"Where do we go now?" Liu Feng asked Liu Man, who was on his shoulder, relaxing.
"Just go straight, walk around, doesn't really matter. You can see the benefits already. This is a place rich in Qi, and there are places with more Qi density than anywhere in the entire world." Liu Man said.
"So then why aren't we going there?" Liu Feng asked.
"Because the moment we enter that place, you will be crushed into pulp. The place I am talking about, you need to be in the Soul Transformation Stage to even enter it." Liu Man chuckled.
"Then why the hell does it even exist? The realm of beginnings doesn't have any Soul Transformation experts." Liu Feng asked.
"The restrictions that the heavens put, they have not been here forever. In fact, this was all news to me." Liu Man said.
"Then you want me to follow them? In a place with Qi density this high, being in the Core Formation stage? That is not great." Liu Feng commented.