Fabulous Analyzing Skills

"Wait Jack."

Jack halted for a moment and said, "You got the wrong person. I don't know you and I'm not from the Alfonso family. Furthermore, I didn't agree to the engagement. So, I hope you can forget about what happened two days ago."

"You don't know me Jack? Or is it that you're pretending that you don't know me?" Feeling frustrated from how Jack was treating her, Wendy shouted.

Jack looked at her again and asked, "Was I supposed to know you before?" According to his memories, there was absolutely nothing that he could remember about this lady. Not her name, voice, eyes, figure, nothing about her was imprinted in his mind at all.

Wendy's eyes reddened the moment that she saw that Jack was serious about it. She bit her lips and stared into his eyes. Jack didn't shy from her gaze at all and waited for her response.