[ City of Terror ] Located!

In Lin Jie's opinion, Brother Lang was the type of person who went straight to the point.

It seemed that in Brother Lang's eyes, Jianglin Guo was not a delicate girl at all.

It was impossible for Brother Lang to coax girls, not in this lifetime or even the next.

Brother Lang would only reason with them, and he would scold them for whatever wrongs they committed, and he would not hesitate to take on a harsh tone regardless of their status.

For example, during this trip, Brother Lang had not budge a single inch to Jiang Linguo's demands at all.

Once the four of them had finished their meal and had left the teahouse...

Lin Jie had become aware that whenever the four of them walked together, Jiang Linguo would automatically put as much distance from Chen Yilang as possible.

Meanwhile, in Chen Yilang's perspective.

He could tell that Jiang Linguo was acting a little strangely.

The status above her head had become [ Resentful ].

[ Resentful: The target has developed animosity towards you. Their Mind attribute has increased, and the target's aggression threshold towards you has decreased. ]


Chen Yilang roughly understood what the system meant.

The so-called reduction of aggression threshold meant that he would more easily stoke her ire now.

For example, if he needed to thoroughly beat her up to make her mad, all he needed to do now was to give her a simple slap.

Damn it.

This woman is holding a grudge against me...

However, Chen Yilang did not mind.

His thought process was rather straightforward.

If she is acting unreasonable, then he would simply just need to talk reason against her madness!

He was not afraid at all!

Moreover, as he was usually not the one in the wrong, there was nothing she could do against him.


Chen Jiahui had booked two separate rooms for their accommodations. Naturally, their rooms were divided by gender.

It was very easy for men to form friendships. So long as they had a topic that they mutually enjoyed, they could talk up quite a storm.

Taking Chen Yilang and Lin Jie as an example...

Despite not interacting much while they were in school, now that they were living together, they realized that they both enjoyed a rather obscure film, and they had both downloaded said film into their phones.

An audible 'click' could be heard upon this realization, and as a result, they just talked and talked all night long about the film that they enjoyed.

"I wonder how things are going the girls' room..."

Chen Yilang wondered to himself as he felt a hint of pity for Chen Jiahui.

With that, the first, albeit rocky day of the little graduation trip had come to an end.

Early the next morning.

Under Chen Jiahui's lead, the four of them departed early and headed to their first attraction via the city's subway.

"We're here! We're here!"

Upon arriving at the station, Chen Jiahui immediately leaped out of the ride.

The remaining trio quickly followed, and upon stepping out, they could instantly sense the buzz of excitement in the air.

"Where are we?"

Lin Jie was stunned by his surroundings.

From the looks of it, they seemed to have arrived at a massive amusement park.

A cheerful song was constantly being broadcasted.

Various staff dressed in mascot costumes were handing off colorful balloons by the roadside.

There were also various amusement facilities dazzling in front of them.

A Ferris wheel was spinning slightly in the distance, and several high-pitched screams came from the roller coaster.


"This is the most famous amusement park in Yunzhou City, Happy Ridge!"

Jiang Linguo glanced at Lin Jie with a look of disdain. "You actually don't know about this place? Aren't you a little clueless?!"

"Hehe, now I know." Lin Jie smiled awkwardly.

[ Level 3 Drama queen ] suffered [ Level 5 Precious ]'s [ Merciless Insult ] and received 243 points of mental damage! ]

This damage is a little too high... Isn't it?

This was the first time ever since Chen Yilang had become a player where he spotted a damage value that exceeded three digits...

Chen Yilang could not help but mentally give Lin Jie the middle finger.

Can you be any less pathetic!?

Damn it, I attacked you so relentlessly in the past, and yet, I've never seen you suffering such a huge value of mental damage!

Is a cute girl's words all it takes to bring down your defenses?

While Lin Jie was talking to Jiang Linguo again, Chen Yilang walked to Chen Jiahui's side and asked in a low voice, "Hmm, it seems that we've detracted from the itinerary that you sent previously, yes?"

"Sigh, I had no choice."

Chen Jiahui's face revealed a helpless expression. "I wasn't able to persuade her otherwise last night, and as such, I had no choice but to bring our schedule forward..."

Chen Jiahui paused and saw that there was no expression on Chen Yilang's face. She sighed and added, "I have been friends with her since we were young. This is how she usually acts. I hope that you can bear with her."

"It has been hard on you." Chen Yilang could only smile helplessly.

However, he did not mind.

After all, the only reason he had participated in the trip was to complete the check-in quest.

As for the [ City of Terror ] ... 

He would just leave its discovery to fate... 

Of course, the best scenario would be for him to locate it. However, if he could not, then there was nothing that he could do about it.

After all, it was a game. Not everyone could be lucky.

"Alright, but aren't all amusement parks the same?"

Lin Jie scratched his nose and asked straightforwardly, "There doesn't seem to be anything special about this Happy Ridge?"

"Like I said, you're utterly clueless!" Jiang Linguo crossed her arms and explained, "The most famous thing about this amusement park, Happy Ridge, is not its amusement facilities, but rather, its haunted house!"

"Haunted house?" Those words had caught Chen Yilang's interest.

"Yeah, you've never been to a haunted house before?"

"I really haven't." Chen Yilang shrugged.

As a die-hard shut-in, there was literally no chance for him to visit such establishments.

Therefore, he had never even been to ordinary haunted house, let alone a famous haunted house as claimed by Jiang Linguo.

"I see! Well, I bet you wouldn't know that the haunted house in this amusement park is called 'City of Terror', and it's very famous. Plenty of internet celebrities and live streamers have entered it to test their courage!" Jiang Linguo said.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Chen Yilang's eyes suddenly lit up. "Did you just say 'City of Terror'?"

Jiang Linguo responded disdainfully.

"Aren't you quite manly? Well then, if you could make it out of the haunted house without backing off early, I'll consider you a real man."

"But —"

Jiang Linguo glanced at Chen Yilang again. "I doubt an inexperienced newbie such as yourself would be able to make it through unscathed. I'm sure you'll pee your pants while you're in there."

"If you're not interested, you can stay outside and wait for us to come out. You can also help us buy a few cups of milk tea while you're at it!"