[Bonus chapter]Scheme (1)

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second night of July's ultimate championship. I, as the host tonight can tell you that I'm excited and anticipating for the matches tonight. But, although I'm the referee, I'll just watch the match from out of the ring. I hope you don't blame me as the matches are so thrilling in that they scare me. But, let's put all that aside and let the quarter finals begin!"

"Let's start with the rules of the quarter finals. The way of loosing the match is still the same. But, please, even if you lose the match don't wait till you die."

"Anyway, all the matches are going to take place today. So, while fighting in the quarter finals, you better make sure that you're in a good condition to be able to fight in the semi-finals. Of course you'll be given enough time to recover before fighting. But, if you're gravely injured, we can only say sorry to you."