
First Day of Academy ll

"clap clap..... Now now everyone let's put that aside for a moment and talk about energy, that you need to accumulated in order to level up, some call it mana, some call it chakra, but at root they are all the same. As you all know there are many techniques developed for this purpose, every race has a technique that is best suitable for them. They are also available on your watches.

After turning 12 year old someone is best suitable for training and gathering these energies, Before the age of 12 a person's body was not fully developed to house these energies, so we will be starting your traning from today.. I want everyone to gather around the traning ground in 10 minutes" saying that Gentoki walk out of the class.

"our first training..... I'm kinda looking forward fo it"

Mumbling students soons started to go towards the traning ground


I was also walking down the hall way along with others suddenly a hand was warped around my shoulders

"My name is Atarox, you are the one who was assigned to room no 7 recently right, i gotta say you have guts"

Gazing at the youth who appeared beside me, having a skinny red color body including face, with razor sharp teeth, and claw like hand it was apparent that he was from demi human race.

"Izumi..... Izumi kurosaki nice to meet you, is there a problem with room no 7, I have heared some talking about it in the class"

Taking a good look at my face Atarox sigh

"you really did not know about that room, sigh poor soul..... Let me tell you than, some years ago a student committed suicide in this academy, his body was found in room no 7"

Hearing what Atarox said chill ran down my body as i shakingly asked

"so what does that has doo with me"

"It is said that the ghost of that student still lives in That room and it does not like someone occupying his territory, the previous student who was assigned to that room was hospitalized for a week"

"Ahhhh ghossst"

Izumi said as he stumble backwards with a pale face

"My advice to you is that you change that room talk to Gentoki sensei about changing the room"

Saying that Atarox soon faded from izumi view

- - - - - - - - - - - -

10 minutes later in traning ground students were standing in lines, A muscular man wearing a tight blue suit, with orange hair was standing beside Gentoki

"Theodore i will leave them to you then, don't over do it" as genkoi started walking towards the exit....

Theodore scan the students in front of him "You can count on me Gentoki "

"My name is Theodore, your training teacher, the things l like and the things I dislike ... I feel there's no need to tell you, LISTEN BRATS what we were are gonna do today is chakra traning, everybody has a small amount of chakra in their bodies from birth, what we are going to do today is to learn how to feel that chakra

Now everyone i want you to run around the ground 5 times So START RUNNING little things"

Looking at the 2 kilometer long ground many gluped nervously as they started to run, izumi included

1 Hour later

"ha" ha "ha" ha "

Rapid breathings could be heard from the ground as everyone laid exhausted on the ground


Theodore shouted as he stamp his foot on ground creating a large Carter and pointed towards the stones to the side, weight at least 40 kg each

Some of the student who has recovered a little of their stamina started walking towards the stones fearfully

"..... "

Seing that majority of student still lying down,Theodore produce a whip from his storage ring and smack it on the ground with a crazed expression


"GET UP or the next one would fall upon one of you"

At that moment Theodore was more like a demon king in students eyes

AFTER another hour passed everyone lay prone to the ground ,completely exhausted, some people fainted halfway through the training. Only 5 student remain standing with ISOKHI KOUGAMI being the first with not even an speck of sweat on his body, Next was a Demi human looks exactly like Atarox but a more to the bulkier side, beside him lay prone to the ground was Atarox fainted.....

two Girls One of them standing by Isokhi side having a beautiful face and emitting a kind of peaceful vibes, you can see two dimples forming on her beautiful face as she smiles looking at Isokhi....

The other Girl was an otherworldly beauty having black waterfall like hair, Silver color eyes, Pointy ears, She was what you can call a perfect beauty and with her rather Cold expression she looks Out of the world...

And the fifth one standing was Our protagonist ... Izumi Kurosaki, but Izumi was rather spend as he sat down and breaths rapidly

Seeing the 5 student standing Theodore nodded his head ' Not bad ... most of Freshies end up lying on the ground on their first day of training compare to a decade ago this generation has some promising candidate well it is to be expected from Kougami child and that girl beside him after all they are from the same clan, what rather surprise me was the elf princes (Rika Ayame) and that demi-human (Rhaast) and last but not the least Izumi kurosaki ..... son of Isshin THE RED EYE DEMON this year class gonna be intresting hehehehehehehhehe'

Seing the scary smile on the professor face Izumi asked nervously

"ay ..... ato Sensei why are you smiling you look like gangster"

Wipping that smile on his face Theodore cough

" Kheumm..... Now hurry up get in to line you little twerfs "


Theodore said as he whiped a tree near him leaves starting falling from the tree near the students

"now most of you may already have done this before but not in the extreme exhausted state, everyone will pick a leave and make a hole in the the center using your chakra,, because you are in exhausted state your body is generating heated which will help you in channeling your chakra more easily than normal circumstances you have 10 minutes to do thi..."

"Its done" Isokhi said as he show his leave with a hole in the center

"....." Theodore was left speechless with Isokhi speed

"W...well done isokh....."


Before Theodore can finish speaking an other voice rang in his ears turning around Izumi face greeted him smiling folishly as he show off his skills

'What's this, its a dream right , this takes me 3 hour to complete and they did it in a matter of seconds ......... monsters ' Theodore scan the two students before him with his mouth wide open

"now sit down and move the chakra in your body through your chakra network ...."

" Ato ... sensei I quite don't understand" Izumi said scratching his head

'sigh he seems somewhat dense ' Theodore said as he pointed toward Isokhi who was sitting down and was already immense in training

"Just imagine the chakra flowing in to your body let it move freely just like he is doing"

Watching Isokhi i soon sat down as I started Recalling the feeling of chakra flow in my body when i punctured the leaf, soon I can feel a vast amount of chakra flowing through my body..

As Izumi was practicing an aura of vastness stared to spreading around, himself as a center ,

"mhmmm ... That chakra its a little wild and ..... way more than a 12 year old was supposed to have, he is standing at the threshold of RANK F interesting, A little push is all he needed to enter F Rank , A child born from fusion of 2 of the most powerfull bloodline and kekei Genkai mhmmmm now I am looking forward to his growth just thinking about it make me exciting "