Our Final Stroke II

He strolled her out of the elevator and upwards on a metallic ramp. Mei could only wonder where she was being brought. She knew they were still in the hospital and that the elevator they rode on seemed to head upwards. "Hey, are we there yet?" Mei asked and before an answer could be given they came to a full stop. There was silence then Mei felt a cold breeze sweep past her face and through her hair.

"We're here," Isaac said as he took Mei's hand to help her up. He moved in front of her, holding both of her arms so he could guide her through the area.

"Hey, so are we here to talk about—"

"Shhhh, not yet." Isaac interrupted her as he continued to guide her. Mei continued to feel anxious, she thought that her pouty face and grunts would get his attention but it didn't seem so. Before she was about to throw her hands down and demand answers she felt a different texture on the ground. The cold feeling of the concrete floor was replaced with a soft sandy sensation as her feet began to sink with each step she took.

"Are you doing all right?" Isaac asked but Mei could only nod as she processed how this was possible. She could not see it but she could imagine the golden-colored sand as her feet pressed against them.

"I'm gonna let you go now, ok? I'll be right here." Isaac slowly uncoupled their arms and Mei was left standing by herself in the sandbox. She was hesitant to take another step at first but she began with a small one with her left foot and then a short leap with her right. She giggled towards the direction she thought Isaac was in. Before they knew it, Mei found herself jumping and surfing on the sand. She then called for Isaac whom she had to pull in to join her.

"Hey wait! I haven't taken off my shoes!" Isaac said as he tumbled into the sandbox. This caused Mei to lose balance, almost falling onto her back before Isaac swiftly caught her midway into the fall. "How about we go somewhere safer?" Isaac offered.

Isaac led her away from the sandbox but Mei still felt the sand crystals on her feet as they walked on the concrete. He had Mei sit on a concave piece of wood that she found to be awfully balanced. Isaac let her go and slid his way behind her then gave her a push.

"Hold on!" Isaac said as Mei was launched a few feet from the ground. Upon realizing that she was on a swing set, she braced herself by grabbing the ropes that held the seat up. Her sudden fear turned into enjoyment as she would lean forward and back to propel herself forward. She felt the wind as it gushed to and from her. She felt the thrill in her chest as the thought of being launched into space excited her.

Isaac distanced himself so that he wouldn't get hit. He walked to his gear but found himself on the floor as a loud thud resonated through the rooftop. He struggled to get himself back up and coughed as silently as he could.

"Hey! What was that?" Mei asked.

"N-nothing! Just setting some other stuff up!" Isaac flinched but ultimately pushed himself off the ground. "Hey! Let's go over here!" Isaac said as he shuffled towards Mei and carefully led her to a bench that overlooked the entire city. They sat next to each other but Mei could only make out what was happening from her other senses. She heard the bustling cars, and people having fun in the streets and smelled the flowers planted on the terraces. The wind blew on her face as she reached forward. She imagined tall buildings with streets filled with color and life. For the first time since the incident, she could tell what was happening. She could feel everything around her. She had nothing to fear.

"It's… I…" She started to mumble through her words as her face gave the distinction that she was about to burst into tears. But before she could, Isaac took her hand and locked it with his.

"Remember when we were kids. Whenever I went to your house, you were like a different person. You were sad, afraid, and always alone. So, I went and took you to my favorite playground. We'd play in the sand and you would fill my pockets with them. We'd play on the swing sets and you would launch me into space. We would sit on the bench and you would cry on my shoulder until night time came." Isaac said as his grip on her hand grew weaker.

"I wish I did more for you. But now, this is all I can do." Before his hand slipped from hers Mei took his hand and locked it tighter to hers.

"Remember the promise you made me back then? That you would marry me one day?" Mei asked.

"Yes. I think about it every day." Isaac said.

"Is that so?" Mei said as she turned to Isaac and leaned closer to him, their faces only a few inches away from each other then Mei proceeded to undo her bandages.

"Then you need to start taking care of yourself and get better!" His eyes jumped as he turned to face her. The girl with the brightest smile he had ever seen had tears streaming down her cheeks. Isaac felt a wall that he had put up around his heart had just crumbled into pieces as he embraced her.

"You knew?" He asked.

"Of course, dummy. You know you can't hide anything from me. I just waited for you to tell me." Mei said as they let go.

