Planet of Earth a world consist of 40% land and the rest of it is covered in ocean.

A place where heros rise and falls everyday. A place ruled solely by strongest and ambitious peoples. A place where all that matter is strength. Without it you can't do any thing heck you can't even breathe in without having a proper strength.

In this world everyone is born with some type of power. Some are born with superior bloodlines,Kekkei Genkais and other magical abilities.


The power of an individual is measured by ranks from A rank to B rank and from B to C rank all the way to G rank with G being the weakest and S being the strongest RANK

Talent of an individual is measured at the age of 12 by the city's academy. And lets suppose that a child has a talent to reach C Rank he wil never be able to surpass that Rank in his life time


Seoul country in the city of Akihara inside a hospital....

A man that looks like in his mid thirties is pacing around the hall in a nervous manner

"Aaahhhhh its hurts.. Huff huff"

Sound of muffle screams of women coming from the operation theater falls upon the ears of the young man

"Is she really going to be all right?" the man mumble to himself

"Don't worry she will be all right. She's always been the bravest and she will live through it"

A man standing in the end of the hall with his back against the wall spoke due to the shade from the setting sun covering his features we were not able to see him completely

"I know but she is my sister how can i not worry about her due that accident she has to give birth before it was the correct time...."

The person standing against the wall release a long sigh

"..... Sighhhh levi after what happen today I have decided that i will not work with the SHADOWS anymore I will retire and so wil kushina we will live in this small city far from the central capital far from that... Bloodshed far from every thing that remind me of them "

Levi's expression twisted between pain and sadness after hearing this he clenched his fists tightly digging his nails in his palms that blood started to flow

" Those basterds HOW DARE THEY to that to you how dare they please your hig.... "

" Don't ever call me that again levi i am no longer that person" cutting levi sentence in the middle the man said ligthly as he slowly came out of the dark

Tap. Tap Tap

Sound of boot hitting against the floor rang out as the person walk out of shadows his features soon revealed wearing a black tuxedo with a small dragon tattoo inprinted

on the left side of the tuxedo, having black hair and red eyes that are shining with luster but it soon return to normal and eyes color change from red to black.

"From today I am olny called ISSHIN KUROSAKI you understand" Isshin said as he stare in levi eyes.

Looking in to those eyes that contain a lot of emotions sad, angry, unwillingness,hatred and many more un understandable by him Levi unconditionally nooded

"After what happen i do not want to return there but even if i want to i can no longer return..... After that incident in order to get to kushina out of there I had to use my forbidden art to its full extent to fight that man..... And the price i paid..... was my powers.... I... I no longer had my power with me. All my life i have suffer a lots of step back but..... Snif... Now... Snif.... Now I am scard..... SCARED of kushina getting hurt, SCARED of my soon to be born son getting hurt, SCARED to leave them alone even for a second the thought of that happning SCARED the shit out of me... I just want to end my life" Isshin slumped down as he said these word

Staring in those eyes levi know that... That man was broken he was broken completely broken. The person who once stood at the apex of his generation in the whole world people fear him a fear that came from deep with in them. nickname known as " RED EYE DEMON " is no more....

"uwaah. UWAAAH, UWaah"

Hearing the sound of baby cries a string sounded in Isshin heart he felt something something that tell him to not to loose yourself to not to let your new born child see your pathetic state.

This one sound gave him the courage to stand up and live.....telling hin that you had lived for other until now but..... Now live for your own family

Standing up turning his head toward the operation theater door which soon open slightly


A lady doctor walked out of the operation theater with a tired look on her face

"" the mother is out of danger now but due to that accident she won't be able to use her power for a very very long time "

Hearing that kushina is fine levi and isshin heave a sigh of relief

" And what about the baby "levi asked

" he need some medical check due to her mother internal bleeding he might have suffer some damage but he looks healthy from the outside though "doctor said as she wipe the sweat off her forehead with her right hand

Hearing that isshin was tensed immediately asked "can i see them"

"Not now mother is still unconscious and we need to check up the baby too wait for 5 hour atleast before metying her"

Saying this the doctor bad farewell and reenter the operation theater
