
First Day at Academy

Two figures were walking down the hall way of droom 7 one wearing half black and half white kimono , katana to his waist.... second one is a boy 12 year old with silver white pointy hair

these 2 figures were obviously Gentoki and Izumi

"gotta say you got some guts kid, for saying all that to dean"

"I just told the truth"

"..... well this is droom 7 and your room number is also 7. this droom only has 7 rooms other than yours all others are currently occupied ,your classes will be in classroom no A01 starting from tomorrow 8 A.M. Location of your class will send to your communication gadget.... Ah here it is your room "

Infront of us at the end of hall was a room with number 7 written on it

"where is it mmmmmmmm ... ah yes here is your room key now i should be going" searching his kimono Gentoki san handed me a key

"now i should be on my way now see you tomorrow " saying that Gentoki turn around and started walking away as i open the door of my new room

'what am i forgetting ....I'm really forgetting some thing what is it "Gentoki pondered as he came out of the building

On the other side

Upon entering the Room i was greeted with a plain room with a bed , single table ,2 chairs and a shelf for books , which was empty though. Laying down on the bed i soon fall asleep as i was really tired from the assessment from before

Next morning.....

Trriiing Trriing

snapping me out of my sweet dreams was the sound of alarm clock

"mhmmmm" Stretching out as i step out of my bed, walks toward the restroom to the side, brushed and took a bath, changing into new sets of cloths that were put in the bracelet I soon got out of room 'mhhhhhm wait a minute how am i suppose to go to my class room ... he did not give me my communication device at all yesterday'

searching for someone from whom I can ask the way to Class A01,soon got out of the building

"hey here you are took you long enough" Gentoki appear right beside izumi

"Ahhhhhh ... don't just appear out of nowhere, i have a small heart" scared shitless by the sudden voice Izumi jump to the near by tree

"Enoughhh kid get down we are getting late for the class .... i came here because i forgot to gave you your watch tomorrow lets go" Turning around Gentoki started walking away as izumi soon followed

"Hey wait for meeeee"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 minutes after we soon reached classroom building at appropriate 7:58 we manage to reached the class room

Classroom was arranges in 3 rows and 6 columns with attached seats. class room was brimming with children all wearing different cloths and from different race like Elf race, Orc , Drak elf,

beast race and some demi-human (you all know what demi human is so i am not gonna explain just imagine it as a mixture of every race with human)

" go get on a seat" Gentoki said as he proceed towards the desk

As i was proceeding toward my seat in the last row third column i heard everyone whispering to each-other looking in my direction

"he is the one right"

"Yes he was one who was assigned to Droom no 7 and you know the hilarious thing is he was assigned to room no 7 i have seen Gentoki sensi led this boy in the droom "

"ohh .... poor soul"

"yeah he is a little handsome but .... what a pity"

Reaching the last seat that was empty i sat down

"bam bam .... silence we are going to start a class soon, pay attention "Bamming the register on the desk Gentoki said


"present sensei"


"present sensi"







"p... Present sensei"

"Today we will talk about rank promotions, as you may know, in order to rank up one's must accumulate energy in their body, there are 2 main way to accumulate energy in your body 'Internal or external body cultivation' but did anyone of you know there exist a third way"

"A third way...."

"Is it true"

"Never heard of it"

As soon as Gentoki words sounded out whispers spread all over the class

My interest was also piqued because dad has only told me about 2 ways of cultivating

"silence... Let me finish first, these 2 ways were commonly know to everyone, not much is known about the third way, it has something to do with spirituality,.... let me tell you a story,


thousand of years ago in the era of demon king, a man rises from the common floks, his power was incridble, with in years he became the strongest man, and when i mean strongest i mean, strongest man that ever exist to this date.... "

" Sensei we all know who that person was, his name was yamamoto. He was the only person who was said to have achieved, the legendry SS RANK the same as Demon king" A boy wearing glasses from the first row said

"Right but do you know how has he accomplished that rank"

The boy paused for sometime standing up as he bow a little

"please enlighten me sensi"

"oea Akira how many time times i have to tell you not to do that.... We are living in 2456 not in some old era"

"But sensei i believe 'A teacher for a day, father for whole life" Akira said as he bow again

"..... Sigh whatever suit yourself, ahhh where were we... Ah... Yes reason for yamamoto strenth, why throughout all of humanity and other races only he was able to breakthrough SS RANK,... It was because he invented a third path of ascension,..... cultivating body and spiritual power together. Which was later known as the warlock path but unfortunately that path was lost with his disappearance with the demon king, years after humans and many other races tried to recreate that path but..... Alas to this date no one succeeded though we may have create imitation of that path and using that imitation people have manage to reach S Rank but no one was able to breakthrough SS rank again thats why yamamoto is called the strongest to this date"

" but sir spiritual power is the specialty of soul race so was yamamoto from soul race" a chuby boy wearing a young master attitude asked

"hahaha good question Renki, it is true that soul race secialty was spirtual power but humans can use spiritual power too..... But only one in 10 thousand can practice spirtual power and only 1 in millions can practice body and spirtual power together, speaking of which we have 2 candidates here who can possible cultivate spirtual power and Body together"

"wahhh 2... Ato sensei who are these two people"

"yeah our class has such a person and we don't know at all"

Exclamation can be heared from the students especially girls

"First one is Isokhi kougami" Gentoki said as he pointed toward a certain youth in the class

Haughtily sitting on the chair in the last row right next to Izumi was Isokhi kougami with cleared green eyes and dignified face. Having a perfect masculine jawline seemed as it was chiseled by sculpture

From time to time you could see girls secretly glancing at him

"did i hear right sensei said kougami by kougami he meant... That kougami"

"Who eles have the guts to suname them after the best assassination clan"

"Yeah a clan of ruthless killers.... We whould stay away from him"

"yes yes don't provoke him"

Frightened most of student move away from Isokhi well most except Izumi.

Seeing that Gentoki secretly shook his head in disappointment but seeing as izumi did not move a little light flashes throught Gentoki's eyes

"sensei who is 2nd person"

"Oh the second one.... Mhmmmmm ah yes I... fogot hahahaha"

black lines appeared on most of the studend forhead' if you don't want to say then just refuse it, who will believe such a lame excuses'