Brothers I

"Keep up Isaac! You don't wanna get lost in the forest all alone."

"Aaron… *huff* please…*huff* slow down… *huff*"

"It's because you spend all your time in the house, Isaac. This hike will do you wonders I swear! Now just a little further."

Aaron ran up to Isaac's side and together they climbed the muddy slope. They grabbed onto the branches of nearby trees and rested on top of large rocks on the way. Isaac huffed and puffed all the way to the point where Aaron had to carry him over his shoulder.

"Geez Isaac, if I have to carry you all the way then you're doing all my chores for a week."

"After going through all that, doing your chores for an entire MONTH seems easier. Just tell me when we get there."

"You better hold up to your promise because take a look at this!"

Isaac felt a strong gust of wind as he opened his eyes and saw the stunning view of the entire valley. The hills on the side with perfectly shaped slopes covered with bright green grass. The stream flowed in the middle with crystal clear water as the sun started to dip lower behind the large masses of land.

"Is that a real deer, Aaron?" Isaac pointed to the animals drinking on the side of the stream.

"Yeah, you've never seen a real one before haven't you?"

"N-no… I haven't." Isaac responded, his mouth wide open as he refused to turn away.

"Your friend, Mei. She's been telling me how you've been having trouble with your drawings and stuff. So, I thought that sharing this with you would spark something in that head of yours." Aaron patted Isaac on the head.

"She told you? What else did she say?"

"Oh, nothing you have to worry yourself about. You won't get angry at her for it will you?"

"No, nothing like that. She just has enough stuff on her plate that I wouldn't wanna burden her with any of my problems." Isaac turns away and looks at the ground.

"You see, I don't think that's what friends are supposed to be like."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is… Look, friends should be comfortable with sharing their problems. But it takes true friends to help each other out."

"That almost sounds serious. Are you sure you're Aaron? Did you bump your head this morning?"

They share a laugh and sit down on the moist grass to admire the view once more. They wait until the sun is halfway behind the mountains before they decide to make their way back down.

"You got a real special friend there, Isaac. And who knows? Maybe she'd find a weirdo like you attractive."

"W-What is that supposed to mean?!" Isaac stammered, his face glowing red.

"Nothing! Race you to the bottom!" Aaron shouted as he ran ahead.

"Hey! Wait up! What'll you do if I trip!"

"There's soft grass and mud at the bottom. Plus, there aren't many trees in the way so you'll be fine! Worst case is you start rolling downhill and I have to carry you all the way again and you'd have to do my chores for a year!

"Oh, we'll see about that!"

The brothers have a mad dash to the bottom of the slope. At times Isaac would get past Aaron but he would quickly recover and gain the lead once more. Mud and leaves were splashing as each of them dug deep into the ground with every footstep they made. As they neared the end, Aaron started to lag behind and Isaac would gain the lead all the way to the finish.

"I did it?! I DID IT! Take that Aaron! Aaron?"

Isaac started to look around him. The victorious expression on his face filled with concern and anxiety.

"Aaron! Aaron! Where are you?!"

Isaac searched for what seemed like hours. He could not tell the time as he scrounged behind every tree and inside every bush. The light was getting scarce but the boy kept looking for his brother.

"Aaron! Aaron!"

Isaac ran back to the bottom of the hill, hoping that Aaron just got lost and had arrived late. As he was getting closer he heard ruffles, splashes, and a thud. He quickened his pace, tripping and falling over as a result but continuing his dash. When he arrived he saw Aaron sprawled out on the ground covered in mud and leaves. Isaac rushed to his side and saw how bruised Aaron was as he couldn't seem to move or respond to any of his calls.

"Aaron! He… He's breathing! Aaron! Please say something!"

He doesn't respond.

"Tell me one of your stories again! I want to know other spots like the valley! Just please say something!" Isaac said as his small arms kept nudging Aaron's shoulder.

It was getting darker but Isaac went on. He tried carrying Aaron by the shoulder but would collapse after a few meters due to the size difference.

"I want you to chase us around the house more! I want you to keep teasing me about Mei! You can shout at me all you want when I do something bad! Anything, just, please… Please…"

Isaac sank to the ground, lowering his head to his palms. Then, a grumble.

"Aaron? Was that you?" Isaac moves closer to Aaron.

The voice was faint but it was there. Isaac's eyes flared up as he lifted Aaron once again. He would lose his balance and be brought to his knees at times but he never fell completely. It was pitch black but he pressed on.

They eventually reached the backyard of their house and Isaac started to shout for help. Shadows from the window of the kitchen started to move and then a loud noise as their father rushed out of the door to the backyard. Isaac hands Aaron over to their father. Their mother can be seen from the kitchen window calling an ambulance on her phone.

"Isaac, what happened?!" Their father asked.

"I-I'm okay. It's Aaron! He… Wanted to show me something… A-And I-I think he fell and… And…" Isaac stammered and fell to his knees.

"Alright alright, just go inside, get yourself cleaned up and rest up. I'll take care of Aaron now."

Their mother rushed out of the house and looked at Aaron. Every inch of her face spelled fear. Their father snaps her out of her trance and he proceeds inside. She attended to Isaac who was still catching his breath.

"Mom is… Is Aaron going to be okay?" Isaac looked up at his mother, his eyes on the brink of tears.

Her face twitched but instead, she forced a smile.

"Let's go inside and get you cleaned up, okay?"

Sirens came from the front door. A medical team entered the house and carried Aaron into the ambulance with a stretcher. After reassuring the others, Mr. Aikawa entered the ambulance and drove away.