the Martial Arts Association, a muscle-headed tyrant, has suddenly gotten an idea to kick your butt in public. He wishes to make you lose your dignity in front of the Goddess! ]

[ Fulfilment Criteria: It's time to teach him a lesson! Use your fists or feet to shatter his ugly fantasy and make him regret his decision! ]


After reading the notification, Chen Yilang could not help but twitch his lips.

No wonder he felt that Tang Yi's attitude towards him was somewhat unfavorable. So that was the reason.

However, while his distaste towards Chen Yilang was still understandable, what was the point in fixing those matches?

It seemed rather un-sportsman-like.

At this moment, everyone had already begun to jeer.

Xiong Yuwei, who was sitting at the side, could only helplessly smile at Chen Yilang when she saw this scene. "They're really too enthusiastic. I can't handle them either. You can just go up and give them a casual greeting."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, "I really want to give him a casual greeting, but I'm sure that he's thinking otherwise..."

"Alright, then I'll ask President Tang Yi to give me some guidance." Chen Yilang could only smile as he stood up.

"Alright, Student Chen Yilang, right?" Tang Yi also had a smile on his face. "What kind of martial art do you prefer using?"

"I prefer kickboxing," Chen Yilang responded. "I wonder if President Tang Yi is adept at this?"

Tang Yi was momentarily stunned.


Damn, this guy knows this stuff?!

This can't possibly be a casual remark, right?

Tang Yi's point about the casual remark really hit the nail on the head. Chen Yilang truly did not know much about kickboxing.

"Forget it, forget it."

"Even if he really knows how to kickbox, he's just a damn homebody. What's the big deal?"

Tang Yi quickly sized up Chen Yilang's tall and thin figure and came to a final conclusion.

Unless something unexpected happened, he was sure that he could take on four or five Chen Yilangs at the same time.

The only fate that awaited the rookie, Chen Yilang, was to be beaten up by him.


The corners of Tang Yi's mouth curled slightly. "Student Chen is a rookie. I'll make sure to take it easy on you in that case. Let's go ahead with kickboxing then."

"Thank you, President Tang." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

Once the two of them had put on their protective gear, they then stood in the center of the ring.

"Come, Student Chen."

Tang Yi patted the protective gear in front of his chest and abdomen. "Do you know how to do a side kick? Give me a kick here."

"Let me see how good your basics are."

It was exactly the same as the previous few members who had come up to challenge him.

Tang Yi indeed had a sturdy foundation and a tough body, and as such, no one was able to topple him during the past few bouts.

"Do you want me to give it my all?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Of course."

Tang Yi patted his protective gear again. "Don't worry, just kick as hard as you like."

"Rookies usually don't have much strength, and they don't know the movements and techniques to exert strength. As such, the kicks that they launch are usually weak. I'm sure it's fine."

"Not to mention that you don't look like you have much strength to begin with, so just give me everything you got."

Chen Yilang nodded and revealed a meaningful smile:

"Then I'm relieved."