Reach Out To The Truth

"But Professor Kira, I really do think this story's gonna help people." Mei said as she chased after the professor.

"As I've said, it puts too much responsibility on the entire department. Releasing this story to the public might very well expose not only the department but also your friend." Professor Kira responded as he sat down on his desk.

"I simply want you to understand the consequences of the decision you're about to make, the people you would anger. This isn't like the other stories you've done before, you are going against the university with this one." The professor frustratingly added.

"That's why I have to do it! What happens when the next scholar starts underperforming, the next student-athlete gets third place in one of their meets? They automatically get written off by the university and revoked of their privileges without being given the proper help they need." Mei said.

"What about your friend? Are you prepared for the backlash that he might experience? How this venture of yours may ruin any connection you two may have left?"

The words struck Mei like lightning. She had thought about how Isaac may react but never considered how it would affect their relationship. An uncharacteristic moment of silence from her passed by. The professor was surprised as Mei was never without words or a perfect comeback.

"Even so… They trusted me with their story. No amount of hate from the university will stop me from telling it. And as for Isaac…"

She trailed off, remembering what little time they had together for the past weeks. Mei considered if she even knew who Isaac was. The months they were apart made her doubt herself for the first time.

"That night at the coffee shop, he walked me home. It was like old times, back when we were kids. And then I got angry at him, shouted and cried saying mean things and blaming him for leaving me alone. But he didn't get angry, he was the same as he was when we were kids. That's why… That's why I don't believe Isaac would ever do the things you say!" She looked at the professor with her signature smile.

He gave a look of disbelief. Mei had been making decisions based on her feelings, ignoring facts and reality. This was something she never did with her stories in the past. But the fire in her eyes told the professor that this meant something to her.

"Oh fine, you win Ms. Ohara. Now, what do you want me to do?"

Mei jumped from excitement. They spent the rest of the afternoon discussing the rumors and dirty secrets the professor knew about the department. Subjects like selling off students' work as their own and rich students having their families commission renowned artists for their projects. Mei knew each department was dirty but this surprised her nonetheless. She thanked the professor and proceeded to dash out of the building.

The professor took out a mysterious drink from his desk and walked by the number of canvases of different artworks his students had produced.

"I might lose my job over this but if it's to nurture artists like these, I'm happy with it… Plus I don't have to grade hundreds of papers anymore." The professor added.


Mei was sprinting on the stone path beside the massive field towards the paper club building. Suddenly her phone notified her of an incoming call from Sydney.

"Hey! So did you get the info?" Mei asked as she slowed down to a jog.

"Yeah we did but Isaac said something about wanting to talk to you. He went ahead of us, said he'd meet you back at school." Sydney answered.

"That's great! So could you tell me what it's all about?"

"Maybe you should talk to him yourself first. Sounds too important." Sydney said, her voice sounding tired.

"Oh, okay. Well, you guys should get some rest. I'll handle it from here! And thank you so much for doing this." Mei said.

"Sure, but Mei?"

"Yeah? What is it?" Mei asked, her jog coming to a stop.

"Hmph, it's nothing. Good luck with the story, tell me what happens after." Sydney said as she hung up the phone.

"Couldn't tell her?" Rikki asked, sitting in the passenger seat of Sydney's car.

"I just think this is something between the two of them," Sydney answered.

The ride continued while the radio played 90's music which neither of them liked very much.

"Wanna go for a drink at my place?" Rikki asked, to which Sydney replied with a nod.


They met over at the shed next to the campus gates. Isaac happily greeted Mei and both shared their experiences of that day. Because it was getting late, they decided to get food from the nearest minimart and continue their talk over at Mei's place.

"When exactly did you start drinking?" Ren gestured at the plastic filled with cans of alcohol on the living room table.

"Hey, they're the least alcoholic ones they had. It would take a whole box of them before I'd get drunk." Mei collapsed onto the couch as she drank from a freshly opened can.

Mei was always the busybody, Isaac knew this but looking around her house made him realize just how much the messy girl from his childhood hasn't changed that much. He prepared their food via the microwave and peeked inside the living room to find Mei fast asleep. Isaac set the table as soon as the food was cooked. It seemed that the scent was too strong as this awoke Mei from her slumber then crawled out of the couch followed by mumbles and gibberish as Isaac walked in.

"Sure, we can eat in the living room," Isaac said.

They shared each other's meal and participated in a friendly competition of Plumber Kart II. Even though Isaac said that he had been practicing, Mei was the eventual winner of all ten games they played. Tired from losing, Isaac suggested they watch TV instead. He switched the channel to one that broadcasted shows they watched as kids. It was as if nothing changed. They had certainly grown up but when together, they were children.

"So Ikki said, 'Tone down the property damage!' I mean come on, it doesn't matter if I wrecked that flagpole, at least I caught a photo of that damn cult of a fraternity doing their sick practices" Mei said as she waved her fist in the air with her canned drink in the other.

"Yeah, I bet he gave you an earful for that. Then again, I've seen you break more things than I could count. But who knows, we got a week before graduation so you might surprise me." Isaac let out a chuckle.

Time flew by as the two bantered for what seemed like hours. Neither was without a new topic to present. The laughs and insults seemed to resonate throughout the entire house so much that they could've sworn they heard the neighbors shout at them from next door. Mei kept denying that she was intoxicated as she started swaying heavily through the night.

"So you talked to the professor, eh?"

"Yeah, b-but I'm still gonna go through with it! That is… Well…" Mei furrowed her brows as she turned away from him.

"Mei, you don't need to worry about me. I told you before, right? If this is what my mom wants then I'm all for it." Isaac said as he cleaned the plates and cans on the table. From behind, Mei had snuck up behind him to give him a solemn embrace.

"I just don't want you to hate me after all this," Mei said, her voice starting to tremble.

The warm feeling made Isaac smile as he felt a warm feeling in his chest start to flutter. He was thrust back to reality, one in which he had decided to tell Mei about his illness. Something he thought he was prepared for but as the seconds go by, so does his courage to go through with it.

"Isaac, could you tell me about your brother Aaron?"

He froze. Her words piling on more anxiety than he already had. Nevertheless, Isaac steeled himself to give her a straight answer.

"He… He passed away. Some time back when I was younger. It's funny because it happened so long ago that I didn't think it would affect me like this anymore. But seeing Mom, the pain she's going through. I just…" Isaac trailed off

"Mei, I have something important to tell you."

As he turned to face Mei he heard a loud thud as she seemed to have fallen asleep on the floor. Isaac breathed a sigh of relief then carried the fast asleep Mei into her room. He tucked her in as she mumbled all throughout. He left after turning the lights on.

Mei sank deeper into her blanket and hugged her pillow tighter. There was no cold within the room but she felt a chill that her blanket could not warm.