
Izumi Kurosaki

On a scorching summer day, east of Akhihara city towering ancient trees interlocked each other, you can occasionally see birds flying through tree crowns,chirping as they flap their wings.

High in the sky the sun seems to be shining brightly rays of light fall upon the city, the small forest looked picturesque from afar but this beautiful scene was distributed by a humming sound that came from afar. A train was headed toward the forest in there, many men and women from young to old sat together. it stop for a minute on the station near the forest a man who looks to be in his thirties walk in with a 12 year old boy. the person in question has black pointy hairs , black eyes and a very attractive and trimmed face with chiseled jaw line. the man and boy soon found a seat and sat down as the train left the station toward the center of the city.....

sitting in the train the boy was looking through the window as the scenery changes outside tilting his head he asked the man sitting right beside him "Dad what do you think my talent assessment be like "

The man pondered for some time "mhhmmmm... Izumi no matter what happen dad will always be proud of you so cheer up don't stress yourself even if your talent is f rank it does not matter "

hearing what dad said i heave a sigh of relief 'Right my name is Izumi kurosaki as i have turned 12 year old today so i need to have my talent assessment today and i am really very nervous and tensed as this assessment can literately decide my future i still remember that day....


a little boy was watching the news with my parents where an accident side was shown

"vroom vroooom ..." siren of ambulance and police range out respectively a building was on fire

"phroom" sound of glass breaking sound out from the building as a figure jumped down the building with a baby in his hand and the strangest thing was that despite being jumping from the 31st floor the figure landed safely on the ground

"my babyyyyyy" a women came running toward the figure as she takes the baby from the person hands as she cried" thank you .....snif snif thank you very much"

soon the man was crowded by many reporters and people as they cheer for him

"dada ne dada who is this men " boy asked as he pointed toward the man on the screen

"he is a hero... hero is a title that is given to a person who always protect others and punish the bad guys " isshin replied as he patted his son head with a smile on his face

"ne ne dada when i grow up i will also become a hero" Izumi said with a rather silly smile on his face

"oooh and what will you do by becoming hero"Isshin said with an amused expression on his face

"I... ahhh.... i will protect mom and dad when i become a hero " Izumi replied after thinking for a bit

standing in the background was a women with a silver color hair just like the boy as she smiled upon hearing his son cute reply



I still laugh at myself when i remember that scene..... but still i want to become an hero

"the train will soon be reaching the central city area"

lets go izumi we have to get to the academy before its noon" Isshin said as he held is son hand and walk toward the train door

Getting out of the underground train station was a beautiful city filled with tall and high buildings multiple 3d screens were plastered on the high end buildings showings different things loking toward the center of the city there was academy consist of 4 to 5 kilometer radius

we soon started walking toward it and soon reached the gates of academy

There were two men who were guarding the gate seeing the two of us coming toward them one of them frowned

"HALT unrelated personals are forbidden from entering the academy "

"aye aye I heard ya bro you know the thing is that my son here turned 12 year old and we are here for his assessment test here is the appointment letter so let us through will ya" Isshin said with a smile on his face as he show them the appointment letter

the frown on the guard face was soon replace with a amicable smile "sure sure you can go ahead"

soon dad and me step through the gates of academy

the guards soon fades away in the background

10 minutes later we reached a tall building with sigh board of "Hall of assessment" written on it

as we approach the entrance of the building a tall and beautiful lady welcome us

"Welcome to hall of assessment dear civilians are you the one who has appointment with elder darke?"

"mhmm" isshin nodded as he handed her the appointment letter

Skipping through the letter

"Right that's it now follow me" saying this the girl started walking towards the elevator on the left side

me and my father follow through and enter the elevator

the girl press some button on the panel and the elevator started ascend


stopping at the 45 floor we were soon led towards the only hall on this floor,to be precious it was a round hall filled with metallic tubes with glasses attached to it in the center of the room there was a desk an old man with a long white goatee sat on the chair beside the table skimming through some papers

tap tap tap tap

hearing the sound of footsteps the old man otherwise known as drake (the principle of the academy) looked up his gaze directly falling upon Izumi as glint flashes through his eye

"ohhh... isshin so you came?..... is this the boy you were talking about"

"oye oye old man don't have some funny ideas about my son" isshin replied as he stared deadly towards drake

"khummm... khumm what type of person do you think i am obviously i will take good care of him"Drake cough trying to ease the tension between them

"hmph you better will"isshin said as he smile towards the old man

The man in-front of isshin is drake a member of dragon race and a good friend of isshin.

