Our Final Stroke I

"I've seen your results. You'll be back writing stories and taking names in no time." said her father. Mei was ecstatic with the news, so much so that she jumped forward to embrace her father. Surprised, his jaw drops a few inches, and turns to the nurse who giggles and then smiles at the wonderful sight.

"Okay, okay! We can talk more later after my shift is over. I also heard that you were expecting visitors today?" He smiled expecting her to smile back but a gloomy face was presented to him.

"That boy, Isaac. He's the first one that told me about the incident." Mei's eyes widened. "And ever since he'd pester me day and night about any information on your condition. Before I even transferred here." Mei smiled at the corner of her cheek. "At one point, I was afraid that he'd come barging into my hotel room if I didn't answer any one of his messages." He laughed, and so did she.

"I don't know what happened between you two and I'm not in any position to make any suggestions. But I know that he cares for you an incredible amount." He said as he walked out the door.

Mei knew that what was best for the both of them was distance. There was too much baggage on both sides, too many things that reminded them of each other's pain. It was so easy for the both of them to connect and be together, but it's just as easy to find reasons why it shouldn't be.


As soon as the car halted Rikki rushed out of the door and popped the trunk open. Isaac would unlock his seatbelt and follow suit.

"Isaac, son." His father reached out for his arm, stopping him just as the door opened. He struggled to find the words, any words for that matter as his mouth seemed to stumble through different vowels. Without a second further, Isaac leaped forward and took his father into a deep embrace. Stunned from the sudden and uncharacteristic show of affection, his father hugged back with tears starting to trickle down his cheeks.

"It never gets easier. Not with your brother, your mom, and now you. God, I'll miss you all so much." His father hugged him tighter as he finally broke entirely into tears. Isaac comforted his father as best he could with an assured smile.

"Mom always said that you loved us, even from far away. She never lost faith in you. You were there for her when I wasn't and now you're here for me. Any other dad would have left and for what it's worth, I'm glad you were mine." The words made his father burst louder into tears. Isaac would comfort his father further but felt a deep pressure in his chest as he also sensed his fate's inevitability. Nevertheless, he still had to make the most of his time.

"Yo! We gotta go!" Rikki shouted from the window, bags in hand. Isaac nodded to his father with the same smile. He patted his son on the shoulder and ruffled his hair a bit before letting him go. He watched as the two flew up the stairs, dodging all the pedestrians in their way. Seated alone in his car, he fixed the rearview mirror and through it, he saw a vision of his wife and their two children playing with each other in the backseat. He let out a single tear and smiled as he started the ignition and drove off.


"What took you guys so long?!" Sydney said as the two finally arrived at the reception area. Rikki lunged forward to give her a deep kiss. "Don't worry about that, but thanks for calling his pops, we needed the ride." Sydney was without words. "Are you all set?" Rikki asked Isaac who had a large bag over his shoulder. "Let's go."

Mei had been daydreaming about what it would be like to see again, what she should do first. Travel? Write? Spend time with her Dad? Then, her stomach growled and she thought that maybe she would be satisfied with dinner for now. Mei had already been exhausted by the rehabilitation earlier.

Suddenly, she heard a twisting sound coming from the door. She expected the nurse to come and bring her dinner.

"Mei! It's me! Don't panic!" Sydney said as her voice startled Mei at first but then she relaxed. "We got a little something special planned for you this evening but first, get up!" Sydney grabbed hold of Mei and assisted her onto a nearby wheelchair.

"Hey! What's going on?" Mei noticed another set of footsteps to her right and then calmly sniffed the air beside her. "Rikki?" She asked.

"No?" Rikki answered after a second of silence. Sydney proceeded to throw an empty can of orange juice at Rikki's head. "Go do your thing already!" Sydney angrily said in the softest voice she could make.

"Syd, what's going on?" Mei asked as Sydney turned the chair around as if switching places with her. "Don't worry, just go along with it for today."

Before Mei could say another word, she was pulled from behind the wheelchair and ridden into the hallway. "Hey, you doing all right?" The voice who seemed to be pushing her wheelchair said.

"Isaac? Is that you? Why are you making a girl's voice?" Mei asked as she grew even more confused by the minute. "Oh, Sydney made me wear this disguise," Isaac responded.

"So what? You're dressed up as a female nurse? You do know that there are male nurses?" Mei asked.

"Yeah but Sydney insisted. I think she just wanted me to cross-dress." Isaac said as Mei managed a string of laughter at his expense. They continued down the hall and into the elevator where Isaac removed his wig, makeup, and other attachments. "I wish I could see you now," Mei said.

"Well, I think Sydney took pictures. A lot of pictures." Isaac added as he cringed at the thought of being discovered.