
After having their breakfast, Jack didn't say much and accompanied Jonathan back to the Jesda family manor. He had no problems with visiting Anita.

From the way that Jonathan was behaving, it was clear that Anita wanted to see him. Jack could partly relate it to missing Anne.

Anne was Anita's sister and they had parted ways for more than 20 years now. It was obvious that she was missing her sister and that was the reason as to why he wanted to see Jack.

Although he was heading there at this moment, He was sure that his appearance would usually make a commotion rise in the Jesda family.

As for whether they liked or hated his mother, That was not something that concerned him as long as they didn't participate in the murder of Anne.

Jack didn't drive. Instead, since it was Jonathan who had come to pick him up, Jack thought that it was only appropriate for Jonathan to take him home. At that moment, he was considered a visitor.