White Tiger Cave

Liu Feng looked at the dark cave that stood in front of him. He stretched his divine sense forward, trying to see what was beyond him, but it was like a blackhole. 

Whatever divine sense went in did not come out. 

Liu Feng had no idea what awaited him when he would enter the cave that stood in front of him. Steeling his nerves, he stepped closer to the cave. 

Still, afraid of what may lie ahead, a spear appeared in his hands. He carefully approached the cave, but suddenly stopped. 

The darkness of the cave was not darkness at all. It was a pitch black barrier that blocked the cave, and it looke suspiciously like the barrier that existed in the skill hall back in Sky Heavens sect. 

He touched the black barrier, but it rappelled him, slowly vibrating the moment he touched it. 

"Mind telling me how to get in?" Liu Feng asked.