A Fight?

Chen Yilang was slightly shocked.

He could smell it, he could smell that familiar scent again!

It was the smell of trouble!

Chen Yilang quickly clicked on the details.


[ Dungeon Name: City of Terror ]

[ Coordinates: [ Click to see ] ]

[ Details: Legend has it that there exists a city which is occupied by hundreds of ghost whom did not move on to the afterlife. These ghosts banded together in the mortal realm, and although none of them had any particularly worthy ambitions, they took joy in spectating humans interact with one another. However, it all changes today, as a new friend has arrived... ]

[ Fulfilment cCriteria: Head to the coordinates listed and locate the City of Terror! ]


After reading the details, Chen Yilang felt his scalp tingle with numbness.

Just as he had expected, he had unlocked yet another game mechanic.

He was excited to try out this mechanic, even if it sounded a little scary.

However, Chen Yilang was not afraid.

As an atheist who worshipped science, Chen Yilang did not believe in the existence of supernatural beings.

As such, rather than fear, Chen Yilang was struck with curiosity instead.

What was the origin of this [ City of Terror ] ?

Chen Yilang checked the coordinates.

In the end, he realized the coordinates were those of Yunzhou City...

"How is this any different from not providing any coordinates?!"

Chen Yilang could feel a headache coming up.

Yunzhou City was massive. Forget three days, he might take three months and still fail to locate the dungeon!

While Chen Yilang was lost in his thoughts, Chen Jiahui had already led everyone to the establishment that they would take their dinner in.

It was a tea house that looked pretty neat.

Citizens in Yunzhou liked to drink morning and evening tea, and as a result, there were several tea houses located throughout their streets, but very rarely would there be any good ones.

Chen Yilang looked at the menu. It consisted of authentic Yunzhou cuisine, and they were also very reasonably priced.

"This place is perfect!"

Lin Jie praised aloud. "Thank God, Chen Jiahui is in charge of planning. Had I come here alone, I definitely would have chosen a much worse establishment."

"I agree." Chen Yilang echoed, "We have to thank our great tour guide Chen for leading us here."

"No problem, I also need to thank you guys for being willing to accompany me on this trip," said Chen Jiahui.

The three of them chatted as they ate. The atmosphere suddenly felt like it was back to the old days when they were still in school.

Only Chen Yilang noticed that Jiang Linguo had not spoken a word.

After all, as a player, Chen Yilang would naturally pay close attention to the movements of the monsters around him.

Ever since the [ Level 5 Precious ] was heavily injured on the train, its HP had not recovered whatsoever.

While Chen Yilang was silently thinking of a countermeasure, the [ Precious ] spoke.

"I'm of the opinion that this place is lackluster."

Jiang Lingguo shook her head with a hint of disdain appearing on her face. "The food here feels so plain, Lil' Hui."

"Didn't I tell you before? There's an restaurant in Yunzhou City that's making waves on social media. It's one of the must-go spots when visiting Yunzhou."

"You aren't even doing your job as a tour guide properly. I can't believe we missed this opportunity."

Lin Jie's gaze changed slightly, and he subconsciously turned to look at Chen Yilang.

However, Chen Yilang did not react at all.

After his brief interaction with the [ Level 5 Precious ] on the train, Chen Yilang had already figured out what made Jiang Linguo tick, and thus, her tricks did not faze him.

"Oh alright, let's visit the restaurant tomorrow then. I'll look up a guide tonight."

Chen Jiahui did not say much and replied with a smile.

Seeing this, Chen Yilang finally understood how the [ Level 5 Precious ] had come to be.

Obviously, she was pampered and spoiled by those around her...

"Remember, you must make a good guide tonight, Lil' Hui."

"Remember that our schedule is rather packed. We're even visiting Yunzhou's Happy Ridge the day after tomorrow, right?"

"As such, it's best that we visit the store tomorrow, be it in the morning, or by nightfall at the latest."

Jiang Linguo explained.

"I know, I know."

Chen Jiahui nodded while listening.

Meanwhile, Chen Yilang noticed that the status bar above Chen Jiahui's head had changed.

[ [ Level 5 Ultimate Learning God ] has been attacked by [ Level 5 Precious ], HP -32 ]

[ Debuff received: Irritated ]

[ Irritated: The target's thoughts are in a mess, and her mood is irritable. Her Intelligence and Mind points have decreased slightly. ]


There seemed to be some sparks flying between the two girls. 

Chen Yilang did not expect to witness such a scene.

A scene where two monsters were going against one another.

Chen Yilang had heard rumors of how terrifying fights between women were.

"If these two girls really do manage to kill each other, would I receive any rewards from their deaths?"

A question suddenly popped up in Chen Yilang's mind.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Chen Yilang dismissed the idea.

Obviously, he would not.

However, if he was the one who fired off the last attack, there was a good chance that he would receive the rewards.

At this time, Chen Yilang saw that he had received a new message on his WeChat.

Lin Jie: "Brother Lang, I'm starting to get a feel of how difficult it is to handle Jiang Linguo. Should I marry her in the future, wouldn't that mean that my ranking in the family hierarchy would be rather low?"

Chen Yilang replied expressionlessly:

"First of all, you are right. Secondly, just how delusional are you?"

Lin Jie quickly sent a series of question marks.

Chen Yilang logged out of WeChat and no longer paid attention to Lin Jie.

He thought for a moment, then smiled and spoke aloud.

"Hmm, personally, Lin Jie and I both feel that our current itinerary is pretty well thought out."

"But from the looks of it, Jiang Linguo seems to be more familiar with the tourism aspect of Yunzhou?"

"Why don't we let student Jiang Linguo plan a new itinerary instead? She seems to know a lot more, so I'm sure she'll come up with an even better one."

Chen Yilang looked at Jiang Linguo with a smile and said in a gentle and amiable tone, "Right, student Jiang Linguo?"

Lin Jie who was at the side was the first to be stunned after hearing those words.

What is Brother Lang doing?

What the hell, why is he putting words into my mouth?

However, he dared not interject.

After being rebutted by Chen Yilang a few times, Lin Jie had learned his lesson and no longer had the courage to continue being cheeky in front of Chen Yilang.

Hence, Lin Jie did not say anything, but he could not control himself from observing Jiang Linguo.




However, Jiang Linguo was suddenly at a loss for words. She stuttered and could not speak a single word. She no longer seemed as confident as before.

[ Ding! ]

[ You ended [ Level 5 Precious ]'s [ Verbal Assault ] and dealt a huge amount of mental damage to her! ]

[ Obtained 1. Gold Coin + 89 2. Exp + 76 ]


Chen Yilang was very satisfied.

As expected, the reward that could be obtained from big monsters were still relatively high.

Lin Jie, who was at the side, was a little dumbfounded.

It was the first time he saw such an embarrassed expression on Jiang Linguo's face, and her expression was so ugly that it looked as if she had just eaten a mouthful of manure...

D*mn, Brother Lang is really awesome.

Lin Jie silently admired Chen Yilang's wits from the side.

These words had made Jiang Linguo instantly speechless, and it did not sound rude at all.

Lin Jie also noticed something about Jiang Linguo.

Although she was very talented when it came to exams, and she had a smooth tongue, when it came to street smarts, she was like a caveman...

Forget planning an itinerary, the fact that she could follow along with them was already a miracle in of itself!

The atmosphere at the dinner table gradually calmed down once more.

Jiang Linguo, who could not answer, could only lower her head and eat silently.

Chen Yilang felt that his ears had finally calmed down.

It was time to plan on how to locate the City of Terror.