They were able to live peaceful life for the past 12 years is all due to him as he is the reason they were granted entery to this city...


this city... the city of Akhihara though you might think is of little importance but...... you are wrong my friend

this city is called ( THE LAST HOPE) ......

everyone dreamed to visit this city one day but they can't only some of the chosen few from human and others races can enter here,

because this city is enclosed in a dimensional space far away from the prying eyes, every person who walks out of this city is bound to become a prodigy in the outside world this is the city of miracles.

city houses some of the strongest forces of the world but these forces does not want to be associate much with the outside world they are the humanity strongest personals

tens of thousands of years ago the demon king attacked EARTH threatening to devour the whole world at that time at-least hundreds of human S ranked heroes sacrifice their life to seal the demon king with his frightening army of demons, cursed spirits and ghouls in the underground world...

years after sealing the demon a prophecy was made by Great Sage


AFTER the prophecy humanity and some other race banded together to created Akhihara city, with the sole purpose of training elites that will face the demon king and his army if the prophecy ever came true

they all send some of the most powerful people of their tribe to city to guide the new generation but there were some tribe that doesn't support that ideas

especially the soul race and 'Oracian clan', these two clans were fighting each-other for a long long time ,the reason of the dispute... no one know ....lost with the endless cycle of time.... but what remain was hatred, ....endless hatred .....they were like water and oil..... always on each other throat.

They doesn't want to work together

Though they may have fought against the demon king but even at that time they were not able to accept each-others


every 10 year Akhihara city select some of the best seeds from the outside world and train them with there own kids.....

due to being humanity's last hope this city was kept away by prying eyes of others enclosed in a completely different dimension, entering the city with out permission is impossible even if the one who wants to enter is a S rank hero, he must go through the teleportation portal there is no other way around it...


Standing in the large hall I was looking at the metallic tubes around me wondering what these things were for.

"Oye kiddo get in the black cube to your right side " snapping me out of my though was that old man voice

l look towards my right side there i saw a fully metallic long tube with small tubes attached to it which kinda look scary 'Glup .....its like one of those horror movies where people do weird experiment on kids.....scary..... mama i want to go home '

gathering up my courage i hesitantly walked toward it.

"oi oi oi khodomo (kid) do you think i am free HURRY UP or i will beat your ass until it is red "seeing that the kid seems little off drake shouted as he pick izumi up and flunk him into the metallic tube

"BAM....psssssh" sound of collision sounded out with the door of tube being closed


Drake and Isshin soon came in-front of control panel

operating on the panel drake asked "so how have you been these days"

Isshin Exhaled a long breath as he smiles remembering the past 12 years the time he has spent with his family,happy moments he has shared with his sons "haaaaaa ... it good ,the best time of my life i say"

Saying that Isshin exhaled another sigh he looked toward the tube his son was in his eyes becomes misty "you will take care of him right "

Patting his shoulder drake spoke "Are you sure about it , leaving him like this "

"we don't have much time left even after all these years kushina's health has been disorientating every day,we have hide this fact from his for as long as we can but its becoming more and more difficult with each passing day.she ....only have a month left , we though that with time she will recover but that thing in her veins its killing her even after every thing i did it was all for nothing... Now I only have one last wish i want to make them pay.... pay for what they have done "

Drake was stunned After hearing isshin last part " Are you.... for real ,after all that happen you of all people should know that you will not return alive from there "

Isshin clenched his fists veins pops up from them "How can i not know that ..... but this is the only thing i can do"

"Sigh .... lets start the assessm....."pausing in the middle Drake attention was attracted towards a certain line 'make them pay' trembling slightly as he pointed towards isshin

"y...yo...you have recovered your POWERS"

falling silent for some seconds isshin slowly shoot his head

"I have my ways you just take care of him consider this your debt being paid"

looking at isshin drake no longer spoke as he started operating the machine

soon a bluish liquid was transported to the machine through the tubes attached to it

"groan....." groan was heard from the metal tube as it soon started to shake

beep beep

red light started to flash in the hall as some line of text soon appear on the screen along with a metallic voice

"Ding.... assessment completed"

both looked toward the screen with show the assessment result

Name of student : Izumi kurosaki






The end