

In the emergency room of the hospital the lady doc with some other nurses can be seen operating on a child who was just born.

Baby who was just born was glowing with a represented hue which obstruct his views

"Doc baby's heart beat is droping rapidly" as soon as the nurse said this.

Black lightning started to appear on the little guy body and swirled around it

"UWahhh. UWahhhhhhhhhhhh" the little guy started to cry like crazy veins pop up on his forhead and slowly covered his whole body. His eyes started to shift between red, white and black color representivly.

".... "

This scene frightened the heck out of the doc. Channeling her power into the silvery space ring she was wearing on her finger, she fork out a bottle containing a liquid shining with a dark golden color luster, opening the cap of the bottle she inject the liquid into the baby using a syringe.

"Uwaahh..... Uwaa....."

As soon as the golden liquid seep in to the child veins he stopped crying and fall asleep peacefully

"... haaaaaa"

Seeing that the boy has fallen asleep doc heave a sign of relief as she sat down on the stool near her with a very concerning look on her face.


The door of emergency room was kicked open and two men walked in hurried steps


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10 Minutes before.....

"isshin we should go meet kushina now" levi said

"yeah lets go" saying isshin and levi soon enter a room

Painted in white in center of the room lying on a bed was a gorgeous women whose beauty can topple the kingdom

She has silvery white hair which was star contras to her brother levi who has dirty yellow hair,she has blue eyes and sword like eye brow.

Seeing the two men walk in she smile lightly and nodded her head

"Isshin... levi.."

"Kushina" caling out her name isshin soon sat beside her while levi stands at side.

Her face was deathly pale and she looks to be suffering from a lot of pain opening her mouth with difficulty she said "Isshin.. how's..... our baby. where..... is he, why can't I.... see him."

Lifting his hand and ceasing her left cheek slightly Isshin replied politely "Don't worry my love he will be alright who do you think his father is, I will not let anything happen to him trust m...." pausing his sentence in the midway isshin paused and look toward the north side of hospital

"Did you feel it" levi asked with an serious face as he too turned toward north

Feeling the deadly aura in the air Isshin was completely tensed because it was coming from the emergency room his son was in standing up Isshin said "we should go and check, kushina you rest here don't worry nothing will happen to our son this is my promis... Lets go leviii" saying so he started to walk out of the room with levi behind him as they soon faded away from the kushina's view

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Present time

As soon as Isshin enter they room he asked


"I don't know kurosaki but his condition is not stable his body has no problem everything is functioning properly but his powers..... They are ragging like crazy

threatening to brust out any moment its very unstable his body will soon not be able to handle this power that came from the fusion of the two great bloo.... "

" let me see urahara "obstructing her in the middle levi spoke as he walks near the sleeping baby and scan his body using his soul power

Isshin stands near beside him as he watch his son sleeping peacefully as warmth spread all over his body....

Taking his hand off the baby lavi fell into deep though with a serious expression on his face

Couple of minutes after pondering over the situation slowly spoke "his... Soul... It's..."

"Levi just tell me what you find" isshin said as he looked deeply into levi eyes

Gathering up his courage levi spoke "I am gonna be straight with you as you know a child between you two was impossible our race can only reproduce with eachothers meaning no other person from any race can give birth to a child with us"

"I know... but then somehow kushina and me end up having a baby"

Looking at isshin lavi replied "yeah that itself is a miracal this baby is anomaly that appears in this world. it would be alright if he inherit one of your power but he has both the power of our race and your in his body which is wrecking havoc in his system

His body is small but his soul power is thousands of times more powerfull than a grown-up adult and with time it will slowly increase reaching to the point that his body will not be able to house that power at that time he will undoubtedly.... DIE"

Hearing levi word lsshin feels like his world is coming to an end as he slumped down on the floor with despair in his eyes

"How much time do we have"



"..... less than a month i am sorry my friend" levi spoke as he place his hand on isshin shoulder

soon the room fell into pindrop silent as isshin heavy breathing can be heard

Seeing isshin in that state levi spoke after considering something "there... might be a way to resolve this.... But.... I don't think you should do it"

Hearing what levi said some light soon return to isshin's almost dead eyes as he asked hurriedly " Just tell me the method to save him"

Pacing around the room in deep thought levi said" His soul strength is the cause of this, now we have two option

First-- sealed a part of his soul which in return will let him live but in a vagetated state. he will be like a living corps but he will live "

".... and the second? "isshin asked as he stood up

" second... We can divide his soul in two parts and sealed the one containing all his power but its very dangerous a slight mistake and he will die as you know dividing a soul is almost impossible and even if i divide his soul i may not be able to seal that part of soul... Sealing is really not my feat..... this way he will live a normal life but.... i can't think of any thing that can seal a soul of this magnitude right now"

"leave the sealing of the soul to me you just divide it" isshin said with resolution in his eyes

Hearing isshin levi was stunned for some time before saying in a high pitch voice "are you an idiot you.... no longer have your previous power you might DIE you idiot and even if you somehow manage to survive you will never recover your powers after this "

"Don't worry i will not die not right now i have to spend a lot of time with my family, I have to raise my son, I want to watch him grow, maybe grow old with my family, so I will defiantly not die" isshin said as he stand near the child bed and beckon levi to start with his work soon

Levi silently nodded his head and place his right hand on the baby head and close his eyes and mumble something to himself

His hand soon started to glow with white light which soon envelope the whole baby as the glow intensified levi face grew paler and paler

"Isshin are you ready we only have one chance.... its coming"

"waaaahhhhhhhh" a loud sound came from with in the baby as he grimace in pain

"NOWWWW" levi shouted as his hair dance in the air

Isshin punched on his chest as he spat out a mouthfull of blood oddly enough the blood stopped in the mid air levitating in front of him he soon started to draw strange symbols from the blood using his right hand finger which glow with purple light soon symbols were arranged in circular formation


Isshin shouted as he push the formation towards his son the blood red circular formation soon disappear in to the child body.

Soon the comotion died down and room return to its tranquility

Both isshin and levi face were pale both were gasping for air as they lay down the hard floor

"haaa.... Iss... hin..haaa remember.... This boy does not have any power left in his body be it your's aur kushina's every ounce of it was sealed with that separated soul..... I Have divided it in to 2 parts 1 that contains 99.98% of soul is sealed and remaning .02% is the dominant one right now as he grow he must practive internal techniques that makes one body strong so that if one day the seals broke he will not die from overloading... But.... if the seal ever broke he will definitely die we can only try our best.... "

" Mmmmm" isshin weakly nodded his head

"urahara and i should go back now least it create some suspicions"said levi as he stand up and beckon urahara leaving isshin lying on the floor as they started walking toward the door when levi suddenly paused turn back and looked at isshin

" By the way whats name you have thought for him"

Looking at the white ceiling of the room isshin replied with a smile on his face

"Izumi... Kurosaki izumi"