
New journey Begins

"Ding assessment completed..."

[Name: Izumi kurosaki ]

[race: Half human + ?????]

[Blood type: O-]

[Talent potential: Error not enough data]

[Ding .....processing target body at cellular level.....10%.....50%...99%]

[Ding ...processing incomplete]

[Note: presence of an extremely powerful seal is preventing system from further processing,]

[Scanning the seal ... scan completed]

[No Seal technique matches the wavelength emitted by the seal present on the subject body...

Assessment incomplete.....Requesting host to unseal the seal ]

Looking at the line of words appearing on the screen both Drake and Isshin were stunned

"well now what"

"its due to that seal you put upon him as a kid, it might prevent his future growth isshin"

Drake said as he tilted his head slightly towards isshin

"..... well its better than him dying though"


Door of the metal tube was pushed open soon a hand came out of it as it grab on the edge of tube

soon Izumi came out with a pale face as he sat down, takes deep breath to stabilize his condition

"you can leave him here i will see what i can do about him .... Are you sure you really don't want to tell him about your and kushina departure ..... He will be completely broken when he finds out what happen to you and his mother .... I can already imagine that you are not planning for a reunion"

Drake gazed at Izumi as he stork his bread

"Naa he will push through this after all he is my son i believe in him" saying that Isshin soon walks towards his son

Damm that was very weird, it feels like .....ants were crawling all around my body i will never get in one of those thing again

"Get up Izumi We need to talk"

snapping me out of my thoughts was a large shadow that soon covered me as voice of my father sounded out looking up I tried to stand up with all my body I am literally exhausted

"Yes Dad"

Isshin gaze deeply in the blue eyes of his son sorting out his complex feelings he retrieve a black bracelet from his pocket as he handed it to his son

"You are going to live in the academy from today on-wards This storage device contain all your necessities and some other things"

Taking the bracelet from my father hands I was momentary lost for word

after some second I manage of grasp the meaning of my father words shouting out loud

"EEEhhhhhhh ... What do you mean living in the academy can't i live with you guys and came to academy through train"

Rubbing Izumi head gently Isshin said "Dad and Mom has something to do, we will be going out this city for some time .... so you have to stay in the academy during this period of time, and no crying ok .... I have left some things for you in the bracelet be sure to check them out"

Half through tears started to appear through Izumi eyes but he held them back "But you have never left me alone before ...why now?"

"Listen Izumi there are some things that a man got to face in his life, no matter how they run, eventually time will come where they have to face them, sooner or later they will have to embrace these thing ... my time has also come and i will not back away from them" Isshin said as resolution flashes through the depth of his eyes

"....ay... ato what are you saying dad i don't get it at all?"zumi said Scratching his head in confusion

Isshin smile slightly " You will understand one day my child, just remember to train hard and make your father proud by becoming the strongest hero of all, that's your dream right?"

"Yes yes ..... i will become the strongest and beat all the bad guys " IZumi said as he punched the empty air in front of him

"hahahahahhaha ... ya you will" Isshin laugh as he flick Izumi forehead

"itteoo(it hurts) .... dad how many time i have told you to not to do that, I am not a child anymore" Izumi pouted as he looked to right side with an embarrass expression

"You will always be a child for me Izumi no matter how much you have grown up... now i should be going take care of yourself and don't cause too much trouble"Isshin said as he started going to wards the elevator waving his hand he soon disappear from the hall.

"...sigh kodoma(kid) cheer up i have call someone he will send you to your droom" drak said as he flunk his mobile to the side

"ahhhh ..... Thank you for having me ....ay .....ato ... grandpa lizard "

Drake bow twiched he gritted his teeth as he slam his hand on the desk

" Bamm ...oye kodomo (kid) it's Drake D.R.A.K.E, I am a mighty dragon "

"ay.... Dra.... Drag.... what was it again"

"DRAGONNNN " Drake shouted furiously

"Ah Yes dragon ... But aren't they look like lizard "Izumi said as he pondered for a bit with a serious expression


Blanking out for a moment Drake body tremble uncontrollably


"Yes ... I got it " Izumi replied with a look of realization on his face star appear in his eyes as he shouted

Seeing the look on Izumi face Drake heave a sign of relief "So what do you understand"

"That we can't call Dragons a just lizard..."

Smiling widely Drake wipe the sweat on his forehead and repeatedly nodded his head

"Right Right..... looks like you got i...."

"they are just some Big lizards with horns " Izumi replied as he wave his hand on his head making a gesture of horns


Drake fell head first to the ground hearing Izumi words as he mumble to himself" I am a Dragon not some Lizard"

Drake slowly stand up with his dejected face and shouted

"GENTOKIIIIIIIIII ... You Bastard, Don't think i don't Know you are here, Get out "


Soon a Figure appeared in the hall beside Izumi having white hair, wearing a half black ,half white kimono with a katana attached to the side

Trying to hide his shaking shoulder as much as he can Gentoki said

" what is it you called for old liz.....pffff I mean old man"

Drake brow twiched "Gentoki if the of what happen here got out ... I am gonna wipe your ass until its red you understand"

Remembering something of the distance past Gentoki tremble slightly as his eyes panic making a zipping motion on his lips "Khaummm khaum don't worry old man my lips are sealed"

"HMPH they should better be any way take this child to droom no 7 assign him a room there, also tell him about his classes "

"Yes sir"

looking towards izumi Gentoki scanned him from top to bottom "lets go kid"

Gentoki and izumi soon started to go towards the elevator as izumi mutter to himself "This grandpa has weird fantasies with assess i should stay away from him.... dad says to stay away from strange people"

As soon as his voice fell an heavy pressure descend in the hall as heavy breathing of Drake can be heard from behind Izumi and Gentoki

Sensing the atmosphere in the air Gentoki Grab Izumi from his shoulder as ran towards the elevator as a voice sounded behind them