Summer Before Fall

They distanced themselves from the paper club building but the rowdiness of the place could be heard from every stretch of campus.

"How long did he plan this?" Isaac asked.

"He says he's been thinking about it since last year but only approached me back when you guys went to that firework show," Mei said, picking all kinds of finger food and stuffing them in one small disposable cup.

They moved between the stalls, squeezing between the crowd of people going through the festival. Isaac stretched out his hand to take Mei's as they walked together.

"I saw this spot earlier…"

"Say no more, let's go," Mei replied swiftly.

"Well, maybe after another kebab." Mei quickly darts back into the crowd. This results in Isaac completely losing her in the dense forest of adolescence and anxiety. In the turmoil, he bumps into a towering figure.

"Oops, sorry!" Isaac looks up, almost recognizing the face of whom he bumped into before they scurried away. He was wearing a plain gray shirt with the football team's jersey slung over his shoulder. Isaac took a moment to breathe, his experience with jocks had never ended quite as well as this one.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Mei popped up behind him.

"What? You left me!"

"No, I didn't. I told you I'd get a kebab. Figured you remembered where the stand was. What's up with you? You looked like you saw a ghost."

"Let's just get out of here."

Before they went to Isaac's spot, Mei dragged the reluctant Isaac to the different attractions offered by the festival.

"Welcome, sir and ma'am! I'll need one of you to step into that container and kindly wait for further instructions on that chair."

They looked at each other and quickly realized what type of game this was. They decided on who would get soaked over a game of rock, paper, scissors.

"At least I know you can't aim!"

"Oh shut it, Aikawa! That was in a video game and I've had a lot of practice since then!" Mei lines up her shot and hits the target perfectly on the bullseye. Isaac crashes into the freezing water that was filled with ice beforehand.

"What the hell!? WHY IS IT SO FUCKING COLD!?"

"Watch the language sir, this is a family-friendly attraction. And you dear have won a free coupon for five kebabs over at our other stand! Also, you get to pick a prize on the shelf of your choice! And you sir in the water, you get a freeeeeeeeee shirt!"

After changing out of his wet clothes, Isaac came out of the bathroom and was shot in the head with a plastic bullet.

"Seriously? You went for the rifle?"

"Why wouldn't I? It'll serve as a reminder of who the real gunslinger in these parts is."

They burst out laughing, Isaac went back to the paper club to find a place to hang his clothes and Mei went to get her free kebabs. They later met up at Isaac's aforementioned spot.

At one corner of the field was a small slope that a few groups and couples already occupied. Isaac cursed seeing how crowded the spot had become but as soon as Mei came into their view they quickly and nervously spaced away.

"Care to explain?" Isaac asked.

"I just have that effect on people," Mei said, taking Isaac's hand and setting themselves down on the grass just beneath one of the trees.

"And by that you mean?" Isaac leaned closer.

"Oh you know, people see me, they see someone who's gonna get all their juicy secrets out on paper."

"Seems weird that all of them are scared of you."

"Really? It just means everyone has something they don't want others to know."

"You got any of my secrets tucked away in that head of yours?" Isaac asked as he relaxed into the grass.

"Oh tons of them. Just not the ones that'll make headlines, I mostly save them for small talk with your parents or party jokes." A light chuckle before the two went silent.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to mention your parents." Mei said, also laying back on the grass.

Isaac stared at the leaves of the tree above them. He noticed how little by little they started falling off the branches. Some even changed colors. Fall was coming.

"My dad wants to have these meetups. Just to talk and catch up once every month. And I agreed."

"That's great! Are you sure things won't be awkward?"

"Oh, things will be VERY awkward. That's why I'd like you to… You know…" Isaac turns to his side.


"Come with… me."

In an instant, the small silent slope that was covered with people basking in the tranquility of nature resounded with a peal of loud laughter coming from the top.

"I know, it's stupid, right? I can probably do it myself. Sorry for asking."

"What? That's not why I'm laughing."

"It's not?" Isaac turned to Mei, his face all red. Mei let out another string of laughter.

