So, You Are Jack

"What do you think? I already said that I'm the one who is going to occupy the position in the company. Do you think that you have the authority to take that position? You really don't deserve it! Not to mention that you are a mere woman."

Just as they reached in front of the door, they heard an arrogant voice coming from the mansion.

The moment that Jonathan had that voice, his expression shifted drastically. The initial relieved expression that was on his face at that moment vanished. What appeared next was a ferocious expression that was filled with rage.

Without seeing a word, Jonathan went ahead and opened the door. He didn't even bother to knock or to try informing those who are inside that he had arrived.

Jack didn't say a word and followed Jonathan inside the house. If there was anyone that perhaps he could have some kind of relationship with in the whole Jesda family, That could only be Anita.