[ Highlight ]

[ [ Level 5 Precious ] used [ Merciless Insult ] against you, inflicting massive damage! ]

[ HP-57 ]



Chen Yilang felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he was not as badly injured as Lin Jie, this was still a massive chunk of damage, and it was not to be underestimated.

This [ Level 5 Precious ] is really a pain in the arse.

He had been careless.

Back to the matter at hand.

Why am I being looked down upon?

So what if I've never been to a haunted house before?

What does that have anything to do with my courage?


Chen Yilang was definitely going to enter the haunted house.

After all, who would have thought that the [ City of Terror ] that he had been looking for would end up right here in Yunzhou City's most popular amusement park?

From the looks of it, Chen Yilang had to thank Precious for hastening their schedule.

"I didn't say that I'm not interested," Chen Yilang responded casually. "Trips like this are a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If I don't go now, then when would I?"

"Then don't blame me if you pee your pants," Jiang Linguo responded bitterly.

Chen Yilang smiled but did not say anything.

He was well aware of Jiang Linguo's personality now, and thus, he deemed it meaningless to argue with her.

After all, he would need to go all out if that were the case.


The four of them followed the directions in the pamphlet and soon, they arrived at the haunted house, the City of Terror.

What stood before them was an ancient castle-like structure with a dark gothic design.

There were many skulls hanging on the gate, and they shone dimly.

At this moment, the tourists who had already booked tickets in advance were lining up to enter the haunted house.

It could be seen that Jiang Linguo was right. The haunted house was indeed very popular.

Chen Yilang could already see many popular internet celebrities holding up selfie sticks and explaining in the square in front of the haunted house.

"Guoguo, this place looks so scary."

Chen Jiahui seemed to have been frightened by the strange design of the castle gates.

"No need to be afraid." Jiang Linguo patted her chest, which was rather unbountiful, and said confidently, "Even if these two males are chickens, you still have me."

"???" Lin Jie felt as if he had taken damage once again.

He thought to himself, 'Why am I caught in the cross fire once again?" He subconsciously wanted to hug Brother Lang for comfort, but he soon realized that Chen Yilang's thoughts were not on these two women at all.

Brother Lang seemed to have a lot on his mind as he stared down at the haunted house before him.

"Is Brother Lang going to start something again?"

Lin Jie had a strange premonition.

Although he did not know what Brother Lang wanted to do, he felt that it was going to cause quite a stir.

However, in truth, Chen Yilang was only trying to trigger the [ Check-in ] prompt.

After changing his position and angle several times, Chen Yilang finally found the check-in area near the castle gate.

[ Ding! ]

[ You have successfully checked-in! ]

[ Reward: 1. Gold Coin + 98 2. Experience + 128 ]


[ New Hidden Quest Triggered: Beginner's trial. ]

[ Details: You are no longer a noob who just finished the tutorial. As such, it is time to take on a challenge. As an adventurer full of curiosity and fearlessness, it is time to take on the City of Terror in which you have discovered. It is finally time for you to make a name for yourself. ]

[ Fulfilment Criteria: Clear the [ City of Terror ] ! ]


"It's coming, it's coming."

Chen Yilang let out a sigh of relief.

He knew that this day would come eventually.

After all, instance dungeons were a common feature across most role-playing games.

Therefore, Chen Yilang had been preparing for a long time for the system to introduce them.

About half an hour later.

The four of them finally finished queuing up and had entered the City of Terror.

The waiting hall outside the inner gates was already filled with tourists.

"Damn, I'm so nervous!"

"I heard that it's really scary. Most people can't even last halfway before returning to the starting point!"

"What a pity. I heard that if you're the first within the batch to find the exit, you'll receive generous prizes!"

"Yes, yes, it's a very popular online celebrity necklace!"

The tourists were either eager or nervous.

"Humph," Jiang Linguo snorted disapprovingly, "These guys sound like scaredy cats. Since I already have a game plan in mind, that prize will definitely be mine for the taking!"

"Then I'll congratulate you in advance." Chen Yilang smiled faintly.

As expected of the [ Level 5 Precious ], I wonder where her baseless confidence comes from.

Naturally, Chen Yilang dared not boast in the same manner.

After all, he had never been to a haunted house. At the same time, this was also his first time playing a [ dungeon ]. He had no clue what to expect.

Suddenly, the hall descended into pitch-black darkness.



A long and strange bell sound rang within the hall.

Accompanied by a spray of dry ice, the inner door slowly opened on both sides.

All kinds of strange lights and background music started to pour in, creating a scary atmosphere.

All kinds of screams immediately rang out among the tourists.

"Let's go, there's nothing to fear." Jiang Linguo took the lead and walked in the front. "Oi, you two boys better not drag us down!"

Lin Jie eagerly went after her.

However, he realized that Chen Yilang was walking slowly at the back by himself. He looked neither too fast nor too slow, as if he was taking a stroll..

For a moment, Lin Jie did not know who to follow.

As such, he began walking back and forth between Jiang Linguo and Chen Yilang.

Naturally, Chen Yilang had no desire to go after Jiang Linguo.

He had a dungeon to clear, and it was a matter that was unrelated to Jiang Linguo.

Chen Yilang turned on the miniature flashlight that the staff had prepared for him and followed the tourists into the interior of the castle.

It was not until he entered the depths that Chen Yilang realized that the haunted house was actually massive on the inside.

He could either head left or right, or he could explore the main hall or the second floor.

After a while, the crowd began to disperse.

"I'm a little scared, Brother Lang." Lin Jie could not help but shiver. "I'd better go and follow them!"

"Okay." Chen Yilang casually waved his hand and sent him off.

In the end, Lin Jie still left happily.

Chen Yilang suddenly felt much more at peace. With this newfound silence, he then searched around the main hall.

He had noticed a very interesting phenomenon.

Almost everyone had brushed off the main hall, and had instead rushed forward to explore other areas.

However, despite not playing any games like secret rooms before, he was well aware of a fact.

"Which is that things are usually hidden in plain sight."

If he was the architect of this haunted house, then he would have put the most important clue in the main hall.

[ Ding! ]

Upon hearing the sound, Chen Yilang's line of sight quickly locked onto the target.

A floor lamp that had been highlighted.