A Lady Worth Going After

Chen Yilang was going face-to-face against the president of Beijiang No. 1 High School's Martial Arts Association, Tang Yi.

Naturally, there was no way for the muscle-headed brute before him to know that, within Chen Yilang's attribute panel, there were still two attribute points that had yet to be allocated.

Aside from the two remaining attribute points, all other points had been assigned to Intelligence, a much needed attribute when it came to studying.

As a former shut-in, Chen Yilang was well-versed with online games.

Usually, Chen Yilang would take the more steady approach when raising his characters.

When it came to things like skill points or attribute points, unless he had figured out a way to reset the allocated points, Chen Yilang would not carelessly assign these points.

The reasoning behind his decision was sound.

After all, what if he had somehow specced his mage character with stats that suited more towards warrior-type units instead?

Moreover, as there was no strategy or guide to follow in this gamified new world. He felt that it would be unwise to spend all his points, as he might accidentally stumble upon a path of no return.

However, in the current situation, Chen Yilang felt that he had no other choice.

Tang Yi split his *ss wide open. Chen Yilang refused to suffer such indignation.

[ Ding! ]

[ Attribute points have been successfully allocated! ]

[ Character: Chen Yilang ]

[ Attributes: Strength 4, Toughness 2, Intelligence 5, Mind 2, Dexterity 2, Charm 2, Luck 2. Evaluation: Your intelligence is not to be underestimated, and your physique is gradually improving. ]


The moment he heard the notification sound.

He did not know whether he was hallucinating it or not, but Chen Yilang suddenly felt as if there was a gushing stream of power flowing into his body from an unknown source.

He could feel all his dormant muscles being activated at the same time at that moment.

His muscle fibers rapidly tore and healed, and he could feel his blood vessels expanding. A large amount of fresh blood now pumped through his veins, supplying him with a greater supply of oxygen, and at the same time, he felt as if he had been reborn.

Although he could not see the difference visibly, he felt as if his thigh muscles had widened by a centimeter.

Fortunately, Chen Yilang was still wearing a protective suit, which happened to hide the changes that had taken place.

"Come on, student Chen, What are you hesitating about?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang was not taking action, Tang Yi decided to taunt him instead. "No need to be shy, all the seniors are very easy-going."

"Plus, it's just a quick sparring session. No need to think too hard about it."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." Chen Yilang stepped forward.

He activated the muscles in his core, and with a powerful kick, he shot forward towards Tang Yi.

With a body that possessed the [ Kickboxing ] skill, and with the help of muscle memory, Chen Yilang unleashed a perfectly performed kick.

In the next moment.


A loud thud ensued, and under everyone's shocked gaze, Tang Yi was sent flying by Chen Yilang. He hurtled backward by three to four meters, and soon after, he stumbled over and crashed into the crowd of onlookers.

He had landed on his face.


A wave of silence washed over the training hall.

The club members exchanged gazes at one another but dared not utter a single word.

Good heavens, he really meant what he said...

It ended before it even started...

Our eyes aren't deceiving us, right?

Their club president, an entity that was acknowledged as the strongest within No. 1 High School, was actually sent flying by a mere newbie?

He was kicked so hard that he lost his balance, and he was having difficulty standing upright.


[ You used [ Swift and Fierce Side Kick ] to knock down [ Level 5 Brute Force Monster ] ! ]

[ Target's [ Invigorated ] buff has ended, now receiving [Terrorized] debuff ! ]

[ Deterrence: Under this state, the damage dealt by the intimidated target to the source of fear will be reduced by 50%, and its accuracy will be reduced by 50% . ]


Upon hearing this, Chen Yilang felt relieved.

His kicked had given Tang Yi a huge scare.

It was highly unlikely that Tang Yi would continue the fight.

After all, had they really fought, Chen Yilang doubted that he could defeat Tang Yi.

After all, Tang Yi and Xiong Yuwei were actually on the same level, and he had only secretly learned some copycat moves from Xiong Yuwei.

Although it was useful to deal with ordinary opponents, against a professional like Tang Yi, Chen Yilang doubted his chances.

"Uh... Sorry, President Tang, I think I used too much force."

Chen Yilang subconsciously raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "A-Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

With the help of his club members, Tang Yi staggered to his feet.

His mind was a little dizzy, and it took him a while to recover.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to possess such great talent. You caught me off guard!"

Tang Yi laughed awkwardly and responded.

"Wow, you flatter me, President Tang, I'm sure it's only because you went easy on me."

Chen Yilang replied politely.

"AH... Well, I did go a little easy on you! But it doesn't matter. Our association is in need of such powerful new blood. Why don't you join our club, so that we can hone you even further!"

"Uh, but there's already new blood dripping down your forehead..."

"OH, it's fine, tis just a scratch. We practice like this daily, so it's inevitable that there will be some bumps and scars on our bodies!"

Tang Yi waved his hand generously and used his other hand to wipe the blood on his forehead messily.

When he did these actions, he maintained a graceful smile on his face.

However, when Chen Yilang looked at his expression, he felt that his smile was even uglier than crying..

[ Ding! ]

[ Quest completed: Show them what you're made of! ]

[ Gold coins obtained: 2,999]

[ EXP obtained: 199]

[ Title: The Novice is Growing Wings ]

[ Reputation value has been increased! ]

[ Reputation value: 600]




Chen Yilang was estatic.

As expected, coming to the martial arts association tonight was the right choice.

To think that I've managed to earn this much gold coins from this hidden quest!

Chen Yilang felt that he was very, very close to his current short-term goal.

After returning to his seat, Xiong Yuwei immediately approached Chen Yilang in surprise.

"Student Chen, how did you do it?"

"Tang Yi's has a strong and sturdy physique. It's difficult for someone of the same strength to kick him over, yet you seemed to have pulled it off effortlessly?"

"I don't understand either." Chen Yilang shrugged. "Tang Yi probably went easy on me."

"PFFT." Xiong Yuwei covered her mouth and laughed. "How is that possible? Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was going all out..."

[ Ding! ]

[ NPC Xiong Yuwei's Friendship value has increased! ]

[ Remark: Please keep up the good work to unlock more ways to interact with the NPC! ]

Looking at the progress bar on top of Xiong Yuwei's head, Chen Yilang could smell the scent of trouble again.

As expected of the school belle, she was different from the others.

She's truly a lady worth going after!