
Ghost Appeared

[Info dumb

A person's chakra capacity is limited, it is measured by the Ranks, the more quantity of chakra a person can store in his body the more Rank he can acheive.

Gathering of chakra is a slow process. lets say a person assessment show that he can achieve C rank, when his chakra capacity reaches C rank he cannot store more Chakra in his body]

Sitting in my room i massage my foot its been 2 hours since we have finished our training , we learn many things from professor Theodore like, first time feeling the chakra in my body, Learning chakra control and many more

After class I have tried to find GenToki sensei, so that i can change my room but ...sigh unfortunately I was not able to find him What should i do if ghost appear, i have heard they eat young boys

Suddenly a shadow started to form behind Izumi as it enlarged, wind started to flow in the room, chair started to levitate in the air, creaking sound can be heard from the washroom door

".....who .... is it? .....look ghost uncle I did not look delicious at all .... I have not taken a bath in two days ... I also smell like a fish " Izumi said as he started to tremble from fear ,his face pale lost all the color as he fell from the bed

Suddenly a frightening face of wolf appear in the midair as it started to laugh madly "Muhaahaha ..... muhahahhahaha"

Halfway through the figure's Laugh Izumu fainted with foam all over his face

For the next some second Silence decent upon the room


" I can't believe it he fainted hahaha"

"hohohoh i can't laugh anymore "

Outside of Izumi room laughter sounded out as we can see Atarox with Ren (the same girl who was standing beside Isokhi) and some other students as they laugh

Atarox "These holographic techs are good, counting this one there are total of 10 student who fainted from this heheheheh its fun"

Ren said with a worrying expression "I think we went a little over board"

"What are you saying its the welcome ceremony, we all have gone through that, so cheer up

hahaha I just want to see his face when we play this video in the class room tomorrow"

Next day

Trinnnng trrrinnng

Izumu wake up from the annoying Alarm sound

"Ahhhhhhhh" halfway through streching he suddenly remember what happen last night as he screamed and ran out of Room,

Soon he reached his classroom Shouting "Ghosts Ghosts ....There are ghosts in my room, They will kill me ..... save me Gentoki sensei "as he lunged towards gentoki and grab his leg

"oye kiddo let me go ... let me go you idiotttttt" Gentoki said as he tries to separate himself from Izumi but could not no matter how much he tries

.....who .... is it? .....look ghost uncle I did not look delicious at all .... I have not taken a bath in two day.....

Leaving Gentoki and standing up Izumi soon got distracted by a video which got played by the biggest screen in the class room as he watched himself fainted from fear his cheeks turn red from shame


"we got another-one heheheheh"

Laughter could be heard from all over the class room as the video was played

" so .... it was all a prank" Izumi said with a look of relief

"what do you think ...Don't tell me you believe that there was a ghost did you" Gentoki spoke as he tries to hold his laughter

"ahh.... I" Izumi open his mouth but was not able to speak for sometime

Patting izumi shoulder Gentoki spoke "If you want to blame someone, you can only blame that old man (dean), he is the one who arranged for you to be in room no 7"

I blanked out as, image of an old man with long white bread appeared in my mind laughing at me, and celebrating his victory, I clenched my fist 'Dammm you....'

"well no use to cry over spilled milk, every member of your class has gone through that experience , after all it's welcome ceremony... Welcome to the academy kid"

Gentoki console izumi as he pointed towards his seat gesturing him to sit down

"Now, now everyone, we have a class today so pay attention....

Today we will talk about Dungeons, what is a dungeon, how they came to existance,

etc. Thousands of years ago when demon king was sealed in the underground world.

We thought this will be the end of people's agony and suffering but centuries after Sealing the demon king. Demons manage to somehow find a way to lossen the seal put on underground world, though not by a large margin but demonic energy started to leaked out in world from diffrent regions, some of the weaker demons started to appear from the seal, but due to the presences of seal, they cannot escape the area they appeared with in, These reigons were later named as Dungeons. Humanity needed to send their elites to safe guard these Dungeons, from time to time these elites have to enter these dungeons and kill the demons present in these area, to keep the numbers of demons in check, because if the numbers of demons reached a high level, dungeon break will happen and all the demons in the region will be left free to ravage the whole earth

With time the numbers of dungeons increased as the seal lossen, now a day dungeons have appeared all over the world

With some of them being S rank dungeons

Every S Rank dungeon holds a demon General or a Demon prince /princess with in power level are stronger than a S Rank hero. But not at the level of SS Rank, though a party of S Rank heroes was neede to kill that demon.