"No! It's you! Why are you so awkward about asking your girlfriend to meet your dad?"

"You're my… What?" Isaac's eyes flared up. Mei's face was beet red as she turned away from him.

"Nothing! I just assumed you know… from the kiss."

They sat there in complete silence. The groups of people around them slowly dwindled as the sun went down.

"Hey, back then, what's the real reason you never told me about your mom?" Mei gave a sincere look to Isaac. He could not respond. What could he do? Tell her that he was sick? Tell her that he could die at any moment? To make things easier, he preferred to forget all about their relationship and just disappear from her life?

"Yeah, she deserves to know." Isaac thought to himself. He was determined to let her know, to finally share his pain.

"Mr. Aikawa?" A tall figure appeared behind them.

"Professor Ozwell? What are you doing here?" Isaac asked as he propped to his feet.

"I'd like to have a word with you, alone most preferably."

Over the distance, they noticed everyone was getting ready for the bonfire. Isaac agreed and told Mei that he would find her later. She saw Rikki and Sydney waving her over and she disappeared along with the sun.

"So what's this about Professor—"

"I never liked you, Aikawa." He cut Isaac off.

"You always reminded me of what a failure I was. Reduced to nothing but a professor that teaches children who could barely draw a straight line. That's why when I see someone like you. Full of dreams, goals, and together with his friends I am completely disgusted."

Isaac gave no response. He looked forward into the field where stacks of wood were being placed together.

"But I must congratulate you. Because even if you are a blight in my eyes, you managed to push through all the walls I put in front of you. So go ahead, enjoy your last days of freedom, because I'll make sure to make what little time you and those journalist friends of yours a living hell."

"That is… Unfortunate, Professor. I was hoping to talk to you and offer my thanks. You and Professor Kira held onto me were other members of the department wanted nothing to do with me. And even after everything you just said, I want to say… Thank you for everything."

Both of them looked straight into the field, neither looking away nor giving a hint of change in their expression. Professor Ozwell made the first move by distancing himself and walking away from the field,

"Before I forget, I gave your winning piece to that Rikki fellow. The department wanted you to have it as a graduation gift."

Isaac nodded in reply as the Professor disappeared. He rejoined Rikki and Sydney over the bonfire.

"Hey, where's Mei?"

"She went to get your painting, I left it at my office. I told her she could look at it after the bonfire with you but she was just too excited." Rikki exclaimed over the roaring crowd.

"Okay! I'll go after her!" Isaac turned away and jogged in the direction of the paper club building. As he drew closer he noticed the smoke in the sky, barely visible as it was already dark but the smell gave it away. Thinking it came from the bonfire he paid it no mind but as he closed in on the paper building he started to panic.


Mei locked the door behind her with the painting covered by a cloth hanging slung behind her back. Just then she noticed a weird scent as if something was burning. Nothing suspicious was going on in the main room but drawing closer to the break room she started to sweat. She opened the door and saw how a raging fire had broken out. She tried getting a nearby fire extinguisher but it was too large to put out. Then, she noticed what seemed to be a gas canister near the flames, this led her to bolt over to the exit.

Before leaving she heard a voice. A faint sound of pain coming from the basement. She opened the door leading downstairs and saw how an even larger fire had broken out near the printing machines. Also, she saw a man, he wore a plain shirt with a football jersey tie around his mouth to serve as a mask. After noticing Mei he quickly ran out the basement exit. Mei followed his lead by exiting the basement and bolting through the main door exit.

She ran outside, trying to close the distance between her and the building, there she saw Isaac sprinting towards her. Before she could take another step she noticed a huge load that disappeared from her back. Realizing the painting she carried was no longer with her she turned around to look at the burning building. At that moment, a huge explosion filled their ears as debris scattered everywhere and glass from the front windows came bursting out.

Mei tried to look away, to turn and run. But she was already too close to make any difference now. All she could hear was her friends calling out to her in different ways, she imagined what her father would think, her mother reaching out to her. Her life was just getting better and now it seems to have reached its end.

"Please, not yet." Was all she could say as the smoke consumed her.