"Even though I couldn't see. It felt like we were back as children in the playground. Back when things were simpler, easier, happier."

"Mei, I…" Isaac trailed off.

"Hm? You what?"

"I… I love—" Before he could utter the words Mei placed two of her fingers onto his lips.

"Not now. I want to be able to see you when you do say it."

Isaac agreed and once again embraced her. Together they stayed there for a little while longer. Just as they did when they were once younger and more carefree. Isaac helped Mei onto the wheelchair and strolled her back into the elevator. Inside, he noticed his vision getting hazier and his body weaker. Before they reached the hallway, they saw the nurse exit the room and proceed to walk in the opposite direction. They took this chance to make their way into the room. Inside, Sydney had been pretending to be a sleeping Mei so that none of the staff would get suspicious.

"Are you two good?" Rikki, who was seated on a chair on the other side of the bed asked.

"Yeah. I think we are." A smile appeared on Mei's face as she held onto Isaac's hand.

"Good, because the disguise failed," Sydney said, rising from her pretend slumber.

"What?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah, we explained the whole situation to her and she kept tabs on the two of you. She'd come back here and tell us both the juicy details." Sydney continued as the two blushed with their cheeks turning more red from each word.

"Enough of that. She's probably tired. You go and get off her bed and we'll leave you two be." Rikki said as he dragged Sydney out of the room.

"Well, I guess I'll be going now," Isaac said after he helped Mei onto the bed.

"Wait. They allow relatives and close friends to look over patients overnight. So please, stay." Mei begged and Isaac agreed.

The entire room was darker with only nightlights Sydney left for Mei to use, giving them light.

"Hey. Are you still awake?" Mei asked Isaac who was on a chair and hunched over her bed.

"Yeah. You?"

"No, I'm asleep."

"That's good."

They chuckle and what followed was a few more seconds of silence.



"Nothing. Just wondering if you were still there."

"...I'm still here."

Mei closed her eyes and decided to drift away into sleep. Suddenly, rays of light coming from the cars outside refracted on the windows, revealing a collage of paintings and different artworks on the walls and displayed on easels. Some of them included Isaac's personal sketches and doodles. His complete paintings were displayed in front of everything. Each painting had a different style and pattern but what made them all similar was that they all depicted Mei. Whether it was her alone or with friends and family. There were even rushed sketches of their recent exploits on the rooftop.

What took the center stage though, was a painting overlooking the sunset. A mesh of orange, blue, and yellow with the dark contrast of the houses that surrounded the centerpiece of the artwork was a little girl extending her hand towards the viewer. She had bits of tears flowing down her cheeks and into the air but what would draw anyone's attention was the bright wide smile she gave.

"Hey, Isaac. Are you still there?" Mei asked but there was no answer.

Must've gone to sleep, she thought to herself. Mei closed her eyes and with a bright smile, she drifted away into her dreams.


"They were beautiful. I just wish we could have seen them together." Mei said, looking at the grass beneath her.

They were back on the grassy fields. The moon was now hidden behind clouds and the girl was all alone. She sat on the grass, her back to a waist-high structure made of stone. Her hands started to shiver and her voice quaked as the tears flowed down her eyes. Then, she stood up and looked at the sky. It was suddenly clear, the deep dark of the night sky, the stars that danced above her, and the moon's shine upon the land, revealing even the dew on the grass.

"I didn't need to see them with you."

A voice from behind her. Mei turned around to see a man seated on top of the stone structure.

"Because I already lived those paintings with you."

Mei felt a gust of wind go through her as the man slowly turned his head to face her. It was her first love, her best friend for as long as she could remember. He gave her a wide smile and disappeared with the flowing leaves in the wind.

"You're always so serious!" Mei chuckled as she wiped the tears from her face with her sleeves. She composed herself as her mournful look turned to one of conviction. She gathered her things and moved away from the stone. Her heart was full of emotions but she knew she had cried enough. She walked out of the facility and got into a familiar car.

"So, how was it?" Sydney asked from the driver's seat.

"You don't have to talk about it yet if you aren't ready," Rikki added from the passenger seat.

"No, no. It's okay. I think we're okay." Mei answered and the two looked at each other with relief. Sydney started the car and they drove off. Mei's thoughts were aflutter as she focused on the rearview mirror that reflected the place she had just come from.

Thanks for everything. I'll miss you, Isaac.