But now in modern time these dungeons are consider money making nests, because the flesh, blood and bones of demon are used in making a lot of things, this have become a normal these days, now a day a dungeon is consider a money making farm alot of heroes dives into it to earn livelihood, demons which once were a symbol of fear and destruction has came to a tragic end....… "

As the lecture goes on i was more and more ingross in it

Trinng trinnnng

With the sound of bell, class ended

".... Well i guess this is it for today, now everyone will head towards the traning ground..... Bye see you tomorrow"

As Gentoki was walking out of classroom he suddenly paused turning around

"Aa... ... Izumi kun make sure to change your room to droom no8 room no 366...and be careful from ghost hahahaha" saying gentoki walks out of class

A good laughter echoed in the class for sometime even the cold elf princess (Mikasa) smile a little

I just happened to be caught that glimpse of that smile..... That smile as though as you have seen the beautiful scene of the world, thought of protecting that smile somehow bloom in my mind


As i was lost in my thoughts a hand suddenly kiss my right cheeks creating a loud sound, as i was drag out of my thoughts

"Are you an idiot, she is the elf princess born with a special constitution, by looking directly into her eyes anyone would lost their soul in a matter of minutes.... You are lucky one that you sirvive, don't look at her if you want to survive"

Looking up i saw Isshin lectureing me with his own style, knowing that what situation i have been through just know, and knowing what would have hapoen if Isshin has not waken me up soon chill ran down my spine

"Thank you ...but do you really have to slap that hard" massaging my right cheek, which hurt like hell

"Hmph" displaying a rather cold attitude Isokhi turn around and walks out of class

"mhhhh??????.... weird guy" mumbling out Izumi soon followed others to the training Ground

Just like that a month passed away

Night time in the training ground

Two figures could be seen climbing on trees but the weird thing was that they were walking with their foot on the tree and their bodies perpendicular to earth,

" I'm not gonna lose Isokhi"

"Talk when you were able to defeat me..... you idiot"

"who are you calling a idioTTTTtttt....."

snap snap

Snapping sound heard as they both plumped down to the ground

Bam Bam

"Shit one more time"

Some distance away from them a girl's figure could be seen watching them with a smile on her face. clapping her hands

"Clap clap .... now would you two stop it, it's time for dinner hurry up or the mess will be closed, find some other time for your playing"

"We are not playing we are competing Ren"

"We are not playing we are competing Ren"

Izumi and Isokhi both replied at the same time

"heeehehhehe sister Ren did i not told you they would be here, doing that nonsense again"

A figure appeared beside Ren from the shadow having a sticky red color body, wearing academy new uniform

"Ahhh what did you say you Sticky stick ... say one more word and i will chop you" Isokhi said as a knife appear in his hand

Flickring his hand a Red scythe appeared in Atarox hand "ha..... what did you say you Dickhead "

"Dick..... head hahahahaha what a nice name Atarox" Izumi said as he thumps up to Atarox

"What are you laughing at you CLOWN" pointing toward the Izumi Atarox swing his Scythe

Soon the three of them started to brawl

seeing the scene in-front of herself Ren was speechless " Three idiots..... " Tinking back to a month before.....

It all started with Gentoki sensei announcement

"One month from now we are going to appoint a class monitor, and according to my observation whoever got the best score in the first month test will be appointed as class monitor "

After that everyone started to compete with each others, especially these three as they are the best in class from the start

But life plays a cruel joke on them

"you guys know that fighting won't do any good now, as Rhaast is already appointed as class monitor" Rin spoke


Silent decent in the field for some minutes as voices of cricket could be heard

"I am hungry"

" me to"

"than lets go or the mess will be closed"

All three spoke as they started going towards the mess

"Atarox how the hell did your brother Ended up becoming class prep"

"Well he might be a little cold ,and appear ruthless to others but he is still my brother.. and I will not hear a word againsed him"

"Ah here we have it the brother lover"

"What did you say Dickhead"